English-Catalan Vocabulary: Fashion, Appearance, and Jobs
Here’s a helpful vocabulary list translating English words and phrases to Catalan, covering topics like fashion, physical appearance, and employment.
Catwalk | Passarel·la | Broad-shouldered | Ample d’esquena |
Cosmetic surgery | Cirurgia | Clean-shaven | Sense barba ni bigoti |
Label | Etiqueta | Dark-skinned | Pell fosca |
Trend | Tendència | Fair-haired | Ros |
Weaken | Afeblir | Heavily-built | Corpulent |
Ankle-length | Altura del turmell | Knee-length | Fins els genolls |
Average-sized | De mida mitjana | Scruffy-looking | D’aspecte descuidat |
Badly-dressed | Mal vestit | Beautify | Embellir |
Criticize | Criticar | Horrify | Horroritzar |
Darken | Enfosquir | Justify | Justificar-se |
Fantasize | Fantasiejar | Lengthen | Allargar |
Flatten | Aplanar | Smarten | Hermosear |
Strengthen | Enfortir | Weaken | Afeblir |
A boom in | Un boom a | An acceptance of | Una acceptació en |
Preoccupation with | Preocupat | Be realistic about | Ser realista sobre algo |
Be under attack from | Estar sota l’atac de | Necessary for | Necessari per |
Feel guilty about | Sentir-se culpable per | Resonate with | Raonar amb |
Operating theatre | Quiròfan | Enhancement | Ressaltar |
Polls | Votació | Widely available | Àmpliament accessible |
Apply for a job | Sol·licitar una feina | (In)efficient | Eficient / ineficient |
Claim benefits | Reclamar els beneficis | (Un)enthusiastic | Entusiasmat / no… |
Do an assignment | Fer una feina | (In)experienced | Experimentat / no… |
Drop out (of university) | Abandonar la UNI | Focused | Centrat |
Get fired | Ser acomiadat | (Dis)honest | Honest / deshonest |
Get promoted | Ser patrocinat | (Un)imaginative | Imaginatiu / no… |
Pass with flying colours | Passar amb bones notes | (Un)motivated | Motivat / no… |
Truck driver | Camioner | (Dis)obedient | Obedient / no… |
Analytical | Analític | (Dis)organized | Organitzat / no… |
Cautious | Cautelós | Perceptive | Perceptiu |
Calm | Calma | (Ir)rational | Racional / no… |
(In)decisive | Decidit / indecís | (Un)qualified | Qualificat / no… |
(Un)reliable | Fiable/ poc fiable | (Un)talented | Talentós / no… |
(Ir)responsible | Responsable/irresponsable | (Un)trustworthy | Digne de confiança/ … |
Bank clerk | Treballador del banc | (In)valuable | Valuós / no… |
Bank manager | Gerent del banc | Get ahead | Avançar |
Company owner | Propietari de l’empresa | Get by | Passar |
Data analyst | Analista de dades | Take on | Assumir |
Take up | Prendre | Turn down | Baixar |
Spread through | Escampar | Flipping | Passar |
Slaughterhouse | Matadero | Classifieds | Classificador |
Search engine | Buscador | High-flyer | Algú ambiciós |
Overwhelmed | Que et supera | Set off | Començar |
Couches | Sofà | Dairy farmer | Munyidor |
Software designer | Dissenyador d’ordinadors | Tattoo artist | Tatuador |