Effective Risk & Crisis Management: Planning & Communication

Risk Measurement Systems

Risk measurement systems: prioritize usefulness over sophistication. Identify potential risks and issues by:

  • Checking security and emergency systems.
  • Conducting surveys and interviews with internal stakeholders.
  • Reviewing production and facility processes.
  • Analyzing past crises.
  • Hiring an agency for image audits.
  • Performing a SWOT analysis.

Then, create a risk map combining impact and probability. Develop a public/audience map based on decision-making level, inquiry, behavior, opinion leadership, and group affiliation.

Collect audience information: socio-demographics, experience and relationship with the company, communication patterns, and influence. Categorize audiences by combining their position on the issue and importance to the company: low priority, supporter, problematic, antagonistic.

Crisis Plan: Why It’s Essential

A crisis plan saves time, reduces decision-making, speeds up technical decisions, reduces stress, and allows focus on the crisis’s content and strategic decisions. Keep it simple and prepare it during normal times.


  • Corporate credo.
  • Issue analysis (risk and public maps).
  • Crisis committee (psychological profiles: strategist, decisive, creative, pessimistic, tactician, leader).
  • Logistics.
  • Training simulations.
  • Communication plan.

Communication Functions in a Crisis

A crisis has a news/informative dimension. Mass media plays a role. Communication can cause or worsen a crisis. It shapes perceptions and is a proactive tool.

Key Aspects of Crisis Communication

Audiences/Publics: Use audience-centered approaches based on prior knowledge, empathy, and emotional communication. Keep internal stakeholders informed.

The Message: Define the crisis from the start to control communication, help the public overcome the crisis, tell the truth, and structure content.

The Spokesperson: The face of the organization during the crisis should be a communicator, not a technician. They must convey serenity, calmness, and firmness, speaking with one voice. The CEO/President should not be the primary spokesperson.

Media Relations: Media is a key audience. Systematize communication timing. Make the first public statement within the first hour. Avoid information voids. Be factual. Prohibit lies, silences, or “no comments.” Avoid scoops and “off the record” statements. Set up a press center and create a dark site.

Crisis Communication Plan


  • Key publics (identification and contact info).
  • Spokesperson and backups.
  • Communication team and contact info.
  • Communication tools.
  • Media map/list and contact info.
  • Key messages for each situation/public.
  • Standard answers to intrusive questions.
  • Templates/samples.
  • Dark site.
  • Media coverage and social network monitoring systems.

Communication Through the Crisis Life Cycle


  • Issues management and CSR.
  • Fluent and ongoing communication and feedback.
  • Objectives: Develop good relationships with the public to control rumors and signals of crisis, prepare the public for future crises, and design a crisis communication plan.

Acute Stage:

  • Objectives: Define the crisis accurately and quickly.
  • Be proactive, control the message, segment audiences, use emotional and technical communication.
  • Use “We’re working on it/everything’s under control” messages.
  • Convey calm and firmness.
  • Systematize media relations and be honest.

Chronic Stage:

  • Two clear messages: the main problem is under control, and explain what is being done to solve remaining issues.
  • Use technical communication rather than emotional.
  • Pay attention to perceptions.
  • Address audience hypersensitivity.
  • Repeat messages and provide evidence of actions.

Resolution Stage:

  • Two main messages: the crisis is over, and share self-assessment results.
  • Explain what is being done to avoid future crises.
  • Pay attention to perceptions and restore image and reputation.
  • The CEO can now be the spokesperson.