English Vocabulary Units 1-7: Environment, Crime, and More

Unit 1: Memory & Feelings


  • Appointment: cita
  • Calendar:
  • Diary:
  • Forget:
  • Learn by heart: aprender de memoria
  • Memorize:
  • Memory:
  • Mind: mente
  • Recall:
  • Record:
  • Remember:
  • Remind:


  • Amazed:
  • Angry:
  • Astonished: asombrado
  • Cross: cruzar
  • Delighted: encantado
  • Devastated: devastado
  • Frightened:
  • Furious:
  • Glad: alegre
  • Heartbroken: desconsolado
  • Pleased: satisfecho
  • Scared:
  • Surprised:
  • Terrified:
  • Thrilled: emocionado
  • Upset: trastornado

Unit 2: Environment

  • Bottle bank:
  • Carbon footprint:
  • Dump: vertedero
  • Environment:
  • Get rid of: deshacerse de
  • Green:
  • Packaging: embalaje
  • Pollution:
  • Recycle:
  • Recycling bin:
  • Reuse:
  • Rubbish:
  • Rubbish bin:
  • Throw something away: lanzar algo
  • Waste: residuos
  • Carbon offsetting: compensación carbon
  • Climate change:
  • Congestion charge: carga congestion
  • Energy-saving:
  • Environmentally friendly:
  • Exhaust fumes: gases de escape
  • Fossil fuels: combustibles fosiles
  • Global warming:
  • Greenhouse gases: gases invernadero
  • Polar ice caps:
  • Renewable energy:
  • Sea level:
  • Solar panel: panel solar
  • Unleaded petrol: gasoline sin plomo
  • Wind farm: granja eólica

Unit 3: Achievements & Work


  • Achieve: lograr
  • Achievement: logro
  • Challenging: desafiante
  • Fail: fallar
  • Fulfil: cumplir
  • Get sth right: hacerlo bien
  • Get sth wrong:
  • Goal: objetivo
  • Motivated:
  • Overcome: superar
  • Pass:
  • Put pressure on: ejercer presión sobre
  • Satisfying: satisfactorio
  • Strength: fuerza
  • Under pressure: bajo presión
  • Weakness:


  • Ad, advert: anuncio
  • Applicant: solicitante
  • Application form: formulario solicitante
  • Apply:
  • Boss: jefe
  • Employer: empresario
  • Experience:
  • Fill sth: llenar algo
  • Full-time:
  • Interview:
  • Job centre:
  • Part-time:
  • Position:
  • Post: enviar
  • Reference:
  • Vacancy:
  • Wages: salario

Unit 4: Travel & Culture

  • Abroad: en el extranjero
  • Border: frontera
  • Culture shock: choque cultural
  • Currency: moneda
  • Custom: personalizado
  • Expatriate:
  • Foreign: exterior
  • Foreigner: extranjero
  • Homesick: nostálgico
  • Hometown: ciudad natal
  • Inhabitant: habitante
  • Mother tongue:
  • Official language:
  • Crossing: cruce
  • Flight: vuelo
  • Journey:
  • Travel:
  • Trip:
  • Voyage:
  • Arrivals hall: sala llegadas
  • Baggage reclaim: reclamo equipaje
  • Boarding gate: puerta embarque
  • Check-in desk: registrarse oficina
  • Customs: aduana
  • Departure lounge: sala de espera
  • Passport control:

Unit 5: Relationships & Idioms


  • Acquaintance: conocido
  • Advice: consejo
  • Classmate:
  • Close: cercano
  • Discuss: discutir
  • Fall out: caer
  • Get on: congeniar
  • Gossip: cotilleo, chisme
  • Habit: hábito
  • Make up with sb: hacer las paces con
  • Pick on sb: criticar
  • Relative:
  • Stand up for sb: defender
  • Trust: confianza
  • Ask sb out:
  • Break up with: romper con alguien
  • Chat sb up: chatear
  • Couple: pareja
  • Date: cita
  • Dump: deshacerse de
  • Ex: ex
  • Fall for sb: caer en
  • Flirt with: ligar con
  • Get back together: volver juntos
  • Go out with sb:
  • Row: escándalo
  • Stand sb up:
  • Hit it off: llevarse bien con
  • Break someone’s heart:
  • Love at first sight: amor a primera vista
  • Pop the question: proponer matrimonio
  • The love of your life:
  • Tie the knot: dar el sí


  • Get it straight from the horse’s mouth:
  • Have butterflies in your stomach:
  • Let the cat out of the bag: irse de la lengua
  • Take the bull by the horns: tomar al toro por los cuernos
  • Wouldn’t hurt a fly:
  • Bring on: provocar
  • Look after: cuidar
  • Take up: comenzar
  • Pick up: recoger
  • Come across: encontrarse
  • Go over: dar vueltas
  • Look into: revisar
  • Turn up: aparecer

Unit 6: Animals

  • Breed: Raza
  • Cage: Jaula
  • Endangered species: Especies en peligro de extinción
  • Ethical: Ético
  • Experiment: Experimentar
  • Extinct:
  • Factory farm: Granja industrial
  • Free-range: Rango libre
  • Human guinea:
  • Hunt: Cazar
  • In captivity: En cautividad
  • Laboratory:
  • Mistreat: Maltratar
  • Research: Investigar, investigación
  • Species:
  • Tame: Domar
  • Vegetarian:
  • Wildlife:
  • Carnivore:
  • Feed: Alimentar
  • Food chain: Cadena de comida
  • Give birth to: Dar a luz a
  • Herbivore:
  • Hibernate:
  • Invertebrate:
  • Lay eggs: Poner huevos
  • Mammal: Mamífero
  • Nocturnal:
  • Offspring: Descendencia
  • Omnivore:
  • Predator: Depredador
  • Prey: Presa
  • Primate:
  • Reptile:
  • Vertebrate:
  • Young:

Unit 7: Crime & Justice

  • Burgle: Robar
  • Fare-dodge: Esquivar una tarifa
  • Graffiti:
  • Drop litter: Tirar basura
  • Mug: Jarra
  • Pickpocket: Carterista
  • Pirate:
  • Push: Empujar
  • Rob: Robar
  • Shoplift: Hurtar en tiendas
  • Smuggle: Contrabando
  • Speed: Velocidad
  • Steal: Robar
  • Tout: Revendedor
  • Vandalize: destrozar
  • Accuse sb of: Acusar de
  • Acquit sb of: Absolver a alguien
  • Arrest sb for: Arrestar a alguien
  • Charge sb with: Acusarla con
  • Convict sb of: Condenar a alguien
  • Court: Corte
  • Defendant: Acusado
  • Evidence: Prueba
  • Fine: Multa
  • Fine sb for: Multar a alguien por
  • Judge: Juez
  • Jury: Jurado
  • Lawyer: Abogado
  • Sentence sb to: Sentenciar a alguien
  • Suspect sb of: Sospechar de alguien
  • Trial: Juicio
  • Verdict: Veredicto
  • Witness: Testigo