English Grammar: Active/Passive Voice, Reported Speech & Vocabulary

English Grammar Essentials


t.6 Mistreats: maltreatar, tame: domar, endangered species: especies en perill d’extincio, extinct: extinguirse, cages: gabia, wildlife: vida salvatge, laboratories: laboratoris, researches: investigacions, experiment: experiment, human guinea pigs: conillets d’india, species breed: especies reproduint-se, ethical: etic, hunt: caza.

Active and Passive Voice

Active: Many tourists visit Big Ben. -> Passive: Big Ben is visited by many tourists.



Present Continuous

Is/are talking

Is being taken

Present Perfect

Has/have taken

Has/have been taken

Past Simple

Had taken

Had been taken


Will take

Will be taken

Be going to

Is/are going to take

Is/are going to be taken

Modal Verbs

Can/must/should take

Can/must/should be taken

Passive: Agent + subject + object

Passive: They were being watched -> Active: Someone was watching them

Passive: The shopping centre was designed by a famous architect -> Active: A famous architect designed the shopping centre.




Past Participle



The room


More Vocabulary

Carnivore: carnivor, predator: depredador, food chain: cadena alimentaria, nocturnal: nocturn, mammal hibernates: mamifers invernant, herbivore, feed one: se alimentan de, reptile: reptil, lay eggs: nido, prey: presa, invertebrate: invertebrate, gives birth to: da a la luz, offspring: nado, young: jove, primate: primate, vertebrate: vertebrtat, omnivore: omnivor.

Reported Speech: Tense Changes

T-5 Tense changes in reported speech. Ex: I loved Chinese food -> she said she loved Chinese. We’re leaving on Saturday -> they said they were leaving on Saturday.

Direct speech

Reported speech

Present simple I wait


Past simple I waited

Present continuous I am waiting


Past continuous I was waiting

Present perfect simple

I have waited


Past perfect simple

I had waited

Past simple

I waited


Past perfect simple

I had waited

Past perfect simple

I had waited


Past perfect simple

I have waited

Am/is/are going to

I’m going to wait


Was/were going to

I was going to wait

Tell vs. Say

Tell: Despues usamos un sustantivo o un pronombre sin que.

Say: No usamos ningún pronombre ni ningún sustantivo. Si hacemos uso de una sola debemos incluir a.

Se pueden omitir ambos por ->que.

Reported Speech: Time Expressions

Must -> had to now – then, at the moment yesterday – the day before

Have to -> had to today – that day last week – the week before

Will -> would tonight – that night two minutes ago – two minutes earlier

Can -> could this morning – that morning tomorrow – the next day

next week – the next week

More Vocabulary

Get on with: avanir-se, class mates: companys, fall out with: enfadar-se, make up with: reconciliars-se, habits: costums, discuss: dialogar, advice: consell, gossip: cotilla, trust: confia, pick on: picar-se, stand up for: defensar, close: intim, acquaintances: coneguts, relatives: parent.

Forma: reported question -> question words + subj + verb. Ex: he asked her what she was doing.

Sujeto siempre antes del verbo, omitimos el verbo auxiliary do, utilizamos if o weather cuando la respuesta seria si o no. No ponemos un signo de interrogación.

Relationship Vocabulary

Relationship -> dating: sentir, date: cita, stood up: deixar plantat, dumped: deixar algu, asked out: demanar per sortir, couple: sortir, chatting up: lligar, going out with: sortir amb, flirting with: filtrear, cheating on: engañar, row: baralla verbal, break: portar, get back together: tornar junts, ex: ex, fall for: pillat.