English Grammar: Tenses, Conditionals, Reported Speech, Passive Voice, and More

EARN EARNT EARNT (ganar) //EAT ATE EATEN (comer)//FALL FELL FALLEN (caer) //FEED FED FED (alimentar)//FEEL FELT FELT (sentir)//FIGHT FOUGHT FOUGHT (luchar) //FIND FOUND FOUND (encontrar) //FLY FLEW FLOWN (volar)//FORBID FORBADE FORBIDDEN (prohibir) //FORGET FORGOT FORGOTTEN (olvidar) //FORGIVE FORGAVE FORGIVEN (perdonar) //FREEZE FROZE FROZEN (congelar) //G ET GOT GOT (obtener)//GIVE GAVE GIVEN (dar)//GO WENT GONE (ir) //GROW GREW GROWN (crecer /cultivar)//GRIND GROUND GROUND (moler)//HANG HUNG HUNG (colgar)//HAVE HAD HAD (tener /tomar)// HEAR HEARD HEARD (oir)//HIDE HID HIDDEN (esconder)//HIT HIT HIT (golpear)// HOLD HELD HELD (sujetar)//HURT HURT HURT (herir)//KEEP KEPT KEPT (guardar)//KNEEL KNELT KNELT (arrodillar) //KNOW KNEW KNOWN (saber/conocer) //LAY LAID LAI D (pner la mesa / huevos) //LEAD LED LED (ir en cabeza) //LEARN LEARNT LEARNT (aprender) //LEAVE LEFT LEFT (partir /salir/dejar)// LEND LENT LENT (prestar)//LET LET LET (permitir)//LIE LAY LAIN (tumbarse) //LIGHT LIT LIT (encender)// LOSE LO ST LOST (perder)// MAKE MADE MADE (hacer) //MEAN MEANT MEANT (significar).////CONDICIONALES: 0º [If + Pres Simp, Pres Simp](Hechos/ If you mix yellow and red you get orange) [ If + Pres. Simp, + Will] (posibilidades/If it snows well ski.) [If + Past Simple, would + inf] (hipotetico/ If I was good-loking, I would have more friends) [If + Past Perf Simp, + would + have + vbo n PPart](Lamntar, arrepntirse d algo, qeres cmbiar el pasado/ If you had listened you would have learnt more). //VERBOS: PRES SIMP. Habitos, rutins, cstumbres, horarios (She smokes /She doesnt/Does she smoke?) PRES CONTIN. Accions q pasan ahora, fturo, accions temporales. (She smoking/ she isnt smoking/Is she were smoking?) PAST SIMP. Acciones acabads en el pasad (They enjoyed the film/They didnt enjoy the film/Did they enjoy the film?)PAST CONTIN. Accions largs, prgresivas, accions interrumpids (They were having a nap/ They werent having a nap/Were they having a nap?) PRES PERF SIMP accions finalizads en el pasado, o aun no finalizads o repercutn n el ahora, utilize conctors como ever/algna vez, yet/tdavia, just/solo, already/ya, never/nunca. (Youve seen him/You havent seen him/ Have you seen him?) PRES PERF CONT resalta conexion q exste ntre un acntecimient q comnzo n el psado, y continua n el prsnte. (They havent been writing). PAST PERF SIMP. Acntecimiento q tuvo lugar ants q el otro n el pasad/ el pasad antes del pasado. (I hadnt done the exam). PAST PERF CONT. Dstaca la duración d una acción n el pasad (I had been snowing/ I hadnt been snowing/ Had I seen snowing?). FUTUR SIMP. Decisions spntaneas, predccions, opinions, evntos seguros..(We will be lying on the beach/We wont be lying on the beach/ Will we be lying on the beach?) (will + be + _ing) FUTUR PERF SIMP. Accion q Habra finalized n un momnto dl future (will + have + past part) (We wont have started dinner). FUTURO: WILL prediccions bsadas n nuestras opinions, cnocimients, o tomads n el mismo mnto n qe se habla ofrecimints, promsas, amenazs. (Thatll be a great night Ill definitely be there. Hoy about you?) BE GOING TO planes hechos antes, predciones, evidncias n el presnte (Bob and I are going to go on holiday together next summer/Were going to eat a pizza). PRES CONT Hacer plnes xra un fturo cercano (Were watching TV../ Were eating a pizza).//PRES PERF: I have been (he estad)/ You have done (has estado)/ Have gone (He ido). PAST PERF: I had been (habia stad)/ You had done (habias hecho)/ I had gone (habia ido).///WHO-> para gente (no cosas)->(the man who phoned didnt give his name). THAT-> para cosas y gente-> (Emma lives in a house that is 400 years old/ The people that work in the office). WHICH-> para cosas (no gente)-> (An airplane is a machine which flies).

