Effective Literacy Programs and Methods for Diverse Learners

Literacy Programs and Cognitive Processes

Literacy Programs →

  • Bermejo establishes two levels:
    • Micro processes: low-level processes performed automatically. These use decoding tasks, such as discrimination of letters, syllables, and words, and parsing.
    • Macro processes: high-level processes made consciously. These are used in text comprehension tasks, such as encoding statements and thematic integration.
  • According to Das, the cognitive processes involved in learning to read are:
    • Planning: Refers to programming, regulation, and verification, fundamental for understanding.
    • Note: Includes orientation, discrimination learning, selective concentration, arousal, and effort.
    • Simultaneous processing: Covers the management of information in a holistic set. Visual recognition of words and understanding the meaning of a sentence are activities that require this type of processing.
    • Thereafter Processing: Refers to the encoding of information in sequential order. Requires the simultaneous visual discrimination of words; the successive type is auditory, rhythmic, temporal.

Literacy Methods for Students with Different Levels


  • Method Esperanza (Pérez Marina): Eclectic method based on syllables. Directed at students with severe cognitive impairment, mild disorder, dyslexia, or delayed schooling for various causes.
  • Method MAPAL (Jimenez): A method for learning anti-dyslexic literacy.
  • Method “Come to Read” (Benetuser): Applied at an early age, starts with the word as a whole unit, continues with the analysis of syllables and letters, and adds different teaching techniques (multisensory phonetic and visual identification, gestural participation, and significant association).
  • Reading Method Comes Nolla (Comes Nolla):
    1. Presentation of reading.
    2. Overall presentation of words.
    3. Word Analysis.
    4. Reading words.
    5. Reading sentences. Reading sentences in his book.
    6. Reading picture books adapted.
  • Method of reading and writing Troncoso and Cerro:
    1. Global perception and word recognition.
    2. Learning syllables.
    3. Increasingly complex reading texts.
  • Method “I Like Reading” of the Down Syndrome Association of Granada: Method of globalization, of words and images, then passing to syllables. Is individualized. Recommended starting at age 4. Difficulty must be scaled. It takes place as follows:
    1. Association of the image to the written word. Before both ask, what is this?
    2. Association of the same words (without pictures).
    3. Discrimination in Article.
    4. Pass the word to the sentence (verbs are introduced with pictures of the action). From this form and read simple sentences. Then the child builds his own words.
    5. Initiation in reading syllabic (“break” simple words. Forming words with syllables).
  • Method “Staircase” of teaching reading to students with mild mental deficiency (Santiago Molina): Carried out according to these stages: logographic, alphabetic spelling.
  • Teaching reading Method (Molina): Examine the level of children in the prerequisites for learning to read (oral language, spatial structure, spatial orientation, according to the level of each child).