English Exercises and Renaissance Art Review

English Exercises and Renaissance Art

English Exercises

1. Letters: G, J, C, A, H, D, E, B, F, N, I, L, O, K, M

2. Verbs:

  1. Buy, staying, calling, eat, spending, doing, send, be, going, play.
  2. Don’t need, mustn’t, need, doesn’t need, don’t, mustn’t, must, need, don’t need, must.
  3. Boring, excited, surprising, confusing, embarrassed.

3. Synonyms:

  • Children, kids
  • Cold, frigid
  • Smart, intelligent
  • Happy, joyous
  • Friendly, nice
  • Yummy, delicious, tasty
  • Tired, sleepy
  • Big, large
  • Smelly, stinky
  • Hard, tough, difficult

4. Antonyms:

  • Hot, cold
  • Friend, enemy
  • Tall, short
  • Dirty, clean
  • Nice, mean
  • Sleeping, awake
  • Wet, dry
  • Dark, light
  • Smart, dumb
  • Silly, serious
  • Loud, quiet

Conditional Sentences

Present Real Conditionals:

When I have a day off from work, I go to the beach.

Present Unreal Conditionals:

If I owned a car, I would drive to work.

Past Real Conditional:

When I had a day off from work, I usually stayed at home.

Past Unreal Conditionals:

If she had studied Japanese instead of French, she would have gotten the job.

Future Real Conditionals:

If there is nothing on TV, I am going to read. OR I will read.

Future Unreal Conditionals:

If I had time, I would come to your party.

Renaissance Art Review

1. What were the presentations about?

The presentations were about the four most important Renaissance artists, who were also painters, sculptors, and architects. They focused more on religious works.

2. Name one of the artists seen in class and write why he is important in the present.

Michelangelo was one of the greatest exponents of the Renaissance. He stood out for his excellent handling of the human figure, studying its anatomy in detail and having the ability to translate these studies into a two-dimensional plane, as for example in the Sistine Chapel, or in three-dimensional space, as with the famous David.

3. According to you, why is this period important?

The Renaissance is so important because it is analogically similar to what was an awakening for humanity, an awakening and one of the main attempts to throw off the yoke and medieval obscurantism. The Renaissance is the opening to a new era of humanity, in which people have to get out of the dogmas, of falsehood, of bad assumptions, of the bonds, and other ways that prevented humans from conquering their freedom and dignity. It is important because, along with humanism, it forced people to raise thought, rethink, search, explore, experiment, learn, and spread around the world and seek new answers to the riddles and problems that occur in the world and to mankind. It marked the difference between a primitive world and a world of faster progress and development.

4. Describe one of the paintings that you like the most.

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo: God is represented as an old, bearded man wrapped in a purple, disheveled robe, which he shares with some cherubim. His left arm is around a female figure, normally interpreted as Eve, who has not been created yet and, figuratively, waits in heaven to be given a place on Earth. The right arm of God is stretched to impart the spark of life from his own finger to Adam, whose left arm is in the same position as God’s.