Electromagnetic Induction: Analyzing a Sliding Wire in a Magnetic Field

Analyzing a Sliding Wire in a Magnetic Field

A wire of length L is sliding with velocity vx > 0 without friction on rails that form part of a circuit with resistance R. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B points into the paper.

  1. [a] Find the induced emf E and the current I in the circuit, indicating the true positive direction of the current that flows in the sliding wire (up or down on the paper).

  2. [b] Find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic force on the sliding wire in terms of B, L, vx, and R.

  3. [c] The wire has an initial velocity vx(t = 0) = v0, a mass m, and the only force acting on it is the force found in [b]. Show that the velocity obeys the equation:

    dvx/ dt + vx/ τ = 0, whose solution is vx(t) = Ae-t/τ

    and find τ in terms of m, R, L, and B. Also find the constant A.

  4. [d] Since the velocity is a function of time, write the true current as a function of time, and find the heat dissipated in the resistor from t = 0 to t → ∞, for which you must do the integral:

    Heat = ∫0 i2(t)R dt

    and interpret how this is related to energy conservation.



⨂⨂ ⨂ vx⨂⨂

L R⨂⨂⨂⨂⨂⨂⨂⨂⨂


Answers: Take vx > 0 so the wire really is moving toward the right.

[a] For a Faraday loop, we use a curve that surrounds the rectangular area between the sliding wire and the resistor oriented in the counterclockwise direction. Then in the rectangular area, we use a normal out of the paper in the opposite direction as B⃗. This means that:

The magnetic flux is: ΦB = B·n̂dA = –BdA = –B dA = –BLx.

The emf in the counterclockwise direction is:

Ecounterclockwise = –B/dt = BL(dx/dt) = BLvx > 0, because here dx/dt = vx.



The counterclockwise current icounterclockwise = Ecounterclockwise/R is positive, so iupward = BLvx/R.

Physics 207 TEST 2 FORM 1 ANSWERS

June 15 2016

Dr. Huerta Phy 207 Test 2 FORM 1 ANSWERS

10:05 – 11:30 a. m., June 15 2016

[b] The magnetic force on the wire is:

F⃗wire = iupwardL⃗ × B⃗ = –iupwardLBx̂ = -(LB)2vx/R x̂,

that is, toward the left in the figure, opposite to the direction of motion of the wire.

[c] We use F⃗ = m⃗a for the wire. The force and the acceleration are toward the left, but we have defined ⃗v = vx toward the right, so:

⃗a = dv⃗/dt = dvx/dt x̂ = Fwire/m = -(LB)2vx/Rm x̂ therefore dvx/dt = -(B2L2/Rm)vx.

For a solution, we try v(t) = v0e-t/τ, so:

dv/dt = -(B2L2/Rm)v gives –v0/τ e-t/τ = -(B2L2/Rm)v0e-t/τ, so τ = Rm/B2L2.

[d] Given the solution to the differential equation, we see that the velocity is damped as:

v(t) = v0e-t/τ, where τ = Rm/B2L2, and i(t) = BLv(t)/R = BLv0e-t/τ/R.

0 i2(t)R dt = ∫0 (B2L2/R2)v2(t)R dt = (B2L2/R)∫0 v02e-2t/τdt = (B2L2/R)v02(-τ/2)e-2t/τ|0 = (B2L2/R)v02(τ/2) = (B2L2/R)v02(Rm/2B2L2) = 1/2 mv02.

or finally,

0 i2(t)R dt = 1/2 mv02.

This means that the initial kinetic energy of the wire has been converted into an equal amount of heat in the resistor.