English Exercises: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading
Grammar Worksheet
Complete the Second Sentence:
- I had never been to…
- She had met him the day before / hadn’t seen him there.
- Those two photos were…
- He was busy then / could meet her the following day.
- They didn’t have enough money to buy…
Complete the Sentences:
- suggested
- explained
- added
- replied
- pointed out
Rewrite the Second Sentence:
- …that I wanted to buy a large poster.
- …that she was related to the Royal Family.
- The editor said that they had worked with that…
- …that we couldn’t…
- …that she wasn’t… she was… that day.
Complete the Reported Questions:
- where
- who
- whether
- how
- which
- if
Report the Imperatives:
- her
- my
- her
- him
- to look
Rewrite the Imperatives:
- To press…
- Not to let…
- Where she was.
- If John had ever been…
- If I was good…
Vocabulary Worksheet
Complete with Types:
- Quiz show
- Sitcom
- Documentary
- Soap opera
- Current affairs
- Chat show
Complete the Words:
- Viewers
- Broadcast
- Contestant
- Audition
- Panel
- Rehearsal
Complete Sentences with Similar Meaning:
- Exhausted
- Amazing
- Essential
- Fascinating
- Hilarious
- Awful
- Gorgeous
- Impossible
- Ridiculous
- Identical
Complete the Sentences with the Correct Form:
- Production
- Presentation
- Editor
- Competition
- Performance
- Entertainer
- Presenter
- Entertainment
- Edition
- Performer
- Competitor
- Producer
Write the Extreme Adjective:
- Awful
- Fascinating
- Identical
- Amazing
- Ridiculous
- Brilliant
- Essential
- Hilarious
- Impossible
- Gorgeous
Complete with the Appropriate Adjective:
- Extremely
- Rather
- Very
- Quite
- Really
Complete the Second Sentence:
- Viewers
- Contestants
- Rehearsal
- Broadcast
- Panel
Complete the Sentences with the Correct Form:
- Edition
- Produces
- Competition
- Presents
- Entertainer
Rewrite the Statements:
- …that Betty was…
- …what she was going…
- …not to be late the next day.
- If he had worked with that…
- …that they were…
- …that she had never been…
- …where I had bought that DVD.
- …that we went… the next day.
- …who his favorite actor was.
- …that he could…
- B
- /
- E
- D
- C
- A
- Fee
- Actually
- Whole
- Handful
- Sign up
Talented Britain:
- Broadcast
- Panel
- Viewers
- Auditions
- Rehearsals
Word Families:
- Edition
- Entertainer
- Performance
- Present
- Production
- Perform
- Produce
- Entertainment
- Editor
- Presenter
- Performance
- Ridiculous
- Hilarious
- Identical
- Fascinating
- Essential
- Amazing
- Gorgeous
- Brilliant
- a
- a
- a
- b
- a
- a
- b
- a
- A
- B
- A
- C
- B
- C
- C
- B
- A
- B
- A1 B- C1 D4 E- F3
- Coat hanger
- Silly
- Thank goodness
- Common
- Run out
- Changing constantly
- b
- –
- d
- a
- c
- F
- T
- T
- T
- F
- Significant
- Sophisticated
- Additional
- Individual
- On-demand
- Modern
- Tricky
- Tricky
- Significant
- Modern
Self Check
- Absolutely
- Hits
- Producer
- Compete
- Quite
Choose from the Table:
- Auditions
- Edit
- Present
- Viral
- Rehearsal
Correct the Mistakes:
- She was watching…
- …hadn’t been…
- Correct
- …we’d meet…
- …couldn’t be…
Read the Conversation:
- I was sure…
- I had ever studied drama…
- …hadn’t…
- …I could act…
- …to show him.
- B
- A
- C
- B
- C