English Vocabulary and Grammar: A Comprehensive Resource
Vocabulary Unit 1: World War I
- Invaded (to invade): binnenvallen
- Allies (an ally): een bondgenoot
- Trenches (a trench): een loopgraaf
- (An) enemy: een vijand
- No-man’s-land: niemandsland
- Shells (a shell): een granaat
- Casualties (a casualty): een (oorlogs)slachtoffer
- A ceasefire: een staakt-het-vuren
- Battles (a battle): een gevecht, een strijd
- To withdraw: zich terugtrekken
- Negotiated (to negotiate): onderhandelen
- A peace treaty: een vredesverdrag
- Gave in (to give in to): toegeven aan
- Handed in (to hand in): inleveren
- Took after (to take after): lijken op
- Refugee: vluchteling
- Threw in the towel (to throw in the towel): de handdoek in de ring gooien
- Collapse: instorting
- Resource: (geld) bron
- Shortage: tekort
- Policy: beleid
Vocabulary Unit 2: Travel and Sustainability
- To chitchat: keuvelen, babbelen over niets belangrijks
- Numerous: veelvuldige
- (To) go hand in hand: hand in hand gaan
- Sight: bezienswaardigheid
- To be apt to: geneigd zijn om
- To wander: ronddwalen
- Ill-fated: noodlottig
- To overwhelm: overweldigen
- Loo: toilet (British)
- Mural: muurschildering
- Ordeal: beproeving
- The luck of the draw: de willekeur, het noodlot
- To expel: verdrijven, buitengooien
- To bar: verhinderen, verbieden
- Stowaway: verstekeling
- Descendant: afstammeling
- Reluctant: weerhoudend, met tegenzin
- Prejudice: vooroordeel
- Occupation: (here) bezetting
- Resistance: weerstand, verzet
- Generosity: vrijgevigheid
- Anxiety: angst, zenuwachtig
- By trade: van beroep
- A burden: een last
- To let go of: loslaten
- (A) specialty: een specialiteit
- External: uiterlijk, aan de buitenkant
- Reflects (to reflect): weerspiegelen
- Internally (internal): vanbinnen, innerlijk
- (To) hold on to: behouden, vasthouden aan
- A kick in the butt: een schop onder de kont
- Has a roof over his head (to have a roof over one’s head): een dak boven het hoofd hebben
- (To) get on like a house on fire: uitstekend met elkaar overweg kunnen
- Drives me up the wall (to drive someone up the wall): het bloed vanonder iemands nagels halen
- Throws money down the drain (to throw money down the drain): geld over de balk smijten
- Kicks the bucket (to kick the bucket): overlijden
- Had skeletons in the cupboard (to have skeletons in the cupboard): lijken in de kast hebben, geheimen hebben
- Showed me the door (to show someone the door): iemand de deur wijzen
- Sweep it under the carpet (to sweep something under the carpet): iets onder de mat vegen
- (To) build castles in the air: luchtkastelen bouwen
- Narrow: smal
- Alleys (an alley): een steeg
- (An) approach: een aanpak
- Dense: dicht, druk
- Crowds (a crowd): een mensenmassa
- Prior to: voorafgaand
- (A) majority: een meerderheid
- (A) gain: winst
- Conducted (to conduct): voeren
- Unaffordable: onbetaalbaar
- Sustainable: duurzaam
- Sustainability: duurzaamheid
- Waste: afval
- Emission: uitstoot
- Resource: natuurlijke bron
- Contemporary: hedendaags
- Currently: op dit moment
- Responsible: verantwoordelijk
- To dare: durven
- To dare someone to …: iemand uitdagen
- Reusable: herbruikbaar
- To roam/ to wander: rondzwerven
- To harass: lastigvallen
- Concrete: beton
- Surface: oppervlakte
- Landfill: vuilnisbelt
- Lodging: verblijfplaats
- Congested: verstopt (te druk)
- To bully: pesten
- Modification: aanpassing
- Abandoned: verlaten
- To confide: toevertrouwen
- Surgery: (medische) operatie
Phrasal Verbs
- Hold back: tegenhouden
- Leave out: weglaten
- (Be) laid up: in bed blijven, ziek zijn
- Account for: verklaren, rechtvaardigen
- Allow for: rekening houden met
- Ask around: rondvragen
- Back off: terugtrekken, stoppen
- Bring round: bij bewustzijn brengen, overtuigen
- Bring up: opvoeden
- Call off: annuleren
- Call out: meedelen, aankondigen
- Care for: houden van, verzorgen, verplegen
- Carry out: uitvoeren
- Clear up: oplossen
- Come across: tegenkomen, vinden
- Come off: slagen
- Cut down: verminderen
- Draw up: opstellen
- Drop out: opgeven, school verlaten
- Get on: overweg kunnen
- Give in: toegeven
- Hand in: indienen
- Make off: vluchten
- Pass away: sterven
- Pick up: leren
- Point out: aanduiden
- Pull through: genezen
- Pull up: (auto) stoppen
- Put off: uitstellen
- Run into: tegenkomen
- Send for: laten komen
- Set off: vertrekken
- Sit out: niet meedoen
- Stand for: betekenen
- Step up: verhogen
- Take after: lijken op
- Take in: bedriegen
- Take up: beginnen leren
- Think through: nadenken, bezinnen
- Turn up: opdagen
- Back down from: zich terugtrekken van
- Catch up with: inhalen
- Come down to: overtuigd geraken
- Come down with: ziek worden
- Fall back on: terugvallen op
- Fall in with: akkoord gaan met
- Get on with: voortmaken
- Hand over to: overdragen aan
- Hang on to: behouden, niet weggooien
- Look down on: neerkijken op
- Look forward to: uitkijken naar
- Look out on: uitkijken op
- Make out to: (cheque) uitschrijven op naam van
- Make up for: compenseren
- Put up with: verdragen
- Run out of: zonder vallen
- Stand up for: opkomen voor
- Stand up to: zich verzetten tegen
- Watch out for: uitkijken naar
English Tenses
- The present simple tense: For habits or routines. (I walk to school every day.)
