Emotional and Personality Development in Children: A Guide for Educators
TOPIC DEVELOP 3.THE of personality.
Devel affected in NNS and NNS 0 A 3 ans. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF AUTO DEVELOP AND AFFECTIVE IN NNS NNS 0 A 6 ans. The Conquest of the autonomy.
GUIDELINES FOR PROPER EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION. / / 0.Introduction. / / 1.The emotional development in children from zero to six. / /-Basic elements that form a correct conception of development / /-concept of personality. / / “The maturity and experience.
2.Aportaciones by various authors to the knowledge of emotional development in children from zero to six. / / “Self-concept. / /-Social / / 3.Aportaciones by various authors to the knowledge of emotional development in children from zero to six years.-classical theory. / / “Recent Perspectives. / / 4.La conquest of autonomy. / / 5.Directrices for proper educational intervention.
/ /” Methodology for socio-emotional development. / / “The role of the teacher. / / 6.Conclusión. / / 7.Bibliografía. / / INTRODUCTION. / /
The topic I will discuss the topic three-Primary Education on personality development in children from zero to six years. / / To develop this theme I based on a fundamental idea, namely that during the period of zero to six years, the child will develop their personality through the processes of individualization and socialization, whose conquest will allow the child to go becoming aware of yourself and understand the acceptance of a set of rules and customs to integrate into society. / / In this regard, it is essential to start the development of personality and emotions to six years. Later, I will analyze the opinions of various authors who attach greater or lesser importance to the influence of emotion in the development of the child’s personality. Finally, describe how the child self-conquest, and give some basic principles to carry out appropriate educational practice. / / Next we analyze PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT. / /
First we will reflect on the basic elements that make up a correct conceptualization of development. / /
According to Palacios development is a process that extends throughout life, consists of a sequence of changes in behavior and in the world of thought and feelings that follow an order along the chronological evolution of each subject. / / The vision presented is contextual development and interactions, admits that psychological development is the result of relationships that individuals have with their environment, both socio-cultural, and educational and institutional. / / There are other views from psychological studies, which take into account the role of heredity and environment. The nativists argue that the psychological development of individuals is determined by genes, and environmentalists defending the role of environment in development. / / Now we know the importance between heredity and environment, therefore, the maturation provides the foundation and the environment helps to build the structure. Speaking of inheritance and a half makes sense if you consider from the standpoint of complementary relationships in which every aspect acquires a differential weight depending on the evolutionary time to consider. / / Based on the concept of development, we introduce the concept of personality.
According to psychology, personality is a set of cognitive, emotional, physical and social results in an individual, personal and original world organization. / / We can say that is the usual way of being, thinking, feeling and act.
According Riouw, personality is the synthesis of different functions, with a final order to adapt and advance. / / The child’s personality has characteristics: / / “It’s consistent, is a distinctive feature to every individual, relatively stable over time, and that influences our behavior. / / “It’s distinctive, allows us to distinguish one person from another, because everyone reacts differently to the same situation. / /” It’s evolutionary, can vary over time, due to experiences.
“It involves some prediction, behavior may predominate over another in different situations. / /” Implies self-control, because it serves to adapt ourselves and society. / / One of the characteristics of personality is evolving, so describe the steps in personality development according to Freud, which considers basic sexuality in personality development and highlights the following steps: / / “First year: oral stage, where the main leisure activities reach the child through the mouth.
