English Exercises: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading

Grammar Worksheet

Complete the Second Sentence:

  1. I had never been to…
  2. She had met him the day before / hadn’t seen him there.
  3. Those two photos were…
  4. He was busy then / could meet her the following day.
  5. They didn’t have enough money to buy…

Complete the Sentences:

  1. suggested
  2. explained
  3. added
  4. replied
  5. pointed out

Rewrite the Second Sentence:

  1. …that I wanted to buy a large poster.
  2. …that she was related to the Royal Family.
  3. The editor said that they had worked with that…
  4. …that we couldn’t…
  5. …that she wasn’t… she was… that day.

Complete the Reported Questions:

  1. where
  2. who
  3. whether
  4. how
  5. which
  6. if

Report the Imperatives:

  1. her
  2. my
  3. her
  4. him
  5. to look

Rewrite the Imperatives:

  1. To press…
  2. Not to let…
  3. Where she was.
  4. If John had ever been…
  5. If I was good…

Vocabulary Worksheet

Complete with Types:

  1. Quiz show
  2. Sitcom
  3. Documentary
  4. Soap opera
  5. Current affairs
  6. Chat show

Complete the Words:

  1. Viewers
  2. Broadcast
  3. Contestant
  4. Audition
  5. Panel
  6. Rehearsal

Complete Sentences with Similar Meaning:

  1. Exhausted
  2. Amazing
  3. Essential
  4. Fascinating
  5. Hilarious
  6. Awful
  7. Gorgeous
  8. Impossible
  9. Ridiculous
  10. Identical

Complete the Sentences with the Correct Form:

  1. Production
  2. Presentation
  3. Editor
  4. Competition
  5. Performance
  6. Entertainer
  7. Presenter
  8. Entertainment
  9. Edition
  10. Performer
  11. Competitor
  12. Producer


Write the Extreme Adjective:

  1. Awful
  2. Fascinating
  3. Identical
  4. Amazing
  5. Ridiculous
  6. Brilliant
  7. Essential
  8. Hilarious
  9. Impossible
  10. Gorgeous

Complete with the Appropriate Adjective:

  1. Extremely
  2. Rather
  3. Very
  4. Quite
  5. Really

Complete the Second Sentence:

  1. Viewers
  2. Contestants
  3. Rehearsal
  4. Broadcast
  5. Panel

Complete the Sentences with the Correct Form:

  1. Edition
  2. Produces
  3. Competition
  4. Presents
  5. Entertainer

Rewrite the Statements:

  1. …that Betty was…
  2. …what she was going…
  3. …not to be late the next day.
  4. If he had worked with that…
  5. …that they were…
  6. …that she had never been…
  7. …where I had bought that DVD.
  8. …that we went… the next day.
  9. …who his favorite actor was.
  10. …that he could…


  1. B
  2. /
  3. E
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  1. Fee
  2. Actually
  3. Whole
  4. Handful
  5. Sign up


Talented Britain:

  1. Broadcast
  2. Panel
  3. Viewers
  4. Auditions
  5. Rehearsals

Word Families:

  1. Edition
  2. Entertainer
  3. Performance
  4. Present
  5. Production


  1. Perform
  2. Produce
  3. Entertainment
  4. Editor
  5. Presenter
  6. Performance


  1. Ridiculous
  2. Hilarious
  3. Identical
  4. Fascinating
  5. Essential
  6. Amazing
  7. Gorgeous
  8. Brilliant


  1. a
  2. a
  3. a
  4. b
  5. a
  6. a
  7. b
  8. a


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B


  1. A1 B- C1 D4 E- F3
  1. Coat hanger
  2. Silly
  3. Thank goodness
  4. Common
  5. Run out
  6. Changing constantly
  1. b
  2. d
  3. a
  4. c
  1. F
  2. T
  3. T
  4. T
  5. F
  1. Significant
  2. Sophisticated
  3. Additional
  4. Individual
  5. On-demand
  6. Modern
  7. Tricky
  1. Tricky
  2. Significant
  3. Modern

Self Check


  1. Absolutely
  2. Hits
  3. Producer
  4. Compete
  5. Quite

Choose from the Table:

  1. Auditions
  2. Edit
  3. Present
  4. Viral
  5. Rehearsal

Correct the Mistakes:

  1. She was watching…
  2. …hadn’t been…
  3. Correct
  4. …we’d meet…
  5. …couldn’t be…

Read the Conversation:

  1. I was sure…
  2. I had ever studied drama…
  3. …hadn’t…
  4. …I could act…
  5. …to show him.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C