English Vocabulary and Grammar Guide

Vocabulary and Grammar Guide


Common Words

Acquaintance: conocido, Clue: pista, Disorder: trastorno, Injury: lesión, Suit: traje

Cope with: enfrentarse con, Pretend: fingir, Realize: darse cuenta de, Remind: recordar, Reply: responder, Share: cuota

Look away: apartar la mirada, Look through: ignorar, Look up: buscar, Run after: perseguir, Run into: encontrarse por casualidad, Run off with: robar

Descriptive Adjectives

Bossy: mandón, Calm: calmado, Chubby: regordete, Confident: seguro, Considerate: considerado, Curly: rizado, Dark: oscuro, Fair: justo, Generous: generoso, Good-looking: bien parecido, Gorgeous: maravilloso, Helpful: útil, Impulsive: impulsivo, Nosy: curioso, Petite: chiquita, Plain: llanura, Romantic: romántico, Selfish: egoísta, Single: solo, Skinny: flaco, Slim: delgado, Spiky: puntiagudo, Straight: derecho, Stubborn: terco, Talkative: hablador, Unattractive: no atractivo, Wavy: ondulado

More Words

Courage: valor, Fear: miedo, Guest: huésped, Poison: veneno, Relief: alivio, Thrill: emoción

Arrange: organizar, Breathe: respirar, Cheer up: alegrarse, Deliver: entregar, Hesitate: vacilar, Make sure: asegurarse, Point: punto, Pour: verter, Scream: gritar, Shake: sacudir, Survive: sobrevivir, Switch on: encender, Warn: advertir

Descriptive Adjectives

Brave: valiente, Disappointed: decepcionado, Excited: emocionada, Exciting: emocionante, Frightened: asustado, Frightening: aterrador, Furious: furioso, Graphic: gráfico, Harmless: inofensivo, Middle-aged: de edad mediana, Original: original, Personal: personal, Protective: protector, Shocked: conmocionado, Shocking: chocante, Startled: sobresaltado, Startling: alarmante, Threatening: amenazante, Thrilled: emocionado, Thrilling: emocionante, Useful: útil, Valuable: valioso

Nouns and Verbs

Accomplishment: logro, Award: premio, Challenge: reto, Champion: campeón, Defeat: derrota, Disability: discapacidad, Endurance: resistencia, Equipment: equipo, Limbs: miembros, Performance: actuación, Request: petición, Speed: velocidad, Strength: fuerza, Training: formación, Willpower: fuerza de voluntad

Advance: avanzar, Enhance: mejorar, Fail: fallar, Lengthen: alargar, Overcome: superar, Overturn: anular, Seek: buscar, Struggle: lucha, Take up: comenzar

Idioms and Expressions

  • Devastating: devastador
  • Superhuman: sobrehumano
  • Unfair: injusto
  • Have a head start: tener un buen comienzo
  • Hit below the belt: golpes bajos
  • Learn the ropes: ponerse al tanto
  • The ball’s in your court: la pelota está en tu campo
  • Throw in the towel: tirar la toalla

Phrasal Verbs with “Raise” and “Set”

  • Raise a building: construir un edificio
  • Raise a flag: izar una bandera
  • Raise an issue: plantear un tema
  • Raise a question: plantear una pregunta
  • Raise a salary: aumentar un salario
  • Set an alarm: configurar una alarma
  • Set a date: fijar una fecha
  • Set a precedent: sentar un precedente
  • Set a record: establecer un récord
  • Set a table: poner la mesa

Phrasal Verbs with “Win,” “Achieve,” “Beat,” “Break,” and “Deal with”

  • Win an argument: ganar una discusión
  • Win a competition: ganar una competición
  • Win a match: ganar un partido
  • Win a medal: ganar una medalla
  • Win a prize: ganar un premio
  • Win a war: ganar una guerra
  • Achieve a goal: lograr un objetivo
  • Beat an opponent: vencer a un oponente
  • Break a record: romper un récord
  • Deal with: lidiar con

Construction and Infrastructure

Bridge: puente, Concrete: hormigón, Engineer: ingeniero, Glass: vidrio, Iron: hierro, Landmark: punto de referencia, Office block: bloque de oficinas, Resort: complejo turístico, Ruler: regla, Shore: costa, Skyscraper: rascacielos, Source: fuente, Steel: acero, Stone: piedra, Storey: piso, Surface: superficie

Verbs and Adjectives

Reach for: alcanzar, Run out: agotar, Support: apoyar, Tear down: demoler

Ancient: antiguo, Bare: desnudo, Breathtaking: asombroso, Huge: enorme, Leisure: ocio, Luxury: lujo, Major: importante, Narrow: estrecho, Spacious: espacioso, Spare: repuesto


Verb Tenses

Present Simple

(-s 3rd person singular, don’t/doesn’t); always, usually, generally, regularly, occasionally, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, at 1 o’clock, at night, in the morning, on Fridays, every week, once a month, every day.

Present Continuous

(am, is, are, +-ing); now, right now, at the moment, this year, at present, today, these days, this month, this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next Friday/week/year.

Past Simple

(-ed, 2nd column of irregular verbs, didn’t); when, yesterday, last week/year, two days ago, in 2007, then.

Past Continuous

(was, were +-ing); last night/week/year, at 4 o’clock, while, as.

Past Perfect

(had + past participle); by the time, after, before, until.

Present Perfect

(has/have + past participle); already, never, just, ever, yet, for, since, in recent years.

Future Simple

(will + infinitive, won’t); this evening, in an hour, at 2 o’clock, later, tomorrow, soon. Predictions, schedules, and instant decisions.

Be Going To

(am, is, are + going to + infinitive); plans and indications.

Future Perfect

(will + have + past participle); by this time next week, by 3 o’clock, by then, by August. Action that will be finished in the future.

Future Continuous

(will + be + verb-ing); at this time tomorrow, at this time next week, on Thursday. Action that will be in progress in the future.