Essential Business and Workplace Terminology
Bonus: When you get extra pay for working well
Committed: Dedicated
Computer literate: Able to use computers well
Consistent: Always acting in a positive way
Core skill: An activity needed to do a specific job
Corporate culture: The ideas and beliefs of a company and how it affects its life
Dedicated: Specifically devoted to something
Do overtime: Extra time
Earn an award: Win money for something, like a prize
Goal setting: Process of deciding what you want to achieve or what someone else should achieve
Hands-on training: Doing the work directly
Headhunter: Recruits employees
In-house: Done within the company, not outside
Intensive: Putting in a lot of effort
Learning goal: Something you want to achieve through study
Material incentive: When money or something else motivates you to do something
Personal development: Process of people improving within the company
Procedure: Set of actions that are the official way of doing something
Professionalism: Combination of qualities related to skills
Promote from within: Give someone a higher position
Quotation: Estimate of how much a job, service, or product will cost
Recognition: The act of giving someone money for something they did well
Safety regulation: A rule that protects people from harm
Supervisor: Supervisor
Tailor-made: Made especially for a person, organization, or purpose
Take on: Hire someone
Time management: Using your time well
Training budget: The amount of money you have to spend on teaching things in a particular job
Career coaching: Process of teaching skills needed to succeed in a job
Cashier: Person in charge of payments
Challenging: Demanding
Discipline: Making sure people obey the rules
Diversity: Variety
Effective promotional campaign: A good plan of activities intended to advertise something
Efficient: Using resources like time, materials, or energy without wasting them
Financial paperwork: Records of how much money is being spent
Fire: Dismiss
Fulfilling: Making you feel good
Issue: Give something to someone, especially officially
Large-scale project: Project on a large scale
Performance: How you perform at work
Personnel: Department of a company that deals with employees
Personnel: Employees
Pull the wool over someone’s eyes: Prevent someone from discovering something
Role: Position in the company
Selling point: Feature of a product or service that will persuade people to buy it
Thrive: Grow, develop, and become successful
Warehouse: Storage facility
Workwise: Related to work
Advertising campaign: Publicity campaign
Approval: Official permission or agreement for something
Assign: Give a particular job to someone
Brand: Name of a product
Colleague: Person you work with
Compile documents: Collect information from papers
Embarrassment: When you feel nervous, worried, or anxious
Emphasize: Show that something is very important
File: Store information carefully
Follow up: Do something to complete a previous action successfully
Get a complete picture: Understand someone or something better
Go straight in the bin: Immediately discard something
Image: Way someone is perceived
Initiate: Start something
Innovate: Introduce new ideas or methods
Inspire: Motivate
Intellectually stimulating: Encouraging you to think or understand new, more complicated ideas
Interact: Communicate
Internship: Work experience program
Intimidate: Frighten or threaten someone
Prospective employer: Person or organization that might hire you in the future
Referee: Person who understands you when it comes to getting a new job
Speak out freely: Give your opinion without filter
Stay on one’s toes: Give all your attention to what you are doing
Wisdom: Ability to use your knowledge to make good decisions
Workplace: Where you work
Account for: Form the total of something
Attitude: Feeling or opinion about something
Carry out research: Complete a study
Charge: Ask for an amount of money for something
Check availability: Find out if something is allowed to be sold, used, etc.
Critical: Very important for the progress and success of something
Crucial: Very important or necessary
Drive: Cause or influence something
Finalize: Make a final decision about something
Form an impression (of sth or sb): Have an idea or opinion of what something is like
Get sth put up on the screen: Make something visible or readable on a computer
Hold on: Wait while someone does something
Incoming phone call: When someone calls you
Intended recipient: The person who is supposed to receive something
Progress report: Description of an event that explains how much progress has been made
Rate: Amount of money that is charged or paid for a particular service
Reinforce: Make an idea or belief stronger
At: Exact moment in time – beginning or end
For: Parts of the day – months, years – part of a period of time
On: Days or dates
For: To say what time something needs to be done – number of hours, days, or years to say how long something has been happening
During: Period of time when something happened but not how long
Since: Moment in the past to say when something started and is still happening now
From: Beginning or end of a period of time from-to
Until: To say up to this time
By: When something must be completed