Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through Effective Merchandising
Evaluation of Satisfaction. It is crucial to identify what customers care about most. The Measurement of Satisfaction investigates how the company’s overall product is perceived by the customer at the time of delivery, in conjunction with a set of expectations (expected results for the customers as a result of supply).
The level of expectations is determined by:
– Activities of mass communication or custom of the company.
– Personal experience with the enterprise customer and the competition.
Quality must fully satisfy customer expectations in a profitable manner.
It is called perception the sensation resulting from the internal processing of data and impressions gathered through the senses.
Customer Perception of Quality is equal to the difference between expectations and delivery.
In all global products, we can identify two types of attributes: Hygienic and Satisfiers.
The Merchandising. Most merchants offer customers the possibility to choose for themselves without support from the vendor, but through visual dialogue with the products.
The application of management techniques in business establishment (merchandising) has taken off and brings together aspects as varied as window dressing, promotion at the point of sale, and supply linear marking of products.
Merchandising aims to actively promote product sales through its presentation and environment.
It serves the customer and promotes, in turn, purchase. There are two key elements: The Set. It is the set of products that are exposed for sale in a shop. It must be implemented rationally in order to:
– Provide a customer journey through the store and visual items.
– Simplify the task of replacing the products.
– Make space efficiently.
The Linear. These are shelves containing the items on display. They should provide the product and attract the customer’s attention. Shelves have three levels:
– Eye-Level: This is the most important level to attract customers.
– Level of Reach: This is the second tier in importance.
– Ground-Level: This has less commercial importance.
The appearance of products on supermarket shelves should be neat and attractive, taking into account the need to harmonize colors, shapes, and quantities of products.
Basic Concepts. Thanks to new information technologies, companies can develop more sophisticated strategies for relationship management with a customer base more closely and profitably.
The Basic Elements of interactive communication with clients include:
– Call center,
– Email,
– Web portal.
The phone is a very direct method that lets you customize messages and provide many services to multiple customers under an advanced telemarketing philosophy.
The Emails sent with permission are much more effective than so-called spam (unsolicited email sent indiscriminately across the network).
The Network maximizes customer interaction, enabling not only real-time responses on the web itself but across all channels: Call center, Email.
The Phenomenon of Electronic Commerce has developed thanks to the support of the Internet, extranet, and intranet, serving basically four purposes:
– Show the company image and products through web self-service.
– Listen and electronically know your client.
– Understand preferences and interests to sell in a massive global market.
To Achieve Customer Loyalty Online, the company has left power in the hands of the buyer. The transaction is one-to-one. The customer sets the rules and how to conduct the operation at the time that suits them.
The Customization of the product in accordance with customer preferences is essential. Companies that are unable to meet these expectations will fail.
Once the Decision to open the business management philosophy to CRM is made, it is likely that the company will need the help of one or more external companies for their development.
Good Service is delivering what the customer wants when the customer wants it, at a price the customer is willing to pay. It means doing what matters most to customers.
Developing a Customer Service Program as part of the engagement strategy means the permanent search for improvement in customer satisfaction.