English Grammar Cheat Sheet: Tenses, Vocabulary & Connectors

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

Verb Tenses

Present Simple

Form: I/You/We/They work; He/She/It works; Do I work?; Does he work?

Use: Expresses routines, habits, scientific facts, schedules, and programs. (always, usually, often, sometimes)

Present Continuous

Form: I am playing; You/We/They are playing; He/She/It is playing. – I am not playing; We aren’t playing; He isn’t playing. – Am I playing?; Are you playing?; Is he playing?

Use: Expresses actions happening at the moment, actions in progress in the present. (at the moment, this year)

Past Simple

Form: I/You/We/They played; He/She/It played; I/He/You… didn’t play; Did I play?

Use: Expresses completed actions in the past. (yesterday, last week, when)

Past Continuous

Form: I was playing; We/They/You were playing; He/She/It was playing; Wasn’t/Weren’t; Was I playing?; Were they playing?

Use: Expresses an incomplete action in progress at a specific time in the past, an incomplete action interrupted by another action. (while, as) Describes what was happening at a specific moment in the past.

Past Perfect Simple

Form: I/He/We had arrived; Hadn’t played; Had I played/eaten?

Use: Expresses a completed action that took place before another action in the past. (already, by the time, after, before, until, never, just) Example: By the time he arrived, the train had already left. – At the moment of his arrival, the train had already left.

Present Perfect Simple

Form: I/You/We have lived; He/She/It has lived; I haven’t lived; He hasn’t lived; Have I/You/We lived?; Has he/she/it lived?

Use: Expresses actions that started in the past and continue to the present. Expresses that an action has just happened. (Your team has just scored a goal.)

Future Simple

Form: I will play; I won’t play; Will I play?

Use: Expresses a scheduled event, sudden decisions, making predictions. (this evening, later, in an hour, at 4 o’clock, tomorrow, soon, next month, on 8th May)

Be Going To

Form: I am/You are/He is/We are going to buy; I am not/aren’t/isn’t going to buy; Am I/Are you/Is he going to buy?

Use: Expresses intentions, plans for the near future, something about to happen because we have evidence. (this evening, later, in an hour, at 4 o’clock, tomorrow, soon, next month, on 8th May)

Future Continuous

Form: I will be traveling; I won’t be traveling; Will I be traveling?

Use: Expresses what will be happening at a specific time in the future. (I will continue living in the same way) (at this time tomorrow, on Thursday, in the next year)

Future Perfect Simple

Form: I will have eaten; I won’t have eaten; Will I have eaten?

Use: Indicates moments in the future that will have finished. Actions that will have finished at a specific time in the future. (by the time)


Apologize for: disculpar-se per, apologize to: disculpar-se amb, Argue about: discutir per, argue with: discutir amb, bad language: paraulotes, bilingual: bilingue, blame: donar la culpa a, body language: llenguatge corporal, break up with: separar-se, trencar, complain about: queixar-se de, cut in: interrompre, cut off: interrompre (conversa), cut out: suprimir, retallar, discuss: parlar sobre, due to: a causa de, enquire about: preguntar per, first language: primera llengua, foreign language: llengua estrangera, get across: comunicar-se, fer entendre, get by: sortir-se’n (idioma), get through: comunicar-se, gossip about: xafardejar sobre, keep in touch: mantenir el contacte, means: mitjà, manera, misunderstand: entendre malament, mother tongue: llengua materna, no longer: ja no, opposite: davant, pass down: transmetre, passar, pass on: donar, passar missatge, pick up: adquirir, request: demanar, solicitar, sign language: llenguatge de signes, slang: argot, wait for: esperar, warn: advertir, avisar

Relative Clauses

Who/That, Which/That, When, Where, Whose


Contrast: I’ll be there at 7 but not at 9.

Addition: He’s a very good teacher furthermore; he has an excellent sense of humor.

Example: She reads all kinds of books, such as novels, plays, and poetry.

Because (Por Que), In Order That (Al Fin De Que), First Of All (Primero Que Todo), So As To (A Fin De), Later (Posterior), Secondly (En Segundo Lugar), Finally (Finalmente), Since (Desde Que), To Then (A continuacion), First (Primero), Due To (Debido A), Whenever (Siempre), Owing To (debido a), While (Mientras), As (ya Que), Because Of (A Causa De), When (cuando), So That (De Modo Que), In Order To (Con El Fin De), Second (Segundo), Firstly (En Primer Lugar), Next (Siguiente), Once (Una Vez).

furthermore: després d’un punt
In addition to: principi
besides, and, also, too, as well as: principi

més, a més de, a més de, i, també, massa, així com