Entity Relationship Model: Attributes, Entities, and Relationships

ER Model: Attributes, Entities, and Relationships

Attribute Definitions

  • Composite Attribute: An attribute composed of multiple components. Example: Full Name (First Name, Last Name).
  • Derived Attribute: An attribute calculated from other attributes. Example: Age (from Date of Birth).
  • Single-Valued Attribute: An attribute with only one value. Example: Social Security Number.
  • Multivalued Attribute: An attribute with multiple values. Example: Phone Numbers.
  • Simple Attribute: An attribute that cannot be divided. Example: Gender.

Entity Definitions

  • Strong Entity: An entity that exists independently. Example: Student.
  • Weak Entity: An entity dependent on a strong entity. Example: Dependent (relies on Employee).

Relationship Definitions

  • Strong Relationship: A relationship between independent entities. Example: Professor teaches Courses.
  • Weak Relationship: A relationship where a weak entity depends on a strong entity. Example: Dependent is associated with Employee.
  • Recursive Relationship: An entity related to itself. Example: Employee manages another Employee.

Weak Entity Conditions

Existence Dependency: A weak entity cannot exist without a strong entity.

Identification Dependency: A weak entity uses a foreign key from the strong entity as part of its primary key.

Relationship Properties

Connectivity: Type of relationship (1:1, 1:N). Example: Student enrolls in multiple Courses (1:N).

Cardinality: Number of instances related to another. Example: Each Course has 10-100 Students.

Design Conflicts

Data Redundancy Minimization vs. Speed Optimization: Normalization reduces redundancy but can slow down queries due to joins.

Entity Supertypes and Subtypes

Vehicle is the supertype.

  • Supertype: Vehicle (Vehicle ID, Make, Model, Year).
  • Subtypes: Car (Number of Doors, Trunk Size), Truck (Payload Capacity, Number of Axles).

Subtype Discriminator: Vehicle Type (e.g., Car or Truck).

Disjoint Subtypes: A vehicle cannot be both a Car and a Truck.

Total Completeness: Every Vehicle must be either a Car or a Truck.

Fan Trap Example

Incorrect ERD: Department connects to Manager and Project without a direct relationship between Manager and Project.

Explanation: No direct connection to determine which Manager is responsible for which Project.

Corrected ERD: Create a direct relationship between Manager and Project.

Entity Clusters

Definition: A group of entities and their relationships treated as a single abstract entity.

Advantage: Simplifies large ER diagrams by reducing visual clutter.