English Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises


A afford, spouse, heiresses, amount, cut down, caught, straight. B out of bounds, flee, bond, updated, accurate. C I would have washed, to stop, will have painted, have been waiting, has been looking, was doing, will go, has been canceled, found out, had left.


D. Verb Tenses

  1. She has been drinking so much alcohol for two years.
  2. If I had a computer, I could type the essay on English.
  3. Although she had been vaccinated, she caught the flu.

E. Passive Voice

  1. His ideas are believed to be crazy.
  2. The firefighters are supposed to have done their job properly.
  3. The school is going to be given a new computer room.
  4. Has that film been seen by you?
  5. The question has to be answered in this form.
  6. They don’t keep their cars clean.
  7. That man was known to be dangerous.
  8. We may be invited to the concert.

F. Reported Speech

  1. Ella asked me when I was going to visit them there.
  2. Tom asked the librarian if he could use her computer at that moment.
  3. My mom asked me when Dad and I met.
  4. Ben suggested going to the gym that day.
  5. Keith insisted on not knowing anything about it.
  6. Jan told Sam not to forget the meeting the next day.
  7. He said that he would visit me the following year.
  8. Mum told me not to forget about the game.
  9. Jane warned John to be careful.
  10. Amy told us that she had put her book on our desk.

Vocabulary List

approach: hablar con
accurate: preciso
autograph: autógrafo
accuse of: acusar de
apply for/to: solicitar
arrive at/in: llegar a
affluent: adinerado
available: disponible
access: acceso
amount: cantidad
avoid: evitar
a breath of fresh air: un soplo de aire fresco
a drop in the ocean: una gota en el océano
bitter: amargo
bright: vivo, brillante
blind: ciego
bodyguard: guardaespaldas
ban: prohibir
belly: vientre
break down: averiarse, romperse
burglar: ladrón
bring up: criar
crash: bloquearse, estrellarse
crawl: gatear
close-up: primer plano
carbon dioxide: dióxido de carbono
charge the mobile phone: cargar el teléfono móvil
crop: cosecha
cut down: reducir
carbon footprint: huella de carbono
consist of: constar de
complain about/of: quejarse de
catch a bus: coger un autobús
catch a cold: resfriarse
catch fire: incendiarse
catch one’s breath: recuperar el aliento
catch sight of: notar, avistar
catch someone’s eye: llamar la atención de alguien
controversial: polémico
crew: equipo, tripulación
crowd: público, multitud
disgraceful: vergonzoso
drive: deseo, impulso
depend on: depender de
die of: morir de
down to earth: con los pies en la tierra
debris: restos, escombros
device: dispositivo
destroy: destruir
delete: borrar
deny: negar
devote: dedicar
download a song: descargar una canción
deafening: ensordecedor
disgusting: desagradable
emerge: salir, emerger
exhibit: exhibición, exponer
entertainment: entretenimiento
enter your age: introducir la edad
expose: exponer
environmentally-friendly: respetuoso con el medio ambiente
emit: emitir
fence: valla
file: archivo
fleet: flota
folder: carpeta
fuel: combustible
firm: firma, agencia
flavor: sabor
fiancée: prometido/a
fool: engañar
go mad: volverse loco
go missing: perderse, desaparecer
gossip: cotillear
go abroad: ir al extranjero
go bald: quedarse calvo
greenhouse effect: efecto invernadero
google: buscar en Google
hear about/from/of: enterarse de, tener noticias de, oír hablar de
insist on: insistir en
halfway: a medio camino
harmful: dañino
heiress: heredera
idol: ídolo
impressive: impactante
in the spotlight: en el punto de mira
infatuation: obsesión, capricho
instant: instante
log onto: entrar en
lean on: apoyarse en
lavish: pródigo
luxurious: lujoso
launch: lanzar
lack: falta
landfill: vertedero
litter: basura
logging: explotación forestal
nightmare: pesadilla
make waves: causar problemas
mood: humor
marvelous: maravilloso
notorious: de mala fama
make a mountain out of a molehill: hacer una montaña de un grano de arena
pattern: dibujo, diseño
purchase: compra
post a message: publicar un mensaje
portable: portátil
passer-by: transeúnte
performance: actuación
performer: artista
politician: político
popularity: popularidad
pressure: presión
publicity: publicidad
pursue: perseguir
prevent: prevenir
pick up: recoger
use up: gastar, agotar
pressing: urgente
pollution: contaminación
shortcut: atajo
search for: buscar
stay at: quedarse en
sky’s the limit: el cielo es el límite
social-networking site: página web de redes sociales
stare: mirar fijamente
scent: aroma
stink: apestar
store: guardar, almacenar
stroke: acariciar
surrounded: rodeado
spoiled: consentido/a
straight: directo/a
tabloids: prensa amarilla
take charge: hacerse cargo
take a photo: tomar una foto
take for granted: dar por sentado
take one’s time: tomarse su tiempo
take pride in: enorgullecerse de
take someone by surprise: tomar a alguien por sorpresa
talent scout: cazatalentos
trigger: desencadenar
trend: tendencia
think about/of: pensar en/de
trash: basura, porquería
the tip of the iceberg: la punta del iceberg
tidy up: ordenar, limpiar
turn out: resultar, salir
voyage: viaje
ingest: ingerir
inhabit: habitar, residir
offensive: ofensivo
overjoyed: contentísimo
odour: olor
outrageous: indignante
overwhelmed: abrumado
wipe out: barrer, aniquilar
remove: quitar
restart: reiniciar
rhythm: ritmo, pulso
rely on: confiar en
remind about/of: recordar
role model: modelo a seguir
remain: seguir siendo
vanish into thin air: desaparecer
make one’s way: dirigirse, abrirse camino
renewable energy: energía renovable
pole: mástil, poste
updated: actualizado
user-friendly: fácil de usar
urge: deseo, impulso
whisper: susurrar
wealthy: rico
willing: dispuesto
worship: adorar
wild: salvaje