Direct speech -> Reported speech: present simple I am happy I sleep Imagen past simple He said he was happy He said he slept/ present continuos I am feeling happy I am sleepingImagen past continuos He said he was feeling happy He said he was sleeping/ past simple I was happy I sleptImagen past perfect He said he had been happy He said he had slept/ present perfect I have been happy I have sleptImagen past perfect He said he had been happy He said he had slept/ present perfect continuos I have been feeling happy I have been sleepingImagen past perfect continuos He said he had been feeling happy He said he had been sleeping/ future I will be happy I will sleepImagen simple conditional He said he would be happy He said he would sleep/ future perfect I will have been happy I will have sleepImagen simple conditional perfect He said he would have been happy He said he would have slept//Direct speech -> Reported speech: CAN I can sleep Imagen COULD He said he could sleep/ MAYI may sleepImagen MIGHT He said he might sleep/ WILL I will sleepImagen WOULD He said he would sleep/ MUST I must sleepImagen HAD TO He said he had to sleep///nowImagen at that moment, then/ tonightImagen that night/ todayImagen that day/ last nightImagen the night before/ this morningImagen that morning/ this weekImagen that week/ next weekImagen the following week/ next yearImagen the year after/ hereImagen there ///Direct speech “Where do Susan and Ann work?¿Dónde trabajan Susan y Ann Direct speech (estilo directo) I always drink coffee” “Yo siempre bebo café.  Reported speech ” He asked me where Susan and Ann worked.” ¿Dónde trabajan Susan y Ann?” Él me preguntó dónde trabajaban Mary y Tom.Reported speech (estilo indirecto)”. She said. She said that she always drank coffee. .” Ella dijo.Ella dijo que ella siempre bebía café. /// Verb Tense ->StructureExample: PRESENT SIMPLE am/are/is + pp (Spanish is spoken here).PRESENT CONTINUOUS am/are/is being + pp (Your questions are being answered).FUTURE (WILL) will be + pp (Itll be painted by next week). FUTURE (GOING TO)am/are/is going to be + pp (Terry is going to be made redundant next year.)PAST SIMPLE was/were + pp (We were invited to the party, but we didnt go) .PAST CONTINUOUS was/were being + pp (The hotel room was being cleaned when we got back from shopping).PRESENT PERFECT have/has been + pp (The President of America has been shot). PAST PERFECT had been + pp (When he got home he found that all of his money had been stolen) .FUTURE PERFECT will have been + pp (Our baby will have been born before Christmas.) Para formar la pasiva.!///VOZ ACTIVA Tom writes a letter/ Tom is writing a letter/ Tom was writing a letter/ Tom wrote a letter/ Tom has written a letter/ Tom had written a letter/ Tom will write a letter/ Tom is going to write a letter/ Tom can write a letter/ Tom could write a letter/ Tom must write a letter/ Tom may write a letter/ Tom might write a letter/ VOZ PASIVA A letter is written by Tom/  A letter is being written by Tom/ A letter was being written by Tom/ A letter was written by Tom/ A letter has been written by Tom/ A letter had been written by Tom/ A letter will be written by Tom/ A letter is going to be written by Tom/ A letter can be written by Tom/ A letter could be written by Tom/ A letter must be written by Tom/ A letter may be written…/ A letter might be written