English Verb Tenses: A Comprehensive Guide

English Verb Tenses

Present Simple

Affirmative: I talk.
Negative: I don’t talk.
Interrogative: Do you talk?

Third Person:
Affirmative: He eats.
Negative: He doesn’t eat.
Interrogative: Does he eat?

Present Continuous

Affirmative: I’m talking.
Negative: I’m not talking.
Interrogative: Are you talking?

Third Person:
Affirmative: He’s eating.
Negative: He isn’t eating.
Interrogative: Is he eating?

Present Perfect

Affirmative: I have talked to Peter.
Negative: I haven’t talked to Peter.
Interrogative: Have you talked to Peter?

Third Person:
Affirmative: She has gone to work.
Negative: She hasn’t gone to work.
Interrogative: Has she gone to work?

Past Simple

Affirmative: I wanted to dance.
Negative: I didn’t want to dance.
Interrogative: Did you want to dance?

Third Person:
Affirmative: He learned English.
Negative: He didn’t learn English.
Interrogative: Did he learn English?

Past Continuous

Affirmative: I was talking.
Negative: I wasn’t talking.
Interrogative: Were you talking?

Third Person:
Affirmative: He was eating.
Negative: He wasn’t eating.

Future Continuous

Affirmative: I will be talking.
Negative: I won’t be talking.
Interrogative: Will you be talking?

Past Perfect

Affirmative: I had bought a new car.
Negative: I had not bought a new car.
Interrogative: Had I bought a new car?

Third Person:
Affirmative: He had brought the gifts.
Negative: He had not brought the gifts.
Interrogative: Had he brought the gifts?

Present Perfect Continuous

Affirmative: They have been talking for three hours.
Negative: They haven’t been talking for more than a few minutes.
Interrogative: Have they been talking for a long time?

Third Person:
Affirmative: She has been studying English since she was 16.
Negative: She hasn’t been studying English for very long.
Interrogative: Has Mary been waiting long?

Future Perfect Continuous

Affirmative: Paco will have been living in Italy.
Negative: Paco won’t have been living in Italy.
Interrogative: Will Paco have been living in Italy?

Third Person: Same as above.

Past Perfect Continuous

Affirmative: I had been studying English for 2 years.
Negative: I hadn’t been studying English.
Interrogative: Had you been studying English?

Going To

Affirmative: I am going to buy a car.
Negative: I am not going to buy a car.
Interrogative: Are you going to buy a car?

Third Person:
Affirmative: She is going to buy a car.
Negative: She isn’t going to buy a car.
Interrogative: Is she going to buy a car?


Affirmative: I would eat.
Negative: I wouldn’t eat.
Interrogative: Would I eat?

Future Simple

Affirmative: I will come.
Negative: I won’t come.
Interrogative: Will I come?

Modal Verbs

  • Should
  • Can
  • Could
  • Must
  • Be able to
  • Shouldn’t
  • Couldn’t
  • Mustn’t
  • May
  • Might

Modal Perfect

Subject + Modal + Past Participle

First Conditional

If/Unless + Present Simple + Will + Verb

Second Conditional

If/Unless + Past Simple + Would + Verb

Third Conditional

If + Past Perfect Simple + Would have + Past Participle