Educational Multimedia: Design, Development, and Implementation
Education is a process aimed at promoting the integral, harmonious, and complete development of human beings within their natural, social, cultural, and living contexts. It fosters responsible and committed individuals within society.
Innovation is an intentional, controlled change and improvement in a specific aspect of a system that meets certain developmental needs.
Image Types
Presentations can be illustrated with photographic or drawn images.
Layout and Graphics
Such images are products of the human mind, attempting to express information in an easily understandable manner.
A type of schematic that can be used to organize textual, numerical, and symbolic elements.
Image Formation
Light is reflected from the surface of objects. This reflection reaches our eyes, forming an image on the retina, which in turn generates electrical signals. These signals travel as impulses to the brain, where they are processed to construct diagrams or mental images.
Teaching Effectiveness
This concept attempts to express the amount of information the learner retains in relation to the amount of information the trainer has tried to convey during the training process. It also considers the cost invested in developing and delivering the message.
Perception is a selective, intelligent, and personalized activity. When presented with the same information, not everyone makes the same selection of what is of interest.
Model for Designing Materials
Representation and characterization of reality, identifying the problem, and classifying and prioritizing needs.
Redesigning a component or an entire system to meet the needs, conducting a detailed plan of action, and using a theoretical framework.
Construction of equipment, development of specific activities for the material, and creation of new elements for the system, including all new materials.
Test driving alone, setting the stage, implementing materials through several stages, and conducting testing and evaluation.
Assessing the performance of the system, its effect on other components, and its operation and management outcomes in relation to the proposed goals.
Multimedia Programs
Educational Software
Computer programs created with the specific purpose of being used as a teaching tool.
Multimedia Education
Computer programs that incorporate elements such as text, graphics (animations), images, videos, sounds, and music.
Management of Training Materials
Exercise Programs
Programs that propose strengthening exercises with corrections, without providing pre-conceptual explanations.
Tutorial Programs
Programs that first show the contents and then provide exercises with corrections based on the presented material.
Programs Such as Books or Stories
These present information in a static environment, similar to a book.
Conventional Databases
These store information in files, maps, or graphics, allowing students to navigate freely to gather information.
Expert Databases
These are highly specialized databases on a particular topic.
Physical-Mathematical Models
These represent a reality with numerical or graphical forms, governed by laws represented by a deterministic system of equations.
Social Environments
These offer a reality governed by laws that are not entirely deterministic, such as strategy games and adventures, with tactics changing over time.
Builders or Creative Workshops
Specific Constructors
These provide users with mechanisms for constructing different environments, models, or structures.
Programming Languages
These offer “symbolic laboratories” in which an unlimited number of environments can be constructed.
Software Tools
General Purpose Programs
Word processors, graphic editors, and spreadsheets from the working world.
Languages and Authoring Systems
These facilitate the development of tutorial programs for teachers without extensive computer knowledge.
Educational Multimedia Features
Ease of use and installation, versatility, quality of the audiovisual environment, cognitive effort required, current pedagogical approach, motivational capabilities, navigation, and interaction.
Functions of Multimedia in Education
Informative, enlightening, uplifting, evaluative, investigative, communicative, metalinguistic, playful, and innovative roles.