Elements of the Curriculum and Assessment in Primary Education

Elements of the Curriculum


These are the intentions that govern an educational project and the set of goals and purposes that these intentions realize. They define what we want to achieve – the “why” of educational action.


The development of curriculum objectives in terms of skills is a necessity dictated by the demands of current society formation processes.


Thinking in terms of training, a process oriented towards the development of abilities or skills, the contents basically become tools or instruments for that purpose.


Specific activities and experiences appropriate for different types of content serve to properly learn and develop the competencies and capabilities that we intend to develop in students.


This refers to the processes of control and reformulation of teaching and learning. It must include planning and practical development throughout the course of training.

General Principles and Purposes of Primary Education

General Principles

  • Education must be compulsory and free.
  • It consists of six courses to be held between 6-12 years of age; the first course will begin in the year in which students turn 6.
  • It consists of three cycles of two years each, with an inclusive nature.
  • Its educational endeavor is to integrate different experiences and learning of students and adapt their working patterns.
  • Aid to children in need of support will be standardized and inclusive.
  • Areas that require instrumentation for a range of expertise will have special consideration.
  • Infant/primary schools promote coordination between primary, infant, and secondary teaching schedules to ensure favorable treatment in follow-up studies and assist the integration of families in the process of teaching and learning.
  • The cloister and the school board, in accordance with the law, can take on tasks and ways to teach according to the criteria and procedures determined by education counseling.
  • Similarly, without seeking economic conditions, the school day may be extended.


To provide all children with an education that will help secure their personal development and welfare, cultural skills aimed at achieving oral expression, numeracy and reading, social skills, study skills, artistic sense, creativity, and emotion.

Details, Organization, and Purposes of Assessment in Primary Education

Assessment will be continuous and comprehensive and take into account progress in each subject. It will be conducted according to different evaluation criteria. Continuous assessment has a formative character that allows for the incorporation of enlargement, enrichment, and reinforcement for students according to the needs required for each subject. The educational programming will collect the necessary provisions for the exchange of information with the newspaper and families, and students will receive a quarterly report for families (that describe the standards attained by children through the models and activities accepted by the competent counseling in education). As to special educational needs, assessment criteria will be responsible for establishing how to evaluate the degree of acquisition of basic skills. On completion of primary education, a report shall be made on the degree of learning acquisition, accentuating those conditions in their educational progress. This report will remain confidential. These reports are available as provided in Article 12.1 of Royal Decree 1513/2006. The faculty will evaluate, together with the competencies achieved by the student, the teaching process and teaching carried out as set out in legislation.

Promotion and Certification in Primary Education

Upon completion of each cycle, the faculty, along with the advisor, will determine the ranking of students, taking into consideration the decision of the tutor. The student will change cycles when they see that it has exceeded expectations and the necessary maturity allowed, provided that the learning makes further study possible. When this does not happen, the child must repeat and receive the necessary help to get through the cycle. This will be done at the end of the cycle, can only be done once, and will adopt a specific and adequate plan. Teachers can decide whether a student should stay in the same course again if it can promote the student’s personal and social development. Parents should be informed of all events related to their children, support measures to be taken with them, and all that is decided by the tutors to improve their children’s academic performance. The teachers will make a plan for individualized educational programming and teaching units to perform in order to use the new cycle. In this case, students receive the support needed to recover such learning. Students will enter compulsory secondary education if they have reached the appropriate development of basic skills and proper maturity. It is agreed, also, that if learning is not achieved, continued use will not prevent the new stage. In this case, students receive the support needed to recover such learning.

General Programming Annual (PGA)

The PGA is the specific document for each school year in the Education Project. It also collects, briefly, the conclusions of the previous year’s report and the relevant aspects to be developed during the school year in order to ensure the coordinated development of all educational activities of the school.


General Objectives

General objectives for the school are referred to the following areas: the teaching-learning processes, the organization of participation, action and coordination with other centers, services and institutions, plans and other institutional programs, and how to develop the center. Where appropriate, ancillary services.

Planning Activities

Planning for the individual actions to achieve the general objectives proposed in each of the fields should specify: the schedule, those responsible for implementation and evaluation, financial and material resources, and the procedures for monitoring and evaluation.

Organizational Aspects

Realization of annual general organizational aspects, such as: general school schedule and the criteria used for planning, organization of spaces for the development of the prior actions.

Extracurricular Activities Program

These activities are voluntary and are intended to facilitate and promote the comprehensive development of students, their socio-cultural integration, and use of leisure time. This program takes place outside school hours and teaching schedules.


The budget of the center and state of implementation on September 1st.

Internal Assessment

Domains and dimensions to be assessed in the school year in accordance with the timetable established by the internal evaluation plan.


All documents which specify the areas of autonomy from the center and are prepared for the first time. In subsequent courses, only their modifications are incorporated.

Didactic Unit Concept

It is a way of organizing the work of teachers in which one consistently seeks to interrelate all the elements involved in the teaching-learning process. It consists of objectives, content, activities, and assessment criteria. The theme will be by area or as the core of knowledge related to the experiences of students.