English Conversation Practice: Questions, Answers, and Grammar

Your Name & Basic Questions

  1. What’s your name? Her name is Francesca Contador.
  2. What does your name mean? No, she doesn’t.
  3. Do you have a middle name? Yes, her middle name is Nicole.
  4. Are you named after someone? No, she’s not.
  5. Do you like your name? Yes, she likes it.

Home and Family

  1. Where do you live? She lives in Antofagasta.
  2. Do you like your neighborhood? Yes, she likes it.
  3. Do you live alone or with your family? She lives with her family.
  4. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, she has four sisters.
  5. Where are your parents from? They are from Antofagasta.


  1. Are you a full-time student? No, she is not.
    • If not: What do you do for a living? She works.
  2. How do you get to work or class? She gets there in the car.
  3. How long does it take? It takes 45 minutes.


  1. Do you have a lot of friends? No, she doesn’t.
  2. Are your friends from school, work, or your neighborhood? Her friends are from school.
  3. What are your friends like? Her friends are funny and nice.
  4. Do you and your friends get together a lot? Yes, she does.
  5. What do you do when you get together? She drinks with her friends.

Possible Questions and Answers

Think of possible questions for each answer. Compare with a partner.

  1. A. What’s your favorite color? B. Red.
  2. A. Are you an only child? B. No, I’m not. I have one sister.
  3. A. Do you have a car? B. No, I don’t.
  4. A. Where does he work? B. He works in a store.
  5. A. What do we do in our free time? B. We usually go out to dinner or see a movie.
  6. A. Do your friends go to the gym? B. No, they don’t. They don’t have time.
  7. A. Do you like mornings? B. No, I hate mornings. I’m not a morning person.
  8. A. Do you have a job? B. Well, I have a part-time job. I work Saturdays.

Complete the Answers

Can you complete the answers? Use the conversations above to help you.

  1. A. I’m not a football fan. B. I’m not either.
  2. A. I love shopping. B. I do too.
  3. A. I can’t have a pet. B. I can’t either.

Responding with “Too” or “Either”

Respond to these statements using TOO or EITHER. Then practice with a partner.

  1. I watch a lot of TV. – I do too.
  2. I’m allergic to some foods. – I am too.
  3. I can’t afford a new car. – I can’t either.
  4. I’m not a sports fan – I’m not either.
  5. I don’t have a pet. – I don’t either.
  6. I can’t shop all day. – I can’t either.

Conversation Starters

Think of a way to start a conversation for each situation. Compare with a partner. Then role-play the situations. Continue each conversation as long as you can.

  1. You meet someone new at a party. The food is really good. – “This food is delicious!”
  2. It’s a very hot day. You’re just arriving at a new class. – “This classroom is too warm.”
  3. You’re in a long line at a movie theater. It’s a cold day. – “It’s really cold outside.”
  4. You’re working out at a new gym. The music is very loud. – “The music is very loud.”
  5. You’re in a new English class. You meet someone during the break. – “Do you want a coffee?”
  6. You’re at the bus stop on a beautiful day. Someone arrives and smiles at you. – “How often does the bus come?”

Matching Conversation Starters and Responses

Match each conversation starter with a response.

  1. I like your jacket. – Thanks. It’s from Peru, actually.
  2. Do you come here by bus? – No, I walk, actually. It takes an hour.
  3. Is that your newspaper? – Um… actually, no, it’s not. Go ahead and take it.
  4. Do you like this class? – Yeah. I actually look forward to it.
  5. Do you live around here? – Yes, right around the corner, actually.
  6. Boy, it’s warm in here. – Actually, I feel a bit cold.

Completing Sentences with Verbs

Can you complete these sentences with verbs? Which sentences are true for you?

  1. I can’t play the piano.
  2. I don’t like to watch sports on TV.
  3. I enjoy listening to music.
  4. I’m not good at creating new computer programs.

Complete the Questions

Complete the questions and add two more.

  1. Can you whistle?
  2. Do you enjoy cooking?
  3. Are you good at skating?
  4. Do you like playing board games?
  5. Can you swim?
  6. Are you interested in joining a meditation class?
  7. Do you prefer to exercise alone or with friends?
  8. Would you like to learn a martial art?
  9. Do you like to watch the rain?
  10. Do you hate to dance the tango?

Subject and Object Pronouns

Subject Pronouns:

  • I
  • You
  • She
  • He
  • It
  • We
  • They

Object Pronouns:

  • Me
  • You
  • Her
  • Him
  • It
  • Us
  • Them

Using Object Pronouns

Complete the sentences with object pronouns (me, you, it, him, her, us, them).

  1. I like Mrs. Robert, what do you think of him?
  2. I listen to classical music a lot. Do you listen to it too?
  3. Robbie Williams is a singer from England. Do you know him?
  4. Bruce and Jean are in your Yoga class. Do you ever see them?
  5. My sister and I are in town, why don’t you come to visit us?

Everyone, Nobody, No One

Circle the correct word on one of each side of the slash.

  1. A. So you and your brother like to watch football, right?
    B. Yeah. Actually, everyone in my family is a football fan.
  2. A. Do you and your friends like country music?
    B. Not really, nobody in my class listens to country.
  3. A. Connie is a wonderful dancer.
    B. That’s true, no one can dance like she does.
  4. A. I love to swim in the summer.
    B. Yeah, so do I. Almost everybody enjoys swimming.

Multiple Choice and Checking

  1. Joe loves gardening so he knows a lot about plants.
  2. Tina is good at fixing things. She’s very mechanical.
  3. Katie likes knitting. She can make sweaters and things.