English Language Practice: Grammar and Vocabulary

English Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. I found Judy sitting on my doorstep when I got home.
  2. Animals thrive when there is food, water, and a lack of danger from other species.
  3. This is a complex problem which we have not been able to solve.
  4. Both animals and people have to learn to adapt to new surroundings.
  5. Most people think that foxes live in woods and fields, but they are also city-dwelling animals.
  6. As cities expand out into the countryside, there is less space for wild animals.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

  1. I’ve always stood up for my rights in the workplace.
  2. After a difficult start, everything turned out alright in the end.
  3. I always go to parties when I’m invited – I hate missing out on anything!
  4. We came up against a few problems, but we managed to solve them.
  5. It’s a good idea to go through your work and check for careless mistakes.
  6. When are you moving into your new home?
  7. Sally is going to take over.
  8. Olivia walks so fast that Jack had to run to keep up with her.

Circle the correct option (A or B).

  1. If I was a better cook, I would have invited them to lunch.
  2. If you had dealt with the problem sooner, we wouldn’t be in this mess!
  3. I would have been able to understand Antonio if he spoke more slowly.
  4. If they didn’t trust me, they would never have given me the job.
  5. If only I had a quieter place to study. It would make things much easier.

If the underlined words are correct, put a tick (✓). If they are incorrect, write the correct words.

  1. Those animals would die if we don’t help them immediately. will die
  2. If you came up against a problem at work, would you ask your supervisor for help? ✓
  3. Sally had made a better impression at yesterday’s interview if she looked more confident. would have made
  4. If you had read yesterday’s paper, you would know how much trouble that company is in. ✓
  5. Ryan wouldn’t ask his boss for a raise if his boss liked him so much. didn’t like
  6. If you had been an environmental activist, which aspect of the environment would you fight hardest to protect? were

Match the words to make collocations. Write a letter on the line.

  1. Inspire people. f
  2. Make improvements to. g
  3. Overcome your difficulties. h
  4. Transform your life. a
  5. A remarkable achievement. i
  6. Seek ways to improve. d
  7. Influence the government. c
  8. Make advances in. e
  9. Turning point. j
  10. Make a world of difference. b

Complete the sentences with one verb in each gap.

  1. Sorting through all this recycling is hard work, but it’s better if we just get on with it.
  2. I need to make more effort to keep up with what is happening with the environment.
  3. I’m sorry things didn’t turn out so well after the meeting.
  4. A wealthy investor bought the firm, and this allowed him to take over its operations.
  5. We shouldn’t have to work in such poor conditions; let’s stand up for our rights!
  6. If I look back on my early years as an activist, I realise just how daring I really was.