English Vocabulary and Grammar: Essential Terms
Posted on Jan 25, 2025 in English
- Hand in homework: Give homework to a teacher.
- People gather together in one place: People come together to a place.
- Jam: Mermelada // a sweet sticky food made from boiled fruit and sugar that is usually spread onto bread.
- Ham: Jamón // The meat from the top part of the back legs of a pig, preserved using salt.
- Pork: The meat from a pig (cerdo).
- Seafood: Marisco // Fish and shellfish that you can eat.
- Prawns: Gambas
- Lobster: Langosta
- Snail: Caracol // A small animal that has a soft body, no legs, and a hard shell on its back. Snails move very slowly.
- Taste: Sabor // The flavor that something creates in your mouth when you eat or drink it.
- To taste: Saber, probar // To have a particular flavor. Food can taste sweet like sugar, salty like salt, sour like a lemon, or bitter like strong black coffee.
- Bitter: Amargo
- Smell: Oler
- Overcoat: Abrigo, txamarra // A long warm coat that you wear in cold weather.
- Chemistry: The scientific study of the structure of substances and the way they react with other substances.
Phrasal Verbs
- Take after: Resemble = Look like.
- Get on with: Have a good relationship with someone.
- Grow out of: Become too old for something.
- Take up: Adopt something as a hobby.
- Bring out: Cause to appear OR produce a new product and start to sell it.
- Bring up: Educate, look after a child until he or she becomes an adult.
- Get into: Become involved with // To start enjoying something, or to become enthusiastic about it.
- Grow up: Become an adult.
Various Terms
- Crowdfunding: The process of getting a large group of people to finance a particular project, especially by using a website where people can make contributions.
- Dairy farm: A farm that makes and sells foods that are made from milk, for example, butter and cheese.
- Tough: Hard = complicated. It can also mean resistant.
- Run a business: Llevar (tener) una empresa.
- Waitress/waiter: Camarera/o // The person who brings food and drink to your table in a restaurant or café.
- Dead: Muerto. “The Dead Sea is a salt lake.”
- To die: Morir
- It looks: Parece…
- It feels like…: Da la sensación de que…
- Sounds like: Suena como… // Suena a ….
- Cheer up: Animarse // To become less sad, or to make someone feel less sad.
- It looks like it’s going to rain: Parece que va a llover.
- Do for a living: Dedicarse a… “What do you do for a living?” ¿De qué trabajas?
- To ban: To forbid.
- Contest: Concurso // A competition, especially one in which people’s skill in a particular activity or sport is tested.
- Theft: Robo // The crime of stealing.
- Thief: Ladrón // Someone who commits the crime of stealing.
- Rape: Violación
- Smuggling: Contrabando // The practice of secretly and illegally taking goods or people into or out of a country, especially as a way of earning money.
- Threat: Amenaza // A situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger.
- Neighborhood: Vecindario // A particular area of a city or town.
Common Expressions
- De acuerdo: Ok / right / right you are / fine / got you.
- De nada: You´re welcome / thank´s ok / don´t mention it.
- Espero que si: I hope so.
- Espero que no: I hope not.
- Praise: Alabar // To express strong approval or admiration for someone or something, especially in public.
- Sigh: Suspirar // To breathe out slowly making a long soft sound, especially because you are disappointed, tired, annoyed, or relaxed.
- Steel: Acero
- Paws: The feet of some animals such as cats, dogs, and bears.
- Barefoot: Descalzo // Without any shoes or socks on.
- Bus fare: Money you pay for the ticket.
- Fur: The soft hair that covers the body of some animals.
- Female ≠ male
- Just in time: Justo a tiempo.
- I’m afraid not: Me temo que no.
- I´m afraid so: Me temo que si.
2nd Exam
- Resign: Dimitir
- Give up: Stop doing something.
- On the whole: In general.
- Amount: Quantity.
- Robbery: Atraco
- Landline: Teléfono fijo.
- Van: Furgoneta
- Sales rocketed: Sales went up quickly.
- Grow a mustache: Dejar crecer el bigote/barba.
- Summit: Top of a mountain.
- Beyond: Más allá de…
- Towards: Hacia…
- Beside = by = next to
- Among: Entre
- To land: Aterrizar
- Wish: Deseo
- Overcome: Superar
- Rather than: En lugar de
- Chase: Perseguir a alguien.