English Conversation Practice: Questions, Answers, and Grammar
Your Name & Basic Questions
- What’s your name? Her name is Francesca Contador.
- What does your name mean? No, she doesn’t.
- Do you have a middle name? Yes, her middle name is Nicole.
- Are you named after someone? No, she’s not.
- Do you like your name? Yes, she likes it.
Home and Family
- Where do you live? She lives in Antofagasta.
- Do you like your neighborhood? Yes, she likes it.
- Do you live alone or with your family? She lives with her family.
- Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, she has four sisters.
- Where are your parents from? They are from Antofagasta.
- Are you a full-time student? No, she is not.
- If not: What do you do for a living? She works.
- How do you get to work or class? She gets there in the car.
- How long does it take? It takes 45 minutes.
- Do you have a lot of friends? No, she doesn’t.
- Are your friends from school, work, or your neighborhood? Her friends are from school.
- What are your friends like? Her friends are funny and nice.
- Do you and your friends get together a lot? Yes, she does.
- What do you do when you get together? She drinks with her friends.
Possible Questions and Answers
Think of possible questions for each answer. Compare with a partner.
- A. What’s your favorite color? B. Red.
- A. Are you an only child? B. No, I’m not. I have one sister.
- A. Do you have a car? B. No, I don’t.
- A. Where does he work? B. He works in a store.
- A. What do we do in our free time? B. We usually go out to dinner or see a movie.
- A. Do your friends go to the gym? B. No, they don’t. They don’t have time.
- A. Do you like mornings? B. No, I hate mornings. I’m not a morning person.
- A. Do you have a job? B. Well, I have a part-time job. I work Saturdays.
Complete the Answers
Can you complete the answers? Use the conversations above to help you.
- A. I’m not a football fan. B. I’m not either.
- A. I love shopping. B. I do too.
- A. I can’t have a pet. B. I can’t either.
Responding with “Too” or “Either”
Respond to these statements using TOO or EITHER. Then practice with a partner.
- I watch a lot of TV. – I do too.
- I’m allergic to some foods. – I am too.
- I can’t afford a new car. – I can’t either.
- I’m not a sports fan – I’m not either.
- I don’t have a pet. – I don’t either.
- I can’t shop all day. – I can’t either.
Conversation Starters
Think of a way to start a conversation for each situation. Compare with a partner. Then role-play the situations. Continue each conversation as long as you can.
- You meet someone new at a party. The food is really good. – “This food is delicious!”
- It’s a very hot day. You’re just arriving at a new class. – “This classroom is too warm.”
- You’re in a long line at a movie theater. It’s a cold day. – “It’s really cold outside.”
- You’re working out at a new gym. The music is very loud. – “The music is very loud.”
- You’re in a new English class. You meet someone during the break. – “Do you want a coffee?”
- You’re at the bus stop on a beautiful day. Someone arrives and smiles at you. – “How often does the bus come?”
Matching Conversation Starters and Responses
Match each conversation starter with a response.
- I like your jacket. – Thanks. It’s from Peru, actually.
- Do you come here by bus? – No, I walk, actually. It takes an hour.
- Is that your newspaper? – Um… actually, no, it’s not. Go ahead and take it.
- Do you like this class? – Yeah. I actually look forward to it.
- Do you live around here? – Yes, right around the corner, actually.
- Boy, it’s warm in here. – Actually, I feel a bit cold.
Completing Sentences with Verbs
Can you complete these sentences with verbs? Which sentences are true for you?
- I can’t play the piano.
- I don’t like to watch sports on TV.
- I enjoy listening to music.
- I’m not good at creating new computer programs.
Complete the Questions
Complete the questions and add two more.
- Can you whistle?
- Do you enjoy cooking?
- Are you good at skating?
- Do you like playing board games?
- Can you swim?
- Are you interested in joining a meditation class?
- Do you prefer to exercise alone or with friends?
- Would you like to learn a martial art?
- Do you like to watch the rain?
- Do you hate to dance the tango?
Subject and Object Pronouns
Subject Pronouns:
- I
- You
- She
- He
- It
- We
- They
Object Pronouns:
- Me
- You
- Her
- Him
- It
- Us
- Them
Using Object Pronouns
Complete the sentences with object pronouns (me, you, it, him, her, us, them).
- I like Mrs. Robert, what do you think of him?
- I listen to classical music a lot. Do you listen to it too?
- Robbie Williams is a singer from England. Do you know him?
- Bruce and Jean are in your Yoga class. Do you ever see them?
- My sister and I are in town, why don’t you come to visit us?
Everyone, Nobody, No One
Circle the correct word on one of each side of the slash.
- A. So you and your brother like to watch football, right?
B. Yeah. Actually, everyone in my family is a football fan. - A. Do you and your friends like country music?
B. Not really, nobody in my class listens to country. - A. Connie is a wonderful dancer.
B. That’s true, no one can dance like she does. - A. I love to swim in the summer.
B. Yeah, so do I. Almost everybody enjoys swimming.
Multiple Choice and Checking
- Joe loves gardening so he knows a lot about plants.
- Tina is good at fixing things. She’s very mechanical.
- Katie likes knitting. She can make sweaters and things.