“Two to three years: anal stage, together with bowel control, the child gives him pleasure retention and expulsion of sphincters. / /” Three to six years or genital phallic stage, the child contact causes pleasure her genital area. / / As mentioned, the development of the child, in this case, the personality, involves two aspects:
the maturity and experience, development then. / / For the maturation, say that although the Most newborns are very similar, some differences are already present future at this time. These characteristics form the temperament, which is understood as the characteristic shape of a subject to react to the environment and regulate their activity. / / The temperament can be influenced by how other people behave with the child, so configure your personality as a result of the interaction that children have with caregivers, that is, from experience. / / The experiences that the child is in its infancy can be: / / “unique experience of each subject: an accident, complicated delivery, etc. / /.-common experience shared by people of a particular culture, social values, etc.. / / The child’s personality is formed in continuous contact with the people around him. Parents and educators are important, and the child must establish good relationships, communication, encourage him, make him feel useful, loved and cared for. / / Wallon says it is difficult to observe the child without imparting something of our feelings and intentions. / / As see, is undeniable the influence of emotion in the development of the child’s personality. Therefore describe AFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN FROM ZERO TO SIX YEARS. / /
Start from the concept of affectivity, which is a set of psychic phenomena, directly related to the emotional and sentimental life, from experiences of pleasure-displeasure, pleasure- displeasure. / / A good social development needs they acknowledge, they know themselves and differentiate from others, thus a pillar of social and emotional development is the formation of self-concept. / /
The self is the image that the child of himself, not to be confused with self-esteem, which also is the image others have of us. / / Between three and six years, the self is characterized by: / / “He described taking into account only features external or personal attributes. / /-We describe arbitrarily, based on specific events in a given day. / / To change a child’s misbehavior, we must say that his conduct was inadequate, explaining the why and the consequences of this behavior and not impact negatively on their autoconcpeto and self-esteem, not the evolution of his personality. / / Next, I analyzesocial development, which is linked to emotional development. / / social development according to Lopez, is defined as an interactive process through which the child meets their needs and treats while culture, society and develops life . / / In the socialization process involves three distinct but interrelated mental processes, behavioral and emotional. / / 1.Procesos mental, those through which the individual acquires a knowledge of what society is and what it hopes him. It is a requirement for students to become social behavior and set bond. / / The social skills the child must acquire relate to people and society. / / From zero to three years, the most important social skills are recognition of people, self, identity or self-awareness, and sex role self-classified.
2.Procesos behavioral, are a set of values, norms and behavior self-control, useful for social interactions. / / The child’s education begins at birth these aspects, traceable to socially accepted forms, and their acquisition is before two years. / / During the first years of life, attachment figures are for the child a special meaning, and help you identify with them, assimilate values and social behaviors. / / 3.Procesos affective, are emotions that begin to feel and manifest soon, are linked to a root-related physiological states of being and distress. All attachment process is determined by individual characteristics and previous experiences in family relationships and social relationships. / / The attachment bond, according Paniagua and Palaces: the interpersonal emotional link that is set in a privileged way with people for child are important and meaningful, and their presence gives them safety and are irreplaceable. / / The attachment is characterized by:
· The behavior trying to achieve or maintain proximity to the person who is attached and privileged interaction behaviors. / / ° mental representations regarding attachment figures are built based on the experiences of that relationship, interpreted and influenced by the child so that others convey. / / ° ‘feelings of safety, comfort and pleasure, associated with the proximity and contact with the attachment and separation anxiety when they occur or difficulties in establishing contact.
