Enhancing Physical Education and Equity in Learning

3. Course Objectives
Participate actively and regularly in scheduled activities, regardless of skill level and personal ability, and value the relationships that foster respect toward all members of the educational community.

Distinguish the effects of physical activity practice by differentiating actions that are beneficial from those that involve risks and are contraindicated. Be aware of the impact this has on personal development and the improvement of quality of life and health in the community, acting accordingly.

Increase personal performance by improving both physical and motor skills, developing attitudes of self-improvement and self-discipline.

Improve motor skills to adapt to the demands of the environment and its variability.

Plan physical activities based on an initial assessment of the level for use in leisure time and recreation.

Understand the body and its needs, adopting a positive and consistent attitude toward activities aimed at improving physical fitness, health, and quality of life, with different approaches for each capability.

Assess, design, and practice rhythmic activities with a musical base as a means of communication and expression, being able to execute a creative collective choreographic composition.

Understand the relationship between physical activities in nature, health, and quality of life, and determine which practices may cause harm.

Retrieve and understand the cultural value of games and popular sports, traditional and native to Spain, as characteristics of our culture that we need to preserve. Practice them regardless of personal skill level and work on organizing competitions and activities that promote and disseminate these traditions.

Show skills and attitudes of respect, teamwork, and sportsmanship in participation in activities, games, and sports, independent of cultural, social, and skill differences.

Utilize the opportunities that the environment and natural features (space, equipment, and facilities) provide for sports and physical activities in leisure time.

Use basic techniques of breathing and relaxation as a means to reduce imbalances and relieve stress produced during daily activities and/or sports.

Know and practice different sports activities, both individual and group, using strategies of cooperation, opposition, and cooperation/opposition while applying the regulatory basis, technical, and tactical game situations, with increasing autonomy in their implementation.

Know and practice different sports activities, both individual and group, using strategies of cooperation, opposition, and cooperation/opposition while applying the regulatory basis, technical, and tactical game situations, with increasing autonomy in their implementation.

6. Equity in Education.

1. Introduction In principle, every person is different by nature, defining their features according to their attitudes, motivations, and interests both inside and outside the classroom. This characteristic makes education and training vary depending on the students.

The current education system provides equal opportunities in relation to the development of personality through education.

For this reason, schools and teachers must provide different educational responses that address the needs and demands made, taking special consideration of the expectations and personality that students have regarding their own learning.

2. Addressing Diversity in the Classroom To establish the main measures of attention to diversity, we should consider students with special educational needs as those who have more difficulties than the rest in accessing learning that matches their age.

The educational responses we adopt are as follows:

– More Flexible Curriculum To be more responsive to the needs presented by diversity, the curriculum must be flexible. Specific measures will include: enhancing education, curricular adaptations, elective options, and diversification of the curriculum.

– School Organization is the first response that a school must provide to meet existing diversity in the classroom. It is impossible to respond to diversity if the organizational resources of the center and the classroom are rigid and inflexible. Our organization will be open, flexible, creative, participatory, and functional.

– Variety of Resources

– Educational and Tutorial Action