English Phrases and Vocabulary: Improve Your Fluency
English Phrases and Vocabulary
Keep track of: To continue to be informed or know about someone or something.
Instigate: To provoke.
Cheery: In good spirits.
A hollow attempt: An unsuccessful try.
Merely: Simply, only.
Assess: To evaluate.
Workforce: The people available for work in a particular area, firm, or industry.
Put sth on hold: To postpone sth.
Be entitled to: To have the right to.
Fall back on sth: Do sth else after things have failed.
Corporation: A business that is owned by many investors.
Blurred vision: Unclear sight.
Feasible: Possible, able to be done.
Question sth: To doubt whether sth is true.
Abolish: To put an end to.
Difference: Makes no difference to.
Mind: They had in mind.
Held: Was held in such high regard.
Come: Always come naturally to.
Misinformed: To have been misinformed about.
Event: Unlikely event of her party winning.
Let: Not to let her children watch.
Illegal: Make it illegal to drive.
Time: Tom had left on time.
Thorough: To be a thorough revision of.
Gradual: Was a gradual rise in.
Consequence: Was of no consequence.
There is one person to whom I owe more than I can say.
It was the kind of accident for which nobody was really to blame.
Whoever leaves last should turn off the lights.
Mary was late yesterday, which was unusual for her.
At 6.00, which was an hour before the plane was due, thick fog descended.
I don’t know who told you that, but they were wrong.
The first time I saw you was when you answered the door.
Mrs Brown was the first owner whose dog won three prizes in the same show.
I’ve just spoken to Sally, who sends you her love.
Midway through the second half City scored the fourth goal, at which point United gave up.
Any: To mention any of.
Could: Was sorry that he could not.
Sight: Lose sight of.
Matter: No matter how hard I.
Across: Comes across to his boss as.
Reference: Made no reference to.
To: Any objection to John’s joining.
Resulted: Illness resulted in this abandoning.
Had: Sooner had the tennis players gone.
Off: Would have to be put off.
But: No choice but to.
Rather: Would rather not be.
Eye: Being in the public eye.
On: Insisted on speaking.
From: Apart from the lack.
Worth: Makes the album worth listening.
Only: Only was the hotel a long.
High: Was high time she left.
Clearly: Explain the main point clearly enough.
Soon: As soon as we receive.
Up: Hadn’t put up.
Caused: Delay was caused by the.
For: If it weren’t for Sarah’s.
Exception: With the exception of Leo came.
Due: Was due to start.
Unaware: Parents were unaware of.
Commonly: As it’s commonly believed.
Mood: In the mood to go.
Else: Somewhere else to.
Failed: Failed to realise the significance.
Any: Was there any increase in.
To keep track of: To have/not have information about what is happening or where somebody/something is.
Instigate: To cause; to start trouble.
Cheery: Happy and optimistic.
To cheer up: Become happier.
A hollow attempt (at): Not really trying to do sth.
To set aside sth (the fact that): To not consider something, because other things are more important.
Assess: To evaluate.
Workforce: The people available for work in a particular area, firm, or industry.
To be entitled to: To have the right to.
Fall back on: Turn to sb/sth for help when other plans have failed.
Blurred vision: Unclear/blurred sight. (ROS Eyes)
Feasible: Possible, able to be done.
To question sth: To have doubts about sth.
Abolish: To do away with/ put an end to.
Baffling: Confusing.
Reliance: Trust, confidence, dependence.
Recollection: Memory.
Spring to life: To become suddenly alive or more alive. (ex. The party sprang to life after midnight.)
Bring together: To join, gather.
Have an insight into sth: A clear understanding of what sth is like.
Endeavour: Try hard to do or achieve something.
Dismantle: To take part.
Get hold of sth: …
Trashy: Of poor quality.
Patchy: Not complete; good in some parts, but not in others.
Tune in: To pay attention.
Bind: To tie together.
Enhance: To improve.
Pin down: To understand or describe something exactly.
Provides a means to: Provides a way to do sth.
Say sorry: Apologise.
Go up: Increase.
Go down: Decrease.
Set up: Establish.
Look at: Examine.
Find out: Discover.
Bring about: Cause.
Put off: Cancel.
Stand for: Represent.
Leave out: Omit.
Go against: Oppose.
Get in touch with: Contact.
It’s about: It concerns.
Need to: Require.
Get: Obtain.
Place: Venue/concert hall.
Put up: Tolerate.
Deal with: Handle.
Seem: Appear.
Keep: Retain.
Ring up: Call.
Show up: Arrive.
Let: Permit.
Lots of/ a lot of: Much/many.
Tons of: Large quantities of/a number of.
Totally: Completely.
Really/very: Definitely.
Kids: Children.
I think: In my opinion.
Cheap: Inexpensive.
Wrong: Incorrect.
Wishes: Wishes he had written to.
Time: It’s time we went.
Being: Not being able to.
Touch: Stayed in touch.
High: High time you bought.
I wish I could get a job abroad.
I wish I wasn’t so bad at sport.
I wish I hadn’t lost my favourite scarf.
Wish: I wish I could.