Environmental Issues and Policies: EU and Spain
Environmental Problems: A Global Crisis
The 20th-century economic model relied on mass production, consuming vast amounts of energy as if resources were limitless. This has caused major environmental problems:
Air Pollution
- Causes: Emissions from industries, power plants, traffic, and domestic heating.
- Consequences:
- Global warming and climate change (CO2 emissions).
- Thinning of the ozone layer (CFC emissions from refrigerants and aerosols).
- Acid rain (sulfur oxides and nitrogen emissions from central heating and coal-fired power plants, mixing with water vapor).
- Urban air pollution (fumes and gases from industry, traffic, and heating).
Overexploitation and Pollution of Water
- Overexploitation of Freshwater: Excessive water consumption exceeding available resources.
- Consequences: Decreased river flow, lower lake levels, and shrinking swamps.
- Water Pollution:
- Freshwater: Untreated discharges from agricultural activities, industrial processes, and urban areas.
- Saltwater: Municipal waste, ship emissions, and oil spills.
- Definition: The loss of vegetation cover.
- Causes: Massive burning or logging for timber or land clearing.
- Consequences: Increased CO2 emissions. Tropical forests have lost half their mass since 1950.
Soil Degradation
- One-quarter of the Earth’s soil has suffered erosion and pollution.
- Sources:
- Erosion: Deforestation and inappropriate agricultural practices.
- Pollution: Chemical discharges from agriculture, industry, and urban waste.
Reduction in Biodiversity
- Biodiversity: The variety of living species, both animal and plant, on Earth.
- Since the 17th century, thousands of plant and animal species have disappeared.
- Currently, 11,000 species are threatened with extinction.
Solutions to Environmental Problems
- These problems are global.
- Experts propose sustainable development, including:
- Creating protected natural areas.
- Implementing international environmental laws.
- Holding international conferences.
Environmental Problems and Policy of the EU
- Problems:
- Air pollution in industrial and urban areas.
- Pollution of rivers and coasts.
- Deforestation.
- Soil pollution and erosion.
- Generation of large volumes of municipal solid waste.
- EU Environmental Policy:
- Protection of Natural Areas: Each state proposes areas for European Commission approval.
- Prevention: Integrating environmental considerations into all EU policies and conducting environmental impact assessments before approving projects.
- Community Environmental Standards: Mandatory for all member states, with sanctions for noncompliance.
- European Funds: Allocated for environmental improvement.
Environmental Problems and Policy in Spain
- Economic and Environmental Activities:
- Agricultural Activities: Water pollution, overuse, and deforestation.
- Industrial and Energy Activities (especially chemical): Air, water, and soil pollution.
- Tertiary Activities (Urbanization, Waste, etc.): Urban pollution, noise. The negative impact increases with city size.
- Main Environmental Problems in Spain (similar to other EU countries):
- Air pollution.
- Water overexploitation (especially in the South Peninsular Industrial Areas).
- Soil disturbance (Levante and South Peninsular).
- Waste production (cities and Mediterranean coastal tourist areas).
- Environmental Policy in Spain: Determined by the EU and the Environment Ministry (created in 1996), focusing on:
- Protecting natural spaces.
- Prevention.
- Enforcing environmental standards.
The Environment in Cantabria
- Landscape Alteration: Mining and quarrying.
- Deforestation: Clearing land for pasture.
- Substitution of Native Plant Species.
- Water Pollution: From industrial and urban discharges.
- Coastal Degradation: Due to tourist exploitation.
- Air Pollution.
- Erosion Chemical Industry