Electronics and Electrotechnical Fundamentals


electrical phenomena, basic circuits, production and generation of electricity / electronics:
the study of electrons and their applications in the processing and transmission of information / historiques stages:
Electronic termoioniques vacuum valves, electronic electron transistors and integrated circuits / benefits diodes, transistors:
they are more solid and robust, more resistant to scratching, a much smaller volume, a longer life and improved signal processing / DC: displacement electrons in the same direction with a constant voltage and current time / AC:
current variable magnitudes that define, voltage and current, continually updated, best system for its advantages: production, transport, distribution and use / conponents Passive electronics:
they are not able to amplify electrical signals, acting as the signal electric charges can reduce the circuit /Compomer active electronics is able to generate, modify and amplify the value of the electrical signal / resistors:
are passive components that provide a certain resistance to the passage of electric current / non-linear resistors:
the resistance which is variable / LDR:
depending on the resistance light resistance varies according to the light, more light and less resistance / NTC:
negative resistance coefificent temperature, increasing temperature decreases the resistance / PTC:
negative temperature coefficient of resistance, the resistance increases with increasing temperature / condesador:
a component that is used to temporarily store electrical charges on a small surface relatica /


one component is formed by an insulated electrical conductor and rolled on a cylindrical surface for creating a magnetic field when an electric current flows /relay:
a power switch that is activated by a electroimant.Format a coil when an electric current cirucla attracts a sheeting which operates a contact / LED:
are some electronics components that allow the passage of current in one senses / whether the clamp is connected to the positive anode and the cathode negative, the diode conducts and allows the passage of current, polarization direct / connecting the positive and the negative cathode to the anode, the diode does not leads and does not allow the passage of current, polarization reverse / LED:
is an electronic component that emits light when an electric current pass through / Combos:
is an electronic component composed of semiconductor material that consists of three parts (emitter, base, COLLECTOR ) circuit of government: an NPN, the current enters and leaves the base for the transmitter, main circuit: COLLECTOR comes by and there goes by the issuer /Power gain:
capacity indicates Corent amplifying transistor for a specific job / toggle: the transistor is characterized as only two are used estast (open and closed)
linear mode:
is characterized by the intensity and stress sortidason function of the input voltages and intencitats can take multiple values and points of work / chip:
is an electronic device consisting of a small set of items, and intimately connected permanently to a semiconductor material, forming a miniaturized circuit / peak:
micorocontroladors family of chips, manufactured by Microchip Technology, a leading microprosesador, memory for storing the control program and data / picaxe:
Version didactics of peak reprogrammable chips that can be very economical as brain utilitzarse