Enhancing Workplace Efficiency: Productivity, Ergonomics, and Standardization


Productivity is an index, ratio, or measure of output relative to the resources used in achieving it. It considers these fundamentals:

  • Field
  • Machines, equipment, tools
  • Materials
  • Personnel

Types of Productivity:

  • Area = Value of Production / Area Occupied
  • Value = Production Machinery / Equipment Value
  • Raw Materials = Production Value / Value of Commodities
  • Labor Productivity = Value of Production / Number of Employees
  • Productivity Factor = Production Output / Amount of Necessary Factor to Obtain

Increasing Productivity:

  • Increased Productivity = Same Production / Fewer Workers
  • Increased Productivity = Increased Production / Same Number of Operators


Ergonomics is the science that studies how to plan and schedule production work and design jobs. It ensures that the technological means of production adapt to the physical characteristics of workers. This allows for various tasks to be carried out with maximum productive performance and minimum possible fatigue, both physical and mental.

Gantt Charts

Gantt charts are Cartesian representations. The X-axis represents time, and the Y-axis represents the variables the programmer is interested in. A horizontal line defines the scale factor, indicating the percentage of development regarding requirements. The more variables used, the more complex the chart becomes. Common applications include:

  1. Plots of machine load
  2. Order diagram programming
  3. Step diagram of force control

Major Techniques for Production Organization

  • Work Study: Standardization of materials, fitness centers, work study, improvement of working methods, materials management, distribution of plant facilities, and time of work.
  • Operator Study: Selection, training, job evaluation, merit rating, salaries, and incentives.
  • Production Planning: Anticipation, preparation and development, guidelines, and progress.
  • Production Controls: Stock control, quality assurance, and control of manufacturing costs.


In 1972, the Institute was renamed the National Institute of Rationalization and Standardization (IRANOR).

Concept of Normalization

Normalization allows industries to acquire materials of consistent quality and ensures that the specifications of items sold are well-defined.

Normalization in the industry requires:

  • Simplification
  • Reduction
  • Unification

Factors That Modify the Working Environment

  • Physical-Mechanical: Machinery, vehicles, tools, temperature, humidity, air speed, atmospheric pressure, radiation, electricity.
  • Chemical: Air pollution factors (solid (fibers, dust, smoke), liquid (mists, aerosols), and gaseous (gas, vapor)), water or food.
  • Action of Pollutants: Toxic, allergic, pneumoconiotic, carcinogenic, nauseating.
  • Other: Biological (bacteria, parasites), psychological (dissatisfaction), social (mass gatherings, crises, strikes, conventions), and moral (family, religion, politics).

Work Study

Work study is a joint activity for each job, ensuring that tasks are executed as simply as possible to minimize fatigue, accidents, and occupational diseases.

The main techniques of organization are:

  • Standardization of Materials: Simplifies purchasing and the work process.
  • Environmental Conditions: Ensures jobs are done with less fatigue, greater comfort, and reduced accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Improved Methods: Implements tasks and work processes in the simplest and most economical way.
  • Times of Work: Helps determine the most convenient method of work.
  • Layout: Studies the most convenient position of machinery and facilities for tasks to be performed with the least possible number of journeys.

Work Schedules

The number of hours worked per week, as noted in Labor Regulations, varies within the same activity.

The schedules generally used in Spanish firms correspond to the following types:

  • Part-time hours
  • Continuous day schedules
  • Staggered schedules
  • Flexible scheduling