Effective Sales Management: Recruitment, Training, and Client Approach

Effective Sales Management

Meeting Objectives

  • Share company and product information
  • Resolve internal conflicts
  • Reach consensus on decisions
  • Boost team spirit
  • Clarify doubts (e.g., new equipment)
  • Address urgent issues

Meeting Stages

  1. Preparation: Evaluate necessity, consider team atmosphere, set date, time, and place, send appropriate invitations, define attendance, set objectives/agenda.
  2. Development: Record minutes, maintain effective meeting rules (avoid digressions, stay on topic, use appropriate language, avoid confrontation).

Sales Management: The Peter Principle

Every worker receives job advancements until reaching their level of incompetence.

Leadership Styles

  • Authoritarian: Command and control (effective in crises and urgent decisions).
  • Cooperative: Achieve goals collaboratively.
  • Guiding Leader: Leads by example, empowers team members, delegates effectively, encourages learning from mistakes, facilitates communication.
  • Entrepreneurial: Identifies opportunities and makes decisions.
  • Democratic: Prioritizes everyone’s well-being.
  • Diplomatic: Uses arguments suitable for everyone.

Recruitment and Training

Recruitment Process

  1. Analysis and Preparation: Define job description (training, qualifications, required skills), candidate profile (values, skills, training).
  2. Recruitment Channels: Job ads, recruitment agencies, networking, competitor analysis, schools, authorized agents.

Selection Process

Quizzes, psychometric tests, handwriting analysis, interviews, final decision.

Onboarding and Training

  1. Welcome candidate
  2. Provide essential information
  3. Introduce colleagues
  4. Provide job manual and contract
  5. Sign contract (salary, holidays, allowances, transport)
  6. Verify information
  7. Negotiate contract terms
  8. Provide training

Common Sales Mistakes

  1. Failing to plan
  2. Overpromising
  3. Neglecting important issues
  4. Inefficient scheduling
  5. Not setting goals
  6. Not setting deadlines

Prospecting Methods

  1. Cold calls
  2. Customer testimonials
  3. Demonstrations (fairs, exhibitions)

Understanding Customer Needs

Enhance the visit with testimonials, presentations, compliments, product demonstrations.

Presentation and Contact

Professional handshake, appropriate attire.

Admirable Conduct in Spain

  • Maintain eye contact, listen attentively.
  • Value communication.
  • Speak clearly and with determination.
  • Express gratitude and encouragement.
  • Be punctual.
  • Return calls promptly.

Conduct to Avoid in Spain

  • Interrupting
  • Inappropriate attire
  • Being ungrateful
  • Using mobile phone during meetings
  • Not identifying yourself on the phone
  • Taking more than 24 hours to return a call

Personal Contact

Opening the Interview

Eight conversation starters:

  1. Ask a question
  2. Refer to a previous visit or call
  3. Mention customer news
  4. Leverage curiosity
  5. Make an observation
  6. Comment on good service
  7. Use a presentation or demonstration

Assessing Interest

Use open and closed questions to understand customer needs.

Product Introduction

Three main scenarios:

  1. Consumer products
  2. Industrial products
  3. Healthcare or services

Product demonstrations are always beneficial.