English Vocabulary and Grammar: A Comprehensive List
English Vocabulary
- Avoid: Evitar, dejar de.
- As: Como.
- As a result: A consecuencia.
- Astounding: Asombroso.
- Admit: Admitir, reconocer.
- At first: Al comienzo.
- Also: También.
- Although: Aunque.
- As well as: Así como.
- As a result of: Como resultado de.
- Back and forth: De un lado para otro.
- Background: Formación.
- Because: Porque.
- Bitter: Gélido, amargo.
- Because of: A causa de.
- Brain: Cerebro.
- Behave: Comportarse, portarse.
- Blame: Culpar / echar la culpa.
- Chasing: Perseguir, ir a la caza de.
- Chilly: Fresco.
- Consequently: Consecuentemente.
- Conduct: Realizar.
- Choice: Elección, opción.
- Change my ways: Cambiar la manera de actuar.
- Cheat: Copiar.
- Caught him red-handed: Cogido con las manos en la masa.
- Deadly: Mortal.
- Degrees: Grados.
- Drought: Sequía.
- Due to: Gracias a.
- Deceived: Engañar.
- During: Durante.
- Ensure: Asegurar.
- Even though: Aunque, aun cuando.
- Forecast: Pronóstico.
- Figure: Dato.
- Flood: Inundación.
- For this reason: Por esta razón.
- Frank: Honesto.
- Furthermore: Además.
- Finally: Finalmente.
- Gather: Recopilar, juntar, reunir.
- Get caught: Ser pillado.
- Get away with it: Salirse con la suya.
- Get into trouble: Meterse en un lío.
- Guilty: Culpable.
- Heatwave: Ola de calor.
- Humidity: Humedad.
- Hailstones: Granizo.
- Heavy: Pesado.
- However: Sin embargo.
- It’s a pity: Es una pena…
- In spite of: A pesar de.
- In addition: Además.
- In order to: A fin de que.
- Lightning: Rayo.
- Likely: Probable.
- Liar: Mentiroso.
- Melting: Derretirse, fundirse.
- Moreover: Por otra parte, es más.
- Mild: Templado, suave.
- Nevertheless: No obstante.
- Ordinary: Normal.
- Overcast: Nublado.
- On the one hand: Por un lado.
- Path: Camino.
- Put up: Colgar, poner.
- Plagiarize: Plagiar.
- Run a company: Llevar un negocio.
- Rather than: En vez de.
- Rainfall: Precipitación.
- Rough: Peligroso, agitado.
- Rip-off: Estafa.
- Skilled: Experto, especializado.
- Slip: Deslizarse, resbalar.
- Slippery: Resbaladizo.
- Soaking wet: Empapado.
- Sweat: Sudor.
- Shivered: Tiritar, temblar.
- Severe: Duro.
- Since: Ya que.
- Signals: Señales.
- Staff: Empleado.
- Stole: Robar.
- Suspect: Sospechar de.
- Shoplifting: Robar en tiendas.
- Sticky fingers: Mano larga.
- So as to: Para.
- So: Por tanto.
- So that: Para que.
- Sequence: Secuencia.
- Thick: Espero, denso.
- Therefore: Por lo tanto.
- Tend to: Tender a, soler.
- Take place: Tener lugar.
- Tempted: Tentar.
- Trust: Confiar en, fiarse de.
- Thief: Ladrón.
- Then: Pues.
- Witness: Ver, presenciar.
- Weather forecaster: Meteorólogo.
- Worldwide: Mundial, en todo el mundo.
- White lie: Mentira piadosa.
Passive Voice Examples
Present Simple
Active: The Police conduct an experiment.
Passive: An experiment is conducted by the police.
Past Simple
Active: The police conducted an experiment.
Passive: An experiment was conducted by the police.
Future Simple
Active: The police will conduct an experiment.
Passive: An experiment will be conducted by the police.
Present Continuous
Active: The police are conducting an experiment.
Passive: An experiment is being conducted by the police.
Past Continuous
Active: The police were conducting an experiment.
Passive: An experiment was being conducted by the police.
Present Perfect Simple
Active: The police have conducted an experiment.
Passive: An experiment has been conducted.
Past Perfect Simple
Active: The police had conducted an experiment.
Passive: An experiment had been conducted by the police.
Active: The Police should conduct an experiment.
Passive: An experiment should be conducted by the police.
Modal Perfect
Active: The Police could have conducted an experiment.
Passive: An experiment has to be conducted by the police.
Be going to
Active: The police are going to conduct an experiment.