English Irregular Verbs: Present, Past, and Past Participle
Mastering Irregular Verbs: A Comprehensive List
Understanding Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the standard pattern of adding -ed or -d to form their past simple and past participle forms. Mastering these verbs is crucial for achieving fluency in English.
List of Common Irregular Verbs
This list provides the present, past simple, and past participle forms of common irregular verbs, along with their meanings in Spanish where applicable.
- Beat: Beat, Beaten
- Break: Broke, Broken
- Build: Built, Built
- Burn: Burnt, Burnt
- Buy: Bought, Bought
- Cast: Cast, Cast
- Catch: Caught, Caught
- Choose: Chose, Chosen
- Dig: Dug, Dug
- Draw: Drew, Drawn
- Dream: Dreamt, Dreamt
- Fall: Fell, Fallen
- Feel: Felt, Felt (Sentir)
- Fight: Fought, Fought
- Find: Found, Found
- Flee: Fled, Fled (Huir)
- Fly: Flew, Flown (Volar)
- Forget: Forgot, Forgotten
- Forgive: Forgave, Forgiven
- Freeze: Froze, Frozen
- Get: Got, Gotten
- Give: Gave, Given
- Grow: Grew, Grown
- Hide: Hid, Hidden
- Hit: Hit, Hit (Golpear)
- Hold: Held, Held (Agarrar, Celebrar)
- Hurt: Hurt, Hurt (Herir)
- Keep: Kept, Kept (Conservar)
- Know: Knew, Known (Saber, Conocer)
- Kneel: Knelt, Knelt (Arrodillarse)
- Knit: Knit, Knit (Hacer punto)
- Lay: Laid, Laid
- Lead: Led, Led
- Lean: Leant, Leant
- Learn: Learnt, Learnt
- Leave: Left, Left
- Lend: Lent, Lent
- Let: Let, Let
- Lie: Lay, Lain
- Lose: Lost, Lost
- Make: Made, Made
- Mean: Meant, Meant
- Meet: Met, Met
- Pay: Paid, Paid
- Read: Read, Read
- Ride: Rode, Ridden
- Ring: Rang, Rung
- Rise: Rose, Risen
- Say: Said, Said
- See: Saw, Seen
- Sell: Sold, Sold
- Send: Sent, Sent
- Shake: Shook, Shaken
- Shoot: Shot, Shot (Disparar)
- Show: Showed, Shown (Mostrar)
- Shrink: Shrank, Shrunk (Encogerse)
- Shut: Shut, Shut
- Sing: Sang, Sung
- Sink: Sank, Sunk
- Sit: Sat, Sat
- Sleep: Slept, Slept
- Speak: Spoke, Spoken
- Spell: Spelt, Spelt
- Spend: Spent, Spent
- Spread: Spread, Spread
- Spring: Sprang, Sprung
- Steal: Stole, Stolen (Robar)
- Strike: Struck, Struck
- Swear: Swore, Sworn
- Swell: Swelled, Swollen
- Swing: Swung, Swung
- Take: Took, Taken
- Teach: Taught, Taught
- Tell: Told, Told
- Think: Thought, Thought
- Throw: Threw, Thrown
- Understand: Understood, Understood
- Wake: Woke, Woken
- Wear: Wore, Worn
- Win: Won, Won
- Write: Wrote, Written