English Tenses and Structures: Narratives & Examples
Past Experiences with “Will” and “Going To”
Four years ago, I was in the best time of my life because I found love. We always traveled to different places with my family. On weekends, I went to parties with my friends or to the cinema with my cousin. But what I liked most was walking with my grandmother because she always shared many stories, and I used to laugh a lot with her.
Future Plans
I’m going to travel to Peru with my boyfriend for vacation. There, I will meet some friends, and we’ll have a good time together. I hope to visit many places, and I will try to bring some souvenirs for all of my friends. Also, I’m going to spend my vacation at my cousins’ house, and I will go to the cinema with my family. I’m going to have fun as soon as I get there, and I will make these the best vacations ever.
Comparatives and Superlatives in a Story
Today, I went to university, and there was a new classmate. He was the tallest in the class, younger than me, and stronger than my friend Francisca. He sat down beside me; he looked more muscular than me and not very smart either. When we went to the gym, he was slower than Markus but faster than me. He was the strongest and the funniest in the class.
Comparing Universities: Chile vs. Abroad
Universities in Chile are cheaper than foreign universities because there is a greater variety of scholarships. However, foreign universities are more prestigious than Chilean universities because they are much older. But I prefer Chilean universities; they are the best in the world, in my opinion, because they are cozy, beautiful, closer to home, and the students and teachers are very kind.
Living Alone vs. Living with Parents
When one lives alone, you have more freedom than when living with parents, but one must get used to doing things alone, in contrast to when your mom helps you with your stuff. Living alone, I can invite my friends to my house whenever I want; instead, at my parents’ home, I should ask for permission. And finally, when one is going to live alone, one assumes more responsibilities than when living with parents.
Medical Recommendations
You should:
- Drink more water.
- Take some aspirin.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables.
- Walk more, or at least one day a week.
And finally, I recommend you do exercise because you will feel better.
Formal Email Example
Dear Ms. Palmer,
I saw your ad in the paper and think your courses sound just like what we’re looking for. We’re doing some business in Europe, so it’s a bit hectic in our office at the moment, but next month things should calm down a bit! Is there any chance you could send us a brochure of the courses as soon as possible? I asked my boss if we could do one here, and he said, “No problem” – let me know if you send teachers here or if we’ve got to come over to you.
Thank you in advance, and I’ll call you when it arrives. You can send it to our office or, if it’s easier, send it by email.
Best wishes,
Pete Colburn
Incorrect Email Draft
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