Effective Teamwork and Negotiation in Business
T.9/Groups in the Company
Formal Groups
Meet company needs, work well, PPCs workers integrated for a specific purpose.
Informal Groups
Spontaneously created to meet members’ needs.
Work Teams
- Permanent: Usual activities.
- Temporary: Respond to changes and innovation.
Managers, executives, professional development, labor, ad hoc, project, negotiation.
Formulate plans, make decisions, respond to senior managers, refine goals, develop processes, carry out tasks, address new problems, design products or processes, resolve conflicts.
Roles of the Equipment
Technical and Professional
Direct, organize, control, distribute work, solve problems, make decisions, process and disseminate information, gather information and ideas, test decisions, coordinate, increase commitment, resolve conflicts.
Personal and Social
Meet affiliate needs, help achieve personal goals, reduce insecurity, provide social support, facilitate entertainment and satisfaction.
Group Effectiveness
Determined by goal achievement, depends on members’ characteristics and competencies.
Effective Teams
Understand and accept tasks, comfortable environment, members participate and express freely, avoid conflicts, make consensus decisions, verify operation, frequent and frank criticism.
Ineffective Teams
Unclear tasks, misunderstood objectives, indifference, boredom, lack of listening, conflicts repressed, quick decisions, no operational study, criticism avoided.
Working Group vs. Individual
Better outcomes with diverse skills, team motivation, heterogeneous solutions, new ideas, member participation, increased involvement.
Individual approach can yield better results, teamwork takes longer, conformity tendency, conflict development, reduced individual effort.
Group Roles
Leader: Strong expression ability.
Coordinator: Guides team to objectives.
Researcher: Collects data and facts.
Expert: Superior knowledge.
Animator: Encourages members.
Spokesperson: Reflects views and opinions.
Observer: Objective aspects.
Chief: Formal power.
Dominator: Uses fear.
Resistant: Opposes systematically.
Manipulator: Guides to own objectives.
Sub-team: Subjected to fear or shame.
Accuser: Not involved.
Retro: Indifferent.
Sentimental: Seeks sympathy.
Funny: Interrupts with jokes.
Barriers to Participation
Fear of the group, lack of understanding, fear of change, feeling of time loss, fear of losing personality, fear for result quality, fear of judgment, conforming to dominant opinion.
T.10/Concept and Function of Meetings
Technique for exchanging information, common goals, and collective commitments.
Formal Aspect
Disseminate information, gather opinions, analyze and solve problems, make team decisions or work.
Informal Aspect
Meet needs for contact and affiliation.
Phases of a Meeting
Preparation Aspects
Topic choice, purpose definition, information preparation, participant identification, material resources, meeting convening (date, time, duration, place, theme, purpose, participant list, agenda, attendance confirmation), time determination (advised 2 hours).
Types of Questions in a Meeting
General Question: Collect information and encourage participation.
Direct Question: Question first, then appoint person.
Open Question: Targets each participant.
Closed Question: Yes or no response.
Reformulations: Animator returns the question to neutralize disruption and think about response.
Types of Meetings in the Company
Director informs and seeks clarification, two stages: information transmission and confirmation.
Collect views, small and homogeneous group, positive interest in people, questioning skills.
Horizontal information flow, analyze issues, reach conclusions, all have a voice, careful preparation, circular or oval table, 5 to 10 attendees.
Stages of a Debate
Brief introduction, participants justify presence and expectations.
Presentation of the Theme
Clear objective, precision, viable process to address the problem.
Development of the Agenda
Follow established order, respect times, ensure participation.
Summarize agreements, ensure understanding of actions.
According to Palmdale
Problems related to objectives, methods, procedures, organization, psychological intervention. Production Function: Identify tasks, collect information, find solutions. Facilitating Role: Address poorly defined targets, deviations from the plan. Regulatory Function: Address psychological problems hindering production.
Standards for the Moderator in a Debate
Ensure all participate, remain neutral, focus on the target, avoid monopolization, no ridicule, control time, use appropriate questions, remember progress, treat each participant individually, maintain attention level.
Typology of Participants
Shy: Invite to contribute with simple questions.
Amused: Control with direct questions, involve them.
Questioner: Group raises questions for them to answer.
Mute Volunteer: Ask direct, complex questions, present views to the group.
