Effective Employee Selection and Contract Types

Effective Employee Selection

The selection process assesses candidates’ characteristics, competence, capabilities, limitations, and cultural fit to find the best person for a specific job.

The selection process is complex and specialized. It’s often necessary to outsource this work to specialized agencies (ETT).

Selection Process Phases

  1. Preset: To reduce a large number of candidates, a preliminary screening is necessary to avoid a lengthy and costly process. Reviewing the candidate’s curriculum vitae helps identify the best-fitting profile.
  2. Testing: Successful candidates from the initial screening are invited to take tests or attend a preliminary interview.

Types of Tests

  • Psycho Test: A battery of closed-ended questions to determine intelligence and attitude.
  • Professional Testing: Tasks related to the position in question.
  • Knowledge Testing: Written or oral exams based on a pre-set agenda, often used for government positions.
  • Physical Tests: Required physical condition for certain jobs.
  • Graphology Tests: Analyzing handwriting to determine personality aspects.

Employment Contracts and Types

An employment contract is an agreement between a company and an employee, where the employee provides paid services under the company’s direction, yielding business results.

Types of Contracts

  • Indefinite Contract: An agreement without a set termination date.
  • Fixed-Term Contract: An agreement with a set termination date, unless extended. These contracts are regulated to promote employment. Structural, cyclical, and training contracts are included.

Contract of a Formative Nature

This contract allows young, unprepared individuals to develop a trade or skilled job, or refine existing knowledge. There are two types:

  • Contract in Practice: Provides paid work to apply and improve knowledge, offering practical experience related to their studies.
  • Training Contract: Enables the worker to acquire theoretical and practical training for a trade or qualified job.

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