- The present continuous tense: For actions happening now or temporarily. (She is reading a book right now.)
- The present perfect simple tense: For actions in the past with a result now. (They have finished their homework.)
- The past simple tense: For actions completed in the past. (We visited Paris last year.)
- The past continuous tense: For actions happening at a specific time in the past. (He was cooking dinner when the phone rang.)
- The future simple tense: For future plans, predictions, or decisions. (I will call you tomorrow.)
Semi-auxiliaries are verbs that are used in combination with other verbs to express modal meaning such as possibility, necessity, obligation, or permission.
- To be able to (express ability): I am able to help you.
- To be going to (intentions/plans): I am going to study.
- To be supposed to or to be to: You were to be at the airport at 6 PM.
- To dare (courage or challenge a person): Do you dare to eat raw meat? I dare you to watch that horror film.
- To have to (obligation): She has to leave early.
- To need to (necessity): You need to work harder.
- Ought to (seen as correct, probable, likely, or expected): He ought to arrive in one hour. They ought not to drink alcohol!
- To want to (wish/intention): They want to go home.
- To seem to (appearance of probability): He seems to know the answer.
- To used to (habit in the past): We used to play outside every day.
Irregular Verbs
- To be: was, were/been/zijn
- To beat: beat/beaten/slaan
- To become: became/become/worden
- To begin: began/begun/beginnen
- To bend: bent/bent/buigen
- To bind: bound/bound/binden
- To bite: bit/bitten/bijten
- To bleed: bled/bled/bloeden
- To blow: blew/blown/blazen
- To break: broke/broken/breken
- To bring: brought/brought/brengen
- To build: built/built/bouwen
- To burn: burnt, burned/burnt, burned/(ver)branden
- To buy: bought/bought/kopen
- To catch: caught/caught/vangen
- To choose: chose/chosen/kiezen
- To come: came/come/komen
- To cost: cost/cost/kosten
- To cut: cut/cut/snijden, knippen
- To deal: dealt/dealt/handelen
- To dig: dug/dug/graven
- To do: did/done/doen
- To draw: drew/drawn/trekken, tekenen
- To dream: dreamt, dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dromen
- To drink: drank/drunk/drinken
- To drive: drove/driven/rijden, besturen
- To eat: ate/eaten/eten
- To fall: fell/fallen/vallen
- To feed: fed/fed/voeden
- To feel: felt/felt/(zich) voelen
- To fight: fought/fought/vechten
- To find: found/found/vinden
- To flee: fled/fled/vluchten
- To fly: flew/flown/vliegen
- To forbid: forbade/forbidden/verbieden
- To forget: forgot/forgotten/vergeten
- To forgive: forgave/forgiven/vergeven
- To freeze: froze/frozen/vriezen
- To get: got/got/krijgen
- To give: gave/given/geven
- To go: went/gone/gaan
- To grow: grew/grown/groeien
- To hang: hung/hung/hangen
- To have: had/had/hebben
- To hear: heard/heard/horen
- To hide: hid/hidden/(zich) verbergen
- To hit: hit/hit/slaan, raken
- To hold: held/held/houden
- To hurt: hurt/hurt/(zich) pijn doen
- To keep: kept/kept/houden
- To know: knew/known/weten, kennen
- To lay: laid/laid/leggen
- To lead: led/led/leiden
- To learn: learnt, learned/learnt, learned/leren
- To leave: left/left/laten, verlaten
- To lend: lent/lent/(uit)lenen
- To let: let/let/laten, verhuren
- To lie: lay/lain/liggen
- To lie: lied/lied/liegen
- To light: lit/lit/aansteken
- To lose: lost/lost/verliezen
- To make: made/made/maken
- To mean: meant/meant/betekenen, bedoelen
- To meet: met/met/ontmoeten
- To pay: paid/paid/betalen
- To put: put/put/zetten, leggen
- To read: read/read/lezen
- To ride: rode/ridden/rijden
- To ring: rang/rung/bellen
- To rise: rose/risen/opstaan, stijgen
- To run: ran/run/rennen
- To say: said/said/zeggen
- To see: saw/seen/zien
- To seek: sought/sought/zoeken
- To sell: sold/sold/verkopen
- To send: sent/sent/zenden, sturen
- To set: set/set/zetten
- To shake: shook/shaken/schudden
- To shoot: shot/shot/schieten
- To show: showed/shown/tonen
- To shut: shut/shut/sluiten
- To sing: sang/sung/zingen
- To sink: sank/sunk/zinken
- To sit: sat/sat/zitten
- To sleep: slept/slept/slapen
- To smell: smelt, smelled/smelt, smelled/ruiken, stinken
- To speak: spoke/spoken/spreken
