English for Business Communication Exercises

A. Complete the conversation using the information in the order form.

Customer          Order number     Date         Amount             Items             Model number

Takeda Golf         043762             Sept.28         35               golf bags golf clubs       CX 4103

A: Good afternoon, Sportworld Wholesales. How can I help you?

B. Good afternoon. This is Akira Sato from Takeda Golf here. I’m afraid there’s a problem with our last order.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. Could you give me the order number?

B: Yes, it’s 043762

A: One moment, please. Yes, according to our records, you placed the order on September 28th. You ordered 35 golf bags golf clubs, model number CX 4103.

B: I’m afraid that’s not quite correct. We ordered 35 golf clubs, not golf bags.

A: I’m sorry about that. I’ll look into it right away.

B: Thank you.

D. Order this conversation.

– I’ll keep the tickets for 24 hours.                                 8

– And when does it end?                                                3

– I’ll need a deposit when you confirm.                         6

– What time does the show start?                                        1

– Between 10:30 and 11. It depends on the fights.         4

– OK. I’ll speak to my boss. Then I’ll call you.             7

– Well, I’ll have to come back to you to confirm it.      5

– Thanks.                                                                        9

– At 7:30. Doors open at 6:30.                                       2

E. Complete this conversation.

call me back     cut off      what’s wrong     went dead     the operator    can I help you    was calling

– Reception here. How can I help you?

– Reception, what’s wrong with the phone? I was calling my office in Buenos Aires and I was cut off. I called again and the line went dead.

– I’ll check with the operator.

– Can you call me back?

– Yes, of course. I’m in room 213.

F. Fill in the blanks in these dialogues from a sales meeting at a shoe shop. Use the words in the box.

about      suggestions      think      agree      idea      should

1. A: I think we should change the shop layout.

B: I don’t think I agree.

2. A: How about

B: I don’t think we should do that.

3. A: Why don’t we increase advertising?

B: That’s a good idea.

4. A: Does anyone have any suggestions

B: Well, why don’t we offer a free catalogue?

5. A: Maybe we should

B: I’m not sure about that.

6. A: I think we should try to increase Internet sales.

B: I agree.

G. The sentences in B were said just after those in A. Match them.


1. Right. Thank you for coming today.

2. Sorry, I didn’t catch that.

3. That’s not really on the agenda for today.

4. Ok, I think we’ve covered advertising.

5. Sorry, I’m not with you.

6. I think that’s everything for today.


a. Can we sum up what we’ve agreed?

b. Could you be more specific?

c. Could you go over those figures again?

d. Can we start? We’re here today to discuss…

e. Can we move on to the next point?

f. Can we come back to that another time?

1 d, 2 c, 3 f, 4 e, 5 b, 6 a

H. Which expressions in A or B above are used:

  1. to begin the meeting? Good morning everyone. (Not represented in A or B)
  2. to say you didn’t hear something? Could you repeat, please? I could not hear you. (2c)
  3. to say you didn’t understand something? I can understand you, please repeat again. (5b)
  4. to keep to the right subject? The main point is… (Not represented in A or B)
  5. to change to a new subject? Move on to the next point. (4e)
  6. to close the meeting? It’s everything for today. (6a)

Tema 1

A. Choose the correct alternative and circle it.

1. Did you speak to the customer whose secretary made the complaint?

a) whose      b) who      c) that

2. We are very sorry about that.

a) to hear      b) for      c) about

3. They had terrible complaints from their customers.

a) complaints      b) information      c) feedback

4. We need…

a) …to paint the offices.      b) …have the offices painted.      c) …to have the offices painted.

5. He wouldn’t have said that – it isn’t true.

a) can’t have      b) must have      c) wouldn’t have

6. You should have let us know sooner.

a) would have      b) might have      c) should have (no estoy segura)

7. We apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused.

a) causing     b) should cause      c) might have caused

8. We must get the engine reconditioned – it’s very old.

a) should      b) ought      c) must

9. I’d rather go sightseeing.

a) like      b) prefer      c) rather

10. Tom said he had lost his umbrella.

a) had lost      b) had lost      c) is losing

B. A meeting. Match the words and phrases.

1. purpose       f

2. agenda         c

3. main points  g

4. participants  b

5. chairperson  e

6. minutes        a

7. action points d

a. notes of what is said at a meeting

b. the people who take part in a meeting

c. a list of what will happen at a meeting

d. the things to do after a meeting

e. the person who keeps control of a meeting

f. the reason for or aim of having a meeting

g. the most important things to talk about

C. Look at this agenda and answer the questions.

1. What is the meeting about?

Plan the visit by Exchange managers

2. How many people will attend the meeting?


3. What is Carla’s role?

She takes the minutes