Enhancing Teaching Skills: Techniques and Empowerment

Enhancing Teaching Skills

Teaching skills include variation of stimuli, awareness as introduction, integration of knowledge, nonverbal silence, strengthening motivation, and sequential learning.


Theoretical and conceptual learning has limited impact on skills, competencies, attitudes, values, and feelings. Support with other methods is crucial, such as prior cases or simulations, post-gate synthesis simulations, and substitute readings for discussion. Finding a suitable teacher can be difficult.

Technical Skills Development

Techniques include role-playing, operational simulation, demonstrations, examples, exercises, and games. The objective is to train for specific skills and develop the capacity to act in real situations. These methods focus on psychomotor, personal, and social skills, rather than cognitive ones.

Role Playing

Definition: A group dynamic involving improvised, spontaneous representation of a real-life situation, with participants assuming roles.

Objective: To better understand the situation and its treatment by the group.

Features: Addresses problematic situations or conflicts, exploring different positions or attitudes from the viewpoint of those involved.

Benefits: Establishes strategies for future action, analyzes the visibility of an action, and demonstrates reactions to different roles.

Disadvantages: Can easily represent extreme positions, with a partial vision due to role limitations.


Preparation depends on the topic’s maturity, audience, and time available. Roles can be assigned in advance or not. The group identifies roles and attitudes, defines character features, and prepares the site.


Actors begin the dialogue without interruptions, following a scenario or circular cut scene. The coordinator explains what to observe and record: relationships, content, gestures, and reactions. The session ends with an exposure of observations by spectators, players, and the coordinator, followed by dialogue and group work.

Other Techniques

Other techniques include research, papers, exercises, games, puzzles, and homework. These techniques aim to achieve objectives not covered by previous methods.

Empowerment in Health Promotion

Liberating or Emancipatory Criticism

Theory: Social, political, cultural, economic, ethical, and gender structures are often assumed as natural and immutable, constructing and exploiting humanity.

Purpose: To develop critical consciousness and transform social structures that limit freedom and social development.

Critical Theory and Liberating Empowerment

Reinterpreting historical reality avoids the reproduction of class systems. It involves transforming social structures of power to achieve intellectual emancipation.