- To speed: sped/sped/snel rijden, haast maken
- To spend: spent/spent/uitgeven, doorbrengen
- To spoil: spoilt, spoiled/spoilt, spoiled/verwennen
- To spread: spread/spread/spreiden, verspreiden
- To stand: stood/stood/staan
- To steal: stole/stolen/stelen
- To stick: stuck/stuck/steken, plakken
- To stink: stank, stunk/stunk/stinken
- To strike: struck/struck/slaan, staken
- To swear: swore/sworn/zweren, vloeken
- To swim: swam/swum/zwemmen
- To take: took/taken/nemen
- To teach: taught/taught/leren, onderwijzen
- To tear: tore/torn/scheuren, rukken aan
- To tell: told/told/zeggen, vertellen
- To think: thought/thought/denken
- To throw: threw/thrown/gooien
- To understand: understood/understood/begrijpen, verstaan
- To wake up: woke up/woken up/wakker worden, wakker maken
- To wear: wore/worn/dragen (van kleren)
- To win: won/won/winnen
- To withdraw: withdrew/withdrawn/afhalen, (zich) terugtrekken
- To write: wrote/written/schrijven
Travel Blog – Never Stop Travelling
Belfast has a difficult history with the troubles. Black Taxi Tours show stories about the city and its past. The Titanic museum is big and impressive. The Dark House Café is special with old-style decorations. From 1969 to 1998, 15,500 bombs were set off by the IRA (Irish Republican Army). Belfast has murals that show its history and culture. The city is interesting and full of stories, even with its hard past.
- Europa Museum: Most bombed hotel during the troubles.
- Titanic Museum: About the Titanic, built in Belfast.
- Duke of York Tavern: Historic Pub.
- The Walls: Murals showing Belfast’s history.
Titanic – Searching for the Missing Chinese Survivors
The Titanic sank in 1912, and six Chinese men survived. One of them was Fang Lang. They were saved but faced racism and were sent back due to laws against Chinese immigrants. A documentary called The Six tells their story. The film shows how discrimination affected their lives. Understanding this history helps us avoid repeating mistakes.
What Happened to the Chinese Passengers After Arriving in Ellis Island?
Within 24 hours of their arrival at the immigrant inspection in Ellis Island.
A lasting emotional shock caused by an extremely upsetting experience. Stigma is a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society has about a group of people.
The Horrors of War: Three Poems
Main Theme
The horrors of war and its effect on soldiers.
Images of WWI
- Sassoon: Lonely, sad, soldiers.
- McCrea: Graves and poppies.
- Owen: Brutal deaths and violence.
Tone + Messages
- Sassoon: Sad, critical.
- McCrea: Respectful and hopeful.
- Owen: Dark and grim.
Sadness, respect, and frustration about war.
Could These Poems Be Written Today?
Yes, wars still happen, and soldiers face similar struggles.
Favorite Poem
Depends on personal preference.
Were They Welcome Guests?
In 1914, many Belgians fled to Britain due to the German attack. They were warmly welcomed, with families offering homes. Support declined over time due to financial strain and pressure on refugees to work. A labor shortage in 1917-1918 led many Belgians to work in factories and other jobs. After the war, most returned to Belgium, but some faced criticism for staying abroad. Few traces of their time in Britain remain today, except for inscriptions and objects.
Were Belgian Refugees Welcome?
Yes, at first, but later less so.
Why Did Belgians Flee in 1914?
Germany attacked Belgium.
When and Why Did Attitudes Change?
Later, because money ran out, and refugees had to work.
Why Was There a Manpower Crisis?
Many British men were at war.
The Brutal Truth About a Holiday Hotspot
Santorini has problems because of too many tourists.
Cruise Tourists
Spend little money, make the island very full.
Problems for Locals
Too much waste, expensive houses, hard to live normally. Some locals want tourism that helps the island more.
Do Locals Like Cruise Ships?
No, because cruise tourists spend little money and make the island full.
Is Santorini a Sustainable Tourist Place?
No, because there is too much waste, there are too many tourists, and locals face problems living normally.
What Is the Housing Problem in Santorini?
Houses are too expensive. Many locals face problems living normally.