Environmental Damage: Societal vs. Personal Impact

Understanding the Core Message

The common theme of the two texts is the damage we are inflicting upon our environment. The first text is a webpage version of a brochure produced by an Australian NGO concerned about the future well-being of mankind. The second is an extract from the webpage of an American political cartoonist that includes a three-frame cartoon.

Deeper Analysis

Audience, Purpose, and Context

  • Audience: Text 1 targets a specific audience, primarily those already engaged with environmental issues, as it is produced by an NGO. Text 2 potentially reaches a broader audience due to its format as a political cartoon.
  • Purpose: Text 1 aims to critique society’s actions and advocate for a deeper understanding of the environment. Text 2 seeks to generate awareness and concern about environmental damage.
  • Context: Both texts address the pressing issue of environmental degradation but from different perspectives.

Approaches to the Topic

The two texts approach the topic with distinct strategies. Text 1 promotes a collaborative, caring, and “biosensitive” approach. It emphasizes the collective societal damage to the environment. Conversely, Text 2 depicts a sense of selfish panic, highlighting the personal consequences of environmental harm. Text 1 focuses on the societal impact, while Text 2 emphasizes the individual impact.

Language, Style, and Voice

Text 1 adopts a formal and informative tone, consistent with its origin as an NGO publication. It presents a serious and analytical perspective. Text 2, being a comic, employs an informal and satirical style. It highlights issues that may seem less significant to society but are crucial to the individual. Both texts explicitly state their viewpoints.

Structure, Visuals, and Layout

Text 1 follows a formal essay structure with a clear introduction, development, and conclusion, reflecting its serious nature. Text 2, as a comic, utilizes a more informal and visually engaging structure, allowing for simultaneous critique and informality. The cartoon strip’s details and the webpage’s header and menu contribute significantly to their respective effects.

Proactive vs. Reactive Responses

Text 1 is geared towards an environmentally conscious, proactive audience. Text 2 targets individuals who may be reactive to environmental issues, aiming to illustrate the personal damages and consequences of environmental problems.


In conclusion, Text 1 provides a comprehensive and informative overview of the environmental issue, presenting concrete facts that generate societal concern. Text 2, through its concise comic format, brings the environmental problem closer to the individual, not just those already concerned. Both texts effectively achieve their purposes by employing distinct approaches and styles to address the critical issue of environmental damage.