English Phonetics: Sounds, Symbols & Articulation

English Phonetics

Vowel Sounds

A (r), er, ear, al, au:

  • Ae, a

ɜ: ir, er, ear, ur, or, our:

  • ʌ, u (between 2 consonants), or, or, oo

i: ee, eo, ie, ei, and:

  • e, e, o, u

ɔ: or, ore, oor, aw, oar, or ours:

  • E-Schaw

u: oo, u, or, or, ew, ue, ui, oe:

  • i, e, and

Others the, au, or:

  • U.S. u, oo, or


  • ai: a + i (e, i, ie, is, uy, eye)
  • au: a + u (or, ow)
  • ei: e + i (ei, ai, ai, a (between comfort and seguida of and (shwa) – (are, ear, air, ere))
  • əu: (shwa + u.corta) – (a, oa, oe, ow, ou)
  • iə: (i.breve + shwa) – (eer, ere, ear, ier, e)
  • ɔi: o + i (hi, oy, awy)
  • uə: (u.corta + shwa) – (or, ur, ure, I, oo)

Alveolar Ridge

The Alveolar Ridge is the bony ridge that forms the borders of the upper and lower jaws and contains the sockets of the teeth.

Phonetics Terminology

Phoneme: The abstraction of the individual sounds produced by speakers of a language. If a particular phoneme in a word is changed, the meaning of the word may change (e.g., ten-pen).

Allophones: Variants of a phoneme. A phoneme may take different forms depending on its position in a word. The meaning of a word does not change if an allophone is changed (e.g., canal-channel).

Minimal Pairs: Two words which share a set of phonemes, but differ by a change in one phoneme (e.g., ten-pen).

Homographs: Words which are written in the same way but have different meanings (e.g., bow-bow).

Homophones: Words which are pronounced in the same way but are spelled differently (e.g., bow-bough).

Consonant Features

Nasal Release: Happens when nasal phonemes immediately follow plosive phonemes:

  • Plosive + nasal /m/ – /n/ – /ŋ/

Plosive Consonants: /p/, /t/, /k/, /b/, /d/, /g/

Lateral Release: Happens when the lateral phoneme /l/ immediately follows plosive phonemes.

Incomplete Plosion/Release: This happens when we find two closing sounds together, especially when they have the same point of articulation.

Vowel Descriptions


  • Quality: Close, front
  • Lip Position: Widely spread
  • Quantity: Long
  • Tenseness: Tense
  • Prominence: Stressed
  • Graphemes: ee, ea, ey, ie, ei, i


  • Quality: Between close and half-close, between front and center
  • Lip Position: Slightly spread
  • Quantity: Short
  • Tenseness: Lax
  • Prominence: Unstressed
  • Graphemes: i, e, y, u, ui, also in suffixes (e.g., -ing, -ed, -age)


  • Quality: Between half-close and half-open, front
  • Lip Position: Slightly spread
  • Quantity: Short
  • Tenseness: Tense
  • Prominence: Mainly stressed
  • Graphemes: e, ea, a, ai, ay, u, i


  • Quality: Between half-open and open, front
  • Lip Position: Neutral
  • Quantity: Short
  • Tenseness: Tense
  • Prominence: Mainly stressed
  • Graphemes: a, ai


  • Quality: Open, back
  • Lip Position: Neutral
  • Quantity: Long
  • Tenseness: Lax
  • Prominence: Mainly stressed
  • Graphemes: ar, a + consonant + l, a + n + consonant, a + ss/st, af/ff, a + th, au, er, ear


  • Quality: Open, back
  • Lip Position: Slightly rounded
  • Quantity: Short
  • Tenseness: Lax
  • Prominence: Stressed
  • Graphemes: o, a, au (yacht, wrath)


  • Quality: Between half-open and half-close, back
  • Lip Position: Medium rounded
  • Quantity: Long
  • Tenseness: Tense
  • Prominence: Stressed
  • Graphemes: or, oor, ore, oar, al + consonant, war, quar, aw, au


  • Quality: Between close and half-close, back
  • Lip Position: Slightly rounded
  • Quantity: Short
  • Tenseness: Lax
  • Prominence: Unstressed
  • Graphemes: u, oo, ou, o, -ful, -hood


  • Quality: Almost close, back
  • Lip Position: Rounded
  • Quantity: Long
  • Tenseness: Tense
  • Prominence: Usually stressed
  • Graphemes: oo, ew, ue, ui, ou, u + consonant + consonant, ew


  • Quality: Central, between open and half-open
  • Lip Position: Neutral
  • Quantity: Short
  • Tenseness: Lax
  • Prominence: Usually stressed
  • Graphemes: u, o, ou, oo, -son


  • Quality: Central, between half-close and half-open
  • Lip Position: Neutral
  • Quantity: Long
  • Tenseness: Tense
  • Prominence: Always stressed
  • Graphemes: ir, ur, ear, wor, er, air


  • Quality: Central, between half-close and half-open
  • Lip Position: Neutral
  • Quantity: Short
  • Tenseness: Lax
  • Prominence: Never stressed
  • Graphemes: a, ar, er, or, our, ous, -er, -ure, -sure, -age, -ation, -sion, -ious

Places of Articulation

  • Lips: Both lips
  • Teeth (sup.): Upper teeth
  • Teeth (inf.): Lower teeth
  • Alveoli: Alveolar ridge
  • Hard Palate: Hard palate
  • Velum (raised): Soft palate (raised)
  • Velum (lowered): Soft palate (lowered)
  • Nasal Cavity: Nasal cavity
  • Tongue: Tongue
  • Tip of the Tongue: Tip of the tongue
  • Predorso: Blade of the tongue
  • Front: Front of the tongue
  • Postdorso: Back of the tongue
  • Vocal cords and glottis: Vocal cords and glottis