The attachment bond is a training and development process: / / • Up to two months the child seeks social stimuli such as feeding, cleaning, and is attracted to faces, voices, and the temperature of the people around him. But there is no evidence that came to know people. / / * From the second to sixth month discriminate between people and other. / / ° the sixth through twelve months behaviors manifest preference for certain persons. / / • In the second year the attachment bond is strengthened due to several aspects of the new language skills and the development of intellectual capacities. / / • Between two and four years, the attachment becomes emotional dependency. / / ° From the four years, the attachment becomes the attempt to establish emotional relationships with peers and adults, as encouraging socialization. / / After analyzing the emotional development to six years, describes the contributions of different authors DESSARROLLO KNOWLEDGE OF EMOTIONAL IN THE BOY AND GIRL FROM ZERO TO SIX YEARS:
The knowled dl and emotional development of personalidd are the result of evolution, revision and integration of different authors. Highlight the contributions of some of them from running and other more recent classics. Regarding theclassical theory, we can highlight: / / 1.Enfoque psychoanalytic, according to Freud and Erikson: / / “Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis, and for him behind every person there is an unconscious burden that explains its behavior. / / The elements of personality according to Freud are the super-ego (moral consciousness, is what to do), the id (the depth, which like to do) and I (what you want to do given the social acceptance). / / Freud also classifies the stages of development up to six years, anal, oral and phallic. / /-Erikson, presented the theory of epigenetic principle. For him, the person goes through stages where their behavior varies between two extremes, how are exceeded or not these steps will form the basis of personality: / / • In the first year, phase of trust, distrust, which depends of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their basic needs. / / ° the first to the third year, phase of autonomy or shame or doubt concerning the environment, furniture or rules that give the child, should encourage their autonomy. / / · the third through sixth month phase of the initiative or guilt, which is based on the context surrounding the child should support their initiatives to succeed to avoid guilt. / / ° the third through sixth month implementation phase or interiority, focusing on the proper implementation of previous phases. / / 2.Enfoque behavioral or social learning: Watson, Skinner and Bandura. / / “For Watson, (behaviorist) the type that children who become dependent on their rearing environment and how people treat their environment. Behaviorists viewed the development as a continuous process of behavioral change shaped by the unique atmosphere of the person, which may differ significantly from the others living environments. / / For Watson, the conclusions about human development have to be based on observations of overt behavior and not on speculations about unconscious motives or cognitive processes are not observable. / /-radical behaviorism manifests itself in the learning theory of Skinner. Proposes that both animal and human behaviors that lead to repeated positive results and eliminate those that produce unpleasant results. / / The operant learning is that voluntary acts and operating become possible depending on the consequences that occur, therefore the development depends on external stimuli (reinforcement and punishment) rather than internal forces. / /-Bandura developed the theory of vicarious or observational learning. Emphasizes observational learning as a fundamental element of development and states that learning occurs through observation and imitation of the behavior of other people, called models, that learning occurs because the observer constructs symbolic representations of the model, then uses them to reproduce what has already been through deferred imitation. / / 3.Enfoque Piaget’s cognitive development. / / Piaget focused his studies on cognitive development, absolute continuity process where the child goes through some stages, cuts in development that have a genesis process and a final balance that will give way to the next stage. Each stage involves a repetition of the previous level processes, but arranged differently. / / For Piaget, cognitive development is the basis for a proper social and emotional development. / / For a recent perspective, include: / / 1.La ethology, as Lorenz and Tinbergen, and John Bowly. / / “To Lorenz and Tinbergen, members of the same species are born with biologically programmed behavior, the result of evolution and adapted to contribute to survival.
-John Bowly, says that humans are influenced by their experiences, the environment and innate characteristics.Bowly developed attachment theory, children establish link with the people who interact with him in a privileged way and that is the basis of social and emotional development of children. The consequences of attachment to humans are: / / • The child develops feelings associated with addiction, such as security and insecurity if not set properly. / / ° Develop behavior towards their attachment figure to generalize in their relationships. / / • The attachment is part of mental representation. / / 2.La behavior genetics, biological bases of individual differences. This trend explains if specific skills, traits and behaviors that depend on the specific combination of genes that underlie the individual, and if these attributes can be or not to change through experience. / / The behavior genetics holds that most of the behavioral attributes of a person, are the end product of a long and complex interaction between predispositions and environmental influences. / / 3.Teoría of ecological systems in Bronfenbrenner, which describes how multiple levels of the surrounding environment to children and adolescents, influencing their development. Levels such as: / / ° Micro or immediate context, the family. / / ° meso, or relationships between microsystems, such as home, school. / / ° Ecosystem, or context that is not part of the child but you can influence. / / ° Macrosystem, or social class context, the culture that includes all other systems. / / 4.Perspectivas modern cognitive as: / /-Vygostki sociocultural theory, children acquire their cultural values, beliefs and coping strategies problems, through interactions with other members of society. It is characterized by the theory of scaffolding, or capacity of a skilled person to lead the support offered to you are learning so gradually, it can keep improving and doing without other’s help. / / Says that learning Vygostki collaboratory occurs within the zone of proximal development of the child. / / “According to the attributional perspective, or point of view of social information processing, explanations that build on social experiences determine how to react. / / – The theory of perspective taking Selman, children attain a broader understanding of themselves and others when they buy the ability to differentiate between his views and those of their peers and see the relationships between these views. / / In the construction of the personality, the child recognizes itself as autonomous, and walk towards independence. Therefore describes the conquest of autonomy.
