English Grammar and Vocabulary: Tenses, Comparisons, and More

Present Perfect and Continuous

Present Perfect: S + have/has + past participle. Example: They have known each other for ten years.

  • Action started in the past and continues to the present.
  • Use ‘How long…?’ to ask about an unfinished period of time.

For + period of time: For two weeks

Since + point in time: Since 2016.

Present Perfect Continuous: S + have/has been + verb + -ing. Example: Nick has been working…

  • Used with for or since with action verbs (learn, work, go…) for actions started in the past and continuing now.
  • Recent continuous or repeated actions that have just finished or have present results.
  • Live and work have the same meaning in present perfect and present perfect continuous.

Comparing People, Places, and Things

To say something is more, less, or equal to something else: Comparative adjectives + than.

Short adjectives (1/2 syllables): -er + than / -ier + than (ending in y).

Long adjectives: more + adj + than / less + adj + than / as + adj + as / the most + adj.

Irregular adjectives: good > better > best / bad > worse > worst / far > further/farther / old > older/elder > oldest/eldest.

Adverb comparisons: too = too much / enough = sufficient.

Object Pronouns and Superlatives

She is taller than me or She is taller than I am.

Superlatives: The maximum.

Short adjectives: -est / -iest (ending in y).

Long adjectives: the most + adj / the least + adj.

Often used with present perfect + ever.

Common Adjectives

Surprised / amazed (sorprendido / asombrado)

Funny / hilarious (divertido / hilarante)

Tired / exhausted (cansado / exhausto)

Dirty / filthy (sucio / asqueroso)

Hungry / starving (hambriento / muerto de hambre)

Afraid / terrified (asustado / aterrorizado)

Traffic Vocabulary

Car crash (accidente de tráfico)

Parking fine (multa de estacionamiento)

Seat belt (cinturón de seguridad)

Traffic lights (semáforos)

Traffic jam (atasco)

Cycle lane (carril bici)

Road works (obras viales)

Speed camera (radares de tráfico)

Rush hour (hora punta)

Phrasal Verbs

Set off (activar) End up (terminar)

Pick me up (recógeme) Run out of (quedarse sin)

Drop off (bajar ó dejar algo)

Look / Watch out (mira / cuidado)


About (sobre) At (en) In (dentro) Of (de) Between (entre) On (encima) For (por) From (desde) To (para) With (con)

Telephone Vocabulary

Dial (marcar)

Ringtone (tono de llamada)

Left a message (dejar un mensaje)

Engaged / busy (ocupada)

Went off (sonó)

Cut off (colgado)

Phone network (compañía telefónica)

Pay as you go (prepago)

Texting / messaging (mandar mensaje)

Calling back (devolver llamada)

Voicemail (buzón de voz) Swipe (deslizar)

Put on hold (poner en espera) Hang up (colgar)

Monthly contract (contrato mensual)