English-Spanish Vocabulary for Healthcare and Food
Common Illnesses and Symptoms in English and Spanish
- Chills: Escalofríos
- Cough: Tos
- Dizzy: Mareado/a
- Earache: Dolor de oído
- Headache: Dolor de cabeza
- Loss of appetite: Pérdida de apetito
- Nausea: Náuseas
- Runny nose: Nariz que moquea
- Sneeze: Estornudar
- Sore throat: Dolor de garganta
- Stomachache: Dolor de estómago
- Sweaty: Sudoroso/a
- Temperature: Fiebre
- Tired: Cansado/a
- Toothache: Dolor de muela
- Watery eyes: Ojos llorosos
Common Diseases
- Allergy: Alergia
- Chickenpox: Varicela
- Cold: Resfriado
- Croup: Anginas
- Diarrhea: Diarrea
- Flu: Gripe
- Mumps: Paperas
- Vomiting: Vómitos
Food Vocabulary in English and Spanish
- Apple: Manzana
- Artichoke: Alcachofa
- Asparagus: Espárrago
- Aubergine: Berenjena
- Banana: Plátano
- Beans: Judías
- Beef: Ternera
- Beer: Cerveza
- Butter: Mantequilla
- Carrot: Zanahoria
- Cheese: Queso
- Chicken: Pollo
- Chickpeas: Garbanzos
- Cod: Bacalao
- Grapes: Uvas
- Hake: Lenguado
- Ice-cream: Helado
- Juice: Zumo
- Lamb: Cordero
- Lentils: Lentejas
- Lobster: Langosta
- Milk: Leche
- Mushrooms: Champiñones o setas
- Peach: Melocotón
- Ribs: Costillas
- Sausages: Salchichas
- Trout: Trucha
- Tuna: Atún
- Watermelon: Melón
- Yogurt: Yogur
Modal Verbs and Time Expressions
- Should: Deberías
- Must: Debes
- Have to: Tener que
- May: Puede que
- Yet: Todavía / Ya
- Ever: Alguna vez
- Never: Nunca
- For: Durante
- Already: Ya
- Since: Desde
- Just: Acabo de
English Irregular Verbs: Past Participle
Been, forgiven, said, become, frozen, seen, begun, got, sold, bled, given, sent, blown, been/gone, set, bitten, grown, sewn, broken, hung, shaken, brought, had, shone, built, heard, shown, burnt, hidden, sung, bought, hit, sat, could, held, slept, caught, hurt, smelt, chosen, kept, spoken, come, known, spelt, cost, learnt, spent, cut, left, stood, dug, lent, stolen, done, let, struck, drawn, lain, swum, dreamt/dreamed, lit, taken, drunk, lost, taught, driven, made, told, eaten, meant, thought, fallen, met, thrown, fed, paid, understood, woken up, fought, read, won, found, ridden, worn, flown, rung, written, forbidden, risen, run.
Personalized Weight Loss Recommendations
Dear Sophie,
I hope this email finds you well. As your dietitian, I am committed to helping you achieve your weight loss goals. Here are some personalized recommendations:
- Balanced Diet: Focus on incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.
- Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes. Using smaller plates can help control the amount you eat.
- Regular Meals: Eating regular meals and healthy snacks prevents overeating. Don’t skip breakfast; it kickstarts your metabolism.
- Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger.
- Physical Activity: Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. This could be walking, cycling, or any activity you enjoy.
- Sleep and Stress Management: Ensure you get adequate sleep and manage stress effectively, as both can impact weight.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need further assistance. Together, we can achieve your health goals.
Best regards,
Noel Khouya