Effective Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management: Key Functions

A) Organization and Personnel Planning

B) Selection and Recruitment of Staff

To make a good selection, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the exact profile of the ideal candidate.
  2. Recruit candidates.
  3. Conduct the selection process.
  4. Choose the person who has shown suitability for the job being offered.
  5. Finalize the hiring process.

C) Personnel Management

This function manages all legal and administrative proceedings involving company staff. Examples:

  1. Selection and contract formation.
  2. Processing of payroll and social security.
  3. Control of worker’s rights and duties.

1. Selection and Training of Contracts

An employment contract is an agreement between a person and a worker.

2. Contents of a Contract

A contract must mention the following aspects:

  • a) The trial period.
  • b) Duration.
  • c) The content of the work performed.
  • d) Wages and salaries.
  • e) The working time.

3. Types of Contracts

  • a) The employment contract of indefinite duration.
  • b) Employment contract of definite duration.
  • c) Contract formative in nature: there are two types: the placement contract and the contract for training.

4. Payroll and Social Security

The salary is the total economic benefit workers receive in cash or in kind for providing professional services, either as payment for actual work or rest periods counted as work.

  • A) Minimum wage (SMI).
  • B) Composition of the salary: the salary comprises the basic wage and salary components.
  • C) Bonuses.
  • D) A guarantee of pay.

The payroll is the individual proof of payment of wages which the employee receives in settlement of their wages. The wage slip comprises the following parts:

  1. Header
  2. Accruals: amounts received by the worker for different concepts (the gross wage).
  3. Bases of social security contributions.
  4. Deductions.
  5. Total net salary.

5. Control of Rights and Duties of Workers

Workers’ rights are:

  • a) Weekly rest.
  • b) Annual leave.
  • c) Not to be discriminated against for employment.

And the duties are:

  • a) Meet the specific requirements of the job.
  • b) Comply with health and safety measures taken.
  • c) Contribute to improving productivity.
  • d) Deliver the fruits of their labor to the employer.
  • e) Respect the power of the employer’s address.

D) Human Resources Training

The training of workers allows company staff to adapt to the changes that occur in society and technological advances.

E) Labor Relations

1. Trade Unions and Representatives of Workers

The union is an association of workers formed to defend their common interests. The participation of employees in the company is implemented through:

  • Staff representatives: they are the representatives of workers in companies or establishments with between 10 and 50 employees.
  • Works council: is the representative body of all workers of enterprises with 50 or more workers.

2. Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is the process aimed at achieving an agreement between employers and employees on the conditions that will develop the activity in a workplace, company, or group of companies.

  • Collective agreement: a contract negotiated and concluded by representatives of workers and employers to regulate working conditions for a geographic area and a specific activity.

3. Collective Conflict

This occurs when the company and workers differ in some aspect of the employment relationship. To solve them, the following measures can be taken:

  • Collective labor disputes: through them, try to solve the disagreements affecting the general interests of workers.
  • The strike: is the interruption of supply of labor by workers to impose certain conditions or to express a protest.
  • The lockout: the closure of the workplace by the employer, in case of strike or any other irregularity in the system of collective work.

F) Control of Personnel

The human resources department monitors the activities they perform, manages staff motivation, and evaluates the results obtained with the intention of resolving any errors.

G) Knowledge Management

Knowledge is one of the main assets of any organization and today is a basic tool of management, a new way of understanding and managing organizations, which aims to increase its efficiency and productivity.