English Vocabulary and Grammar: Appearance, News, and More
- Beauty contest: concurso de belleza
- Look-alike: doble
- Outfit: traje
Personality Adjectives
- Caring: cariñoso
- Cheerful: alegre
- Deceitful: mentiroso
- Dull: aburrido, soso
- Extroverted: extrovertido
- Moody: malhumorado
- Selfish: egoísta
- Vain: presumido
Compound Adjectives
- Bad-tempered: malhumorado
- Big-headed: creído
- Broad-shouldered: ancho de hombros
- Fair-skinned: claro de piel
- Good-natured: amable, bondadoso
- Long-legged: con las piernas largas
- Narrow-minded: estrecho de miras
- Short-sighted: miope
- Thick-skinned: frío, impasible
- Two-faced: falso, con dos caras
Nouns: Feelings
- Amusement: alegría
- Depression: depresión, abatimiento
- Embarrassment: vergüenza
- Excitement: emoción, excitación
- Frustration: frustración, decepción
- Happiness: felicidad, alegría
- Kindness: amabilidad
- Loneliness: soledad
- Moodiness: humor variable, mal humor
- Satisfaction: satisfacción
- Baggy: suelto
- Checked: a cuadros
- Comfortable: cómodo
- Conservative: conservador
- Cotton: de algodón
- Daring: atrevido
- Denim: vaquero
- Embroidered: bordado
- Fashionable: de moda
- Fitted: entallado
- Skin-tight: muy ajustado
- Sophisticated: sofisticado
- Sporty: deportivo
- Stripy: de rayas
- Trendy: moderno
- Woollen: de lana
- Do up: abrochar
- Fit: quedar bien (de talla)
- Go with: pegar con
- Look for: buscar
- Suit: sentar bien
- Try on: probarse
In the News
News: Nouns
- Article: artículo
- Editor: redactor jefe
- Headline: titular
- Newsagent: vendedor de periódicos
- Newsreader: presentador de noticias
- Press photographer: fotógrafo de prensa
- Report: informe
- Tabloid: periódico sensacionalista
Adverbs of Manner
- Angrily: enfadado, con enfado
- Carefully: cuidadosamente
- Emotionally: emocionante
- Enthusiastically: con entusiasmo
- Fast: rápidamente
- Heavily: pesadamente
- Honestly: honestamente
- Silently: silenciosamente
- Straight: recto
- Suddenly: de repente
- Truthfully: sinceramente
False Friends
- Actually: de hecho, en realidad
- Discussion: charla, debate
- Educated: culto
- Eventually: finalmente
- Notice: fijarse, darse cuenta
- Pretend: hacer como que, fingir
- Rare: raro, poco frecuente
- Record: grabar
- Success: éxito
- Sympathetic: compasivo
Passive Voice Examples
Present Continuous:
- Active: The police are arresting the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves are being arrested by the police.
Past Simple:
- Active: The police arrested the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves were arrested by the police.
Past Continuous:
- Active: The police were arresting the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves were being arrested by the police.
Present Perfect:
- Active: The police have arrested the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves have been arrested by the police.
Past Perfect:
- Active: The police had arrested the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves had been arrested by the police.
- Active: The police will arrest the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves will be arrested by the police.
Going to:
- Active: The police are going to arrest the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves are going to be arrested by the police.
- Active: The police should arrest the thieves.
- Passive: The thieves should be arrested by the police.