Enlightenment, Industrial Revolutions, Imperialism & More

Main Features of the Enlightenment

  • Learning and Teaching: People must learn as much as possible and share their knowledge.
  • Reason: The only real source of knowledge.
  • Science and Technology: Advances are crucial.

The Cánovist System Explained

It consisted of economic growth under the stabilizing impact of the new political system set up by Cánovas del Castillo.

Causes of Imperialism

The rise of finance capitalism. The increase in production forced industrialized countries such as Germany and Great Britain to look for new markets outside Europe, where they could find new sources of raw materials, cheap sources of energy, sell manufactured goods, and invest capital.

Consequences of the Great Depression

  • Companies closed due to a fall in sales and a lack of credit.
  • Banks collapsed because of a lack of liquidity.
  • Wages fell, and unemployment increased.
  • The world economy was affected because the United States reduced imports.
  • There was a decrease in the standard of living.

Consequences of the First Industrial Revolution

  • Population Growth: Encouraged agricultural and industrial development because it increased demand for food.
  • Agricultural Improvements: Enabled population growth and industrial development because it was possible to produce enough food.
  • Increased Trade: Encouraged industrial development because the profits from trade were invested in industry.
  • Mechanization: Meant that products could be produced more quickly and in greater quantities.

Business Structures of the Second Industrial Revolution

  • Cartels: Horizontal associations of different companies working in the same industry, which made collective decisions.
  • Trusts: Vertical associations formed by various companies working in different industries, which used their size to control the market.
  • Holding Companies: Large financial companies that earn profits by buying and holding shares in other companies.

Pre-Revolutionary Russia Under the Tsar

  • Autocratic Government: The Tsar had unlimited power and authority.
  • Civil Rights: Were not recognized, and political parties were repressed.
  • Semi-feudal Economy: Agricultural land was owned by a wealthy minority and worked by a peasant majority.
  • Social Unrest: Three-quarters of the population were peasants who lived in poverty and paid high taxes.

The Rise of Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes

  • World War I had established habits of military organization.
  • The war had aroused strong feelings.
  • The power of the state increased with state intervention in the economy and society during the crisis of 1929.

Three Stages of Colonization

  1. Occupation by conquest.
  2. Political and administrative control.
  3. Organization of the colonial economy.

Types of Colonies

  • Exploitation colonies.
  • Settler colonies.
  • Protectorates.

Causes of the First Industrial Revolution

  • Population Growth: Living conditions improved across Europe, with increases in food production and advances in hygiene and medicine.
  • The Agricultural Revolution: In 18th-century Europe, agricultural production increased, and crops became more varied. Mechanization of agriculture began with the steel plough. Animal and mineral fertilizers were widely used. Crop rotation was introduced.
  • Increased Trade: In Great Britain, foreign trade increased because the country dominated trade routes in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Domestic trade also grew.
  • Technological Advances: The Industrial Revolution was the start of the Machine Age.