Essential Business English Vocabulary for Success
Aim for–
Aspira a-Jack is aiming for becoming the president of the company somebody.
Bachelor´s degree-
a university degree–
Most well-paying jobs today require at least a bachelor’s degree.
Be in high demand-
ser popular-be popular-
Auge-be very successful-The boom of the 1920s ended with the Wall Street Crash.
it is a place where you can buy sth or get some info- The knitting club has a booth at the county fair this year.
Be screened
Ser examinado-be examined to be selected-
Benefit from-
beneficiarse de-profit from-A wise investor will enjoy good benefits from both rising and falling markets.
Competitive field
Campo competitivo-
Curso-programme of study- Mr. Adams is teaching the course.
carrera-profesion-Many children want a career as a doctor.
Cater to
Atender/satisf-meet demands-Just because he’s the boss he thinks I have to cater to his every desire.
Charge for
Cobrar por-require payment-Airlines charge for everything these days; you even have to pay for peanuts.
Comment on
Comentar-make remarks-The President refused to comment on his secretary’s accusations.
Congratulated on-
felicitar-express joy for [sb])-Everyone congratulated us on our stroke of luck.
Cope with-
lidiar con- deal with- Renoir coped with severe rheumatoid arthritis for the last 25 years of his life.
Do overtime-
hacer horas extras-extra hours-I’m doing some overtime this week, as I need extra money.
Grado-academic qualification- He has a degree in English from the University of Virginia.
Digital native-
origen digital-digital indigenious-
tomar deciciones-making decissions-Digital natives like these kids understand the games instinctively.
Disuadir-disuade- Simon was concerned about Maria driving home after drinking a bottle of wine and did his best to discourage her.
puesto básico-basiclevel-Most college graduates start with an entry-level job, but hope for a quick promotion.
excluir-keep out-(entails)- The cool girls excluded Wendy from their group.
Apasionante-thrilling(dull)- Their engagement was exciting news.
Engage in
Participar-involve in- It is important to engage children in discussions about issues that affect the whole family.
de primera catego-excellent- The dinner was absolutely first rate, Joan.
Full time-
tiempo completo-completly time-Now that I moved from part time to full time I’m covered under the company’s medical program.
Glance at–
Echar un vistazo-look quickly at- Mark kept glancing at the door to see if his date had arrived. We glanced at each other discreetly.
contratar-employ smby for wages-The company won a contract and hired one hundred new staff.
Artesano-craft done manually-That cow cheese is handworking Internship–
Practicas-period of practical experience- Tom got an internship at his dad’s company during college.Interpersonal skills–
Habs en las relaciones-abilities to manage with people-
Incrementar-go up(lessens)- House prices have increased by 5%.
en profundidad-in great detail-I’ll go through the report in depth when I have time.
multitarea-doing several task at the same time- The new employee is good at multitasking.
On the job-
en el lugar de trabajo-at work–
Apprentices are trained while on the job.
puesto de trabajo-job-Steve hopes for a position in sales.
Praise for-
alabar- speak highly of [sb]- She was praised for her volunteer work.
Present with-
Oscilar-variery- The possible values range from five to fifty.
gratificante-satisfying-Teaching is hard work, but it’s rewarding Recruit people–
Cntratar gente-seek for employment-The company recruited Philip as their new IT manager.
React to
Reaccionar a- Workers reacted to the news of planned job losses by staging a strike.
recordar alguien-resemble [sb You remind me so much of my youngest son.
Personal-workers- The company is planning to hire new staff soon. How many staff are there in total at your school?
Autónomo-independent-Charlotte loved being self-employed because she was her own boss and could work from home.
sincero-honest- David is a straightforward guy; he always says what he thinks.
Specialise in-
especializarse en-study [sth] as main subject- Tina decided she wanted to specialize in education.
Substitude for-
sustituir-use in place of [sth] else- Since I’m lactose intolerant, I substituted water for milk in the recipe.
Think outside the box-
pensar fuera de lo comun-have original ideas-Sometimes Susie, you need to think outside of the box.-
resolver-diagnose and solve problems- This guide will help you troubleshoot common problems with the system
Confiable-can be trusted-The business owner was lucky to have trustworthy employees to keep things running smoothly in his absence.
Work freelance-
autnomo workforce-totaldetrabjs-allworkers