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Autonomy is the ability to act yourself, without depending on others, requiring mature motor to control the body, intellectual maturity to control the actions and emotional maturity to control emotions. / / The childhood education should foster the development of all areas for children to acquire basic skills and habits basic autonomy to function autonomously in the environment while integrating and participating in it. / / From here the need work from two perspectives: / / “personal autonomy, based on the facet of the individual as an individual, for a child to learn skills and habits to be and feel independent. / /-social autonomy, based on the facet of the individual as social beings, so that the child acquires attitudes and behaviors. / / Escamilla and Lagares, say, promote learning in life, involves providing a complete education that includes basic knowledge and skills. / / In the process of autonomy , emotional conflicts arise like: / / “Between imitation and self-assertion. / /” Between dependence and autonomy. / / “Between the conformity or acceptance of social norms and self-assertion of his personality by rejecting these rules . / / Here we describe theGUIDELINES FOR PROPER EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION.
/ / The educational intervention is the set of actions that designs and develops the teacher to adjust teaching and learning processes. It is planned, programmed and systematic. / / In this issue we will take account of the creation of habits, proper methodology for the social and emotional development and the role of teacher.
In terms of habits, they will allow the child to incorporate the stable behavior behavior that will help you find balance and stability. / / Children form habits easily, as they have capacity for imitation, admiration for the adult world curiosity and interest in new situations for them. / / There are two kinds of habits that children should acquire in Early Childhood: / / “personal habits, allow greater self-care and autonomy. / /-social habits, that help to relate better with others and properly integrated to different social groups. / / In order to acquire habits, the child must acquire the appropriate developmental level. / / To promote the creation of habits and learner autonomy, should be pointed out a methodology for social and emotional development. / /
In the Decree 67/2007, methodological considerations are marked to encourage appropriate development of the child’s personality. / / One of them is the environment should be warm, affectionate, organized and serene, open to new needs. / / Another consideration is the promotion of autonomy and agreed by all standards. / / The games and activities will be contextualized and structured through routines. / / Another aspect is to assess the importance of the personality of the teacher, to be receptive, understanding and meeting the needs and interests of students. Step to analyze the role of the teacher. / /
The establishment of a climate of safety, quality relationships between teacher and students, assessment and adjusted confidence in the capabilities that this progress and interaction of children with people as part of its environment, establishing links with the relationship of a different nature, play a fundamental role in the construction of identity and self-image, positive and adjusted. / / The stimulation of a positive image can not be done in a day set aside space specifically for her. The teacher must work in the knowledge that their relationship with each child to transmit data and information that promote the development of their identity. / / The child’s self-esteem is formed through the internalization of the esteem and confidence you have that it is deposited. The educator must find positive aspects in children, to highlight them and take them as a starting point for new developments. / / The family-teacher collaboration to contribute to the incorporation of habits, involving skills, attitudes and behaviors. / / CONCLUSION.
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In conclusion, to say that it is appropriate to emphasize the importance of the continuation of family and teachers to show the child confidence in his chances, put it in situations of autonomy, encourage them to overcome difficulties. The role model provided by adults, is an essential means for children to develop attitudes and acquire habits of cooperation and assistance, hygiene and health maintenance as well as non-discrimination towards differences and characteristics of others.