Effective Social Media Strategy for Business Success

Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Introduction: Online social networks have created a new relationship space between customers and brands where the user has the power. In this context, companies go from only offering traditional products or services to participating in conversations that really bring value and interesting content to users.

Interactive Marketing and Listening Skills:

  • Ability to listen to everything concerning clients.
  • Practicing interactive conversations.

Social Media Plan

What is a Social Media Plan? A social media plan is a roadmap, the planning and participation strategy of a company in social networks. It establishes coherent and effective online communication with users, oriented to achieve previously set objectives.

Stages of a Social Media Plan

1. Plan Your Goals

Your goals may be to:

  • Increase your presence on the network.
  • Increase your brand recognition.
  • Generate traffic to your corporate website.
  • Increase the level of interaction of your users.
  • Increase your contacts.
  • Position yourself as a benchmark in your sector through the generation of content.
  • Launch new products and give more visibility to your campaigns.
  • Improve your customer service and foster loyalty.
  • Improve your reputation if it is not good, or start having one if no one knows you.

2. Analyze the Situation Around You

You should ask yourself:

  • What is said about us?
  • Who are we on the internet?
  • Where do they talk about us?
  • What do our competitors do?
  • Who are the influencers?
  • Who do we want to be?

3. Define Your Target Audience

How does your audience behave in networks? Let’s interpret the client.

  • Really understand what’s behind each tweet.
  • What did our users mean?
  • What emotions are they transmitting in each tweet?
  • What do they like? What do they love?
  • Why do they hate it?

4. Positioning: What Will Be Your Engagement?

  • Find the engagement. It is that topic of conversation that allows the company to continuously talk with its audience, without having to talk about itself.
  • We attract people potentially interested in our brand. This is how we generate engagement, the basis of strategy on social networks.

5. Plan of Actions: Get to Work

Content Table:

  • What kind of content?
  • How many publications?
  • Which ones, and in particular, which ones in each social network?
  • How often?
  • With what language and tone?
  • What formats in each case?

6. Monitor and Measure

If we don’t measure, we don’t know. What can I measure? According to the previous goals:

  • What can I measure? Temporary variables
    • What goals do I want to achieve in a year?
    • What are my monthly goals?
    • What are my weekly goals?
  • How can I measure? KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
    • They are indicators that will help us measure our goals, know what we do well or badly, and how we should improve.
    • These metrics have to be in line with the objectives.