Liant: Interrupt gently, compare opinions with the group.
Discussant: Avoid engagement, present majority views.
Obstinate: Leave judgments to the end, raise to the group, achieve partial agreements.
Sabelotodo: Strengthen other interventions, ask tough questions, relativize their point of view.
T.11/Negotiation in the Company
Alternative to confrontation, resolves tensions through dialogue and solutions.
Parties defend interests, voluntary resolution, universal occurrence, conflicting interests, power relation.
Interaction process to resolve conflict through dialogue and mutual concessions.
Types of Negotiation
Explicit: Manifest exchange of offers.
Tactic: Parties unaware of negotiation.
Distributive: One party wins, the other loses.
Integrative: Both parties gain.
Mixed: Combines distributive and integrative.
Interpersonal: Two people with different views.
Intergroup: Two groups with opposing preferences.
Bilateral: Two parties.
Multilateral: More than two parties.
Direct: Individuals defend own interests.
Representative: Negotiators defend represented interests.
Diplomatic: International negotiation.
Trade: Sale and purchase activities.
Social: Interpersonal or organizational.
Personality of Negotiators
Trust or distrust, authoritarianism, conciliation tendency, self-concept, social anxiety, assertiveness.
T.12/Stages of Negotiation (4)
Planning: conflict nature, objectives, strategies.
Define problem and content.
Decrease criticism, match arguments.
Presentation of Alternatives
Proposals and concessions emerge.
Intense phase, time limit reached.
Types of Negotiating Strategy (4)
High interest in own and other’s results.
Low interest in other’s results, high in own.
High interest in other’s results, low in own.
Low interest in both results.
Business Tactics (2)
Cooperative Tactics (3)
Minimum Concessions: No concessions if successful.
Moderately Hard: Moderate concessions with reciprocity invitation.
Reduction of Tension: Unilateral concessions to encourage reciprocity.
Competitive Tactics (3)
Threats: Communicate intent to harm.
Irrevocable Possessions: Firm last position.
Aggressive Behavior: Hostility and violence.
Effective Negotiation (4)
Significant Results: Minimize costs, maximize benefits.
Influence Balance of Power: Use persuasion, expertise, common goals.
Develop Constructive Climate: Fluid communication, no tensions.
Flexible Dynamic: Seek common interests, exchange information.
Breaking Deadlock
Maintain dialogue, seek new perspectives, threaten withdrawal, replace members, identify authority, use neutral third party, abandon negotiation.
T.14/Technical Appraisal Numerical Risk
Evaluation of Risk
: Risk level: low if you have experienced or comprehensive information and high if experience or insufficient information. Probability of the negative fact is considered as risk, level Impact: negative economic or other may have each of the alternatives. Steps to follow: assign a value of 1-10 for each of the scales for each alternative. Get the total punctuation for each alternative by adding the values of the three scales that punctuation is the value of the risk of the alternative. Compare the risk values of the alternatives and choose the one that solves the problem with numerical value of less risk. THE PHILLIPS 66: A rapid method for pbtener yse agreements also achieved the participation of all people grnade be the group (groups will be made 6 pax and they launched an inquiry and will have six minutes to reach the greatest number of ideas to resolve it).NOMINAL GROUP TECHNIQUE: created to help the group develop a lot of ideas to solve a problem in a short time while avoiding interference that ocasinan the different hierarchies in the group discussions. Sequence to follow: Formulation the statement, Synthesis of responses, discussion and voting. DELPHI TECHNIQUE: It aims to isolate the group members to avoid the influence of others does not require the physical presence of participants thus focusing the discussions on the problems rather than on people. sequence to follow: problem identification, selection of participants, completion of the first questionnaire, classification and assessment of alternatives, completion of the second questionnaire, classification and assessment of alternatives, completion of the third questionnaire and completion of final reports. BRAINSTORMING O STORM IDEAS: It aims to increase the production of ideas, solutions and strategies for dealing with situations drawing on the creativity of particioantes grupo.Los members must meet four standards: This prohibidi judge the contributions of others, should avoid self-censorship, are free to offer repeat variations and discuss ideas of others and the amount is more important than quality. sequence of morphological analysis: Identify dimensions, identify possibilities for each dimension, Create shade of combination and examine the most appropriate solutions to the problem.