Essential Concepts in Engineering Ethics and Project Management
0. Concurrent Engineering
1. What is a Code of Ethics?
2. What are the general obligations of the engineer?
3. What obligations does the engineer acquire to his client?
4. Explain at least four of the powers which Law 12/1986 recognizes for the industrial engineer.
5. What requirements must be met for the free exercise of the profession (self) as a technical engineer?
6. What conditions must be met for the exercise of the profession for others, as a technical engineer?
7. What responsibilities are assumed by the industrial engineer in business?
8. Explain the three characteristics of an organization.
9. What trait defines a manager? What skills are required of the manager?
10. Explain the management functions.
11. Explain the convergence of business interests.
12. What is the organization of functional units of a company?
13. Advantages and disadvantages of the organization of a project team.
14. The managerial function: its role in technical-productive processes.
15. Trends in production systems.
16. What technical functions occupy the company?
17. The technical office: aims, objectives, and structure.
18. Functions of the office of studies and projects.
19. Activities of the office of methods and times.
20. Objectives and activities developed by the office of machinery, tooling, and tools.
21. Explain: What are standards, and what are the benefits of standardization?
22. What is a “Technical Specification”?
23. What are the characteristics of the “Standards”?
24. Explain the “end” of standardization.
25. What is covered by standards?
26. What are the standards?
27. What do you intend to achieve with activity standards?
28. Explain: Classification of standards by their content.
29. Explain: Classification of standards by their scope.
30. Advantages of standardization for the technical office.
31. Standardization activity in Spain: Who is responsible, and what are the objectives of this institution?
32. Process of preparation of the UNE.
33. What is accreditation and what guarantees does it provide?
34. What regulates quality infrastructure and industrial safety?
35. What is the National Accreditation Body (ENAC)?
36. What are Conformity Assessment Bodies?
37. Assessment of compliance by the regulatory sector.
38. Assessment of compliance by the voluntary sector.
39. What is a certificate?
40. Utility of certification.
41. Characteristics and objectives of certification.
42. Benefits of certification to the manufacturer.
43. Certification benefits to the consumer.
44. Explain: Types of certification.
45. What is “Compulsory Certification”?
46. Types of compulsory certification.
47. What does the CE mark signify?
48. State the concept of: Technical Report.
49. List the parts of a technical report.
50. Competence areas of a technical report.
51. Reasons for a technical report.
52. Classification of technical reports.
53. Explain: Parts of the technical report.
54. Explain the characteristics of a technical report.
55. Explain the stages of drafting a technical report.
56. How to submit a technical report?
57. Present the three elements that serve as a guide in drafting a technical report.
58. Concept paper by David Cleand.
59. Brown project concept as nonsense.
60. Difference between internal and external projects.
61. Explain: Project objectives.
62. Explain: The three basic stages of the project process.
63. Explain: Customer functions.
64. The figure of the client in internal and external projects.
65. What are the most frequent defects in the project attributable to the customer?
66. Explain: Technical component of the bid.
67. Explain: Commercial component of the bid.
68. Explain the four characteristics presented by the industrial project.
69. Explain: The three basic aspects to consider in all project management.
70. Project according to classical theory.
71. Explain: “The project in its entirety”.
72. What do “Previous Studies” consist of?
73. What issues are discussed in “Technical Analysis”?
74. What issues are discussed in the study of economic and financial viability?
75. What is a preliminary draft and for what purpose is it usually done?
76. Explain: The documents that incorporate a draft.
77. Concept: Technical and Industrial Project.
78. Assumptions for all “Project Force”.
79. According to classical theory: Incorporating the project documents.
80. According to UNE 157001/2002, what basic documents, and in what order, should incorporate the project?
81. General requirements to be satisfied by the project documents.
82. Criteria for management of project documentation.
83. Purpose of UNE 157001/2002.
84. What is a core document in UNE 157001/2002?
85. What is the difference between a project and a project administrative executive?
86. What is a data item in the project?
87. Basic document memory: What is the purpose? What is being described?
88. Order of priority among the basic documents.
89. In the basic document attachments: How to present the calculations?
90. Plans to include in a proposed electric rate.
91. What is the mission of the specification?
92. State the contents of the specification.
93. Mission and contents of state measurements.
94. Voice: What is the budget by the project and presents earnings?
95. How to set the budget for implementation material?
96. How to set the budget for hire?
97. Explain the structure of the project budget.
98. What are the studies of its own, and how do they relate?
99. When should an Environmental Impact Study be included?
100. What content would include a Basic Study of Safety and Health?
101. What is the legal processing of the project?
102. Explain: Bodies and stages of project processing.
103. What is the Custom Sheet?
104. What is the endorsement of the project, and where is it done?
105. What visa is credited on the project?
106. What is the “Book of orders and assists”?
107. Red tape to the City Council before the activity of an industry.
108. Documents to be submitted to the City Council with a request for a building permit.
109. License types for “Open Activity”.
110. Proceedings before the City Council: Terms of its importance.
111. Procedures before the Ministry of Industry.
112. What is the Industrial Registry? What is included in the registry?
113. What information is required to provide to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs? What instrument?
114. Explicit some features on projects that have been recognized by the Ministry of Public Works (Public Works).
115. Explain the processing of LV Electrical Installations.
116. What is the work and what agents are involved?
117. List the activities developed in the work.
118. In a project, what are the certifications?
119. What is meant by technical direction of the project?
120. What are the characteristics of the technical direction of the project?
121. What functions does the director perform?
122. What responsibilities are assumed by the director?
123. Regarding the theory of project management, particularly at the stage of project preparation and organization, what activities would be integrated into the preparation?
124. Explicit disturbance factors internal and external to the project manager will face.
125. Explain: The primary mission of the project manager and specific features thereof.
126. Directions of activity of the project manager on your team.
127. Explain the profile of the project manager.
128. What is meant by leadership style of the project director?
129. Explain the relationship between the style of influence and style of conflict resolution.
130. What is meant by “leader”? What characteristics are presented by the “leader”?
131. What is meant by project management?
132. Explain: Project management, three facets to harmonize.
133. Basic principles for good management.
134. What are the most sensitive and important aspects of project management?
135. Explain what variable management is.
136. The fourth objective of the project.
137. List the three phases of the project management process.
138. Causes of project failure.
139. Errors to avoid in project management.
140. Regarding the preparation of the project, what activities does it involve?
141. Regarding the organization of the project, explain the point about the Millennium Project and Director.
142. Regarding the organization of the project, explain the point about the identification and description of project activities.
143. Regarding the organization of the project, explain the point about project resources.
144. Regarding the organization of the project, explain the point about the priority or precedence of project activities.
145. Regarding the organization of the project, explain the point about the costs and delays of the project.
146. Regarding the organization of the project, explain the point about the review of objectives and planning.
147. In the project, what planning techniques are used?
148. Characteristics of project planning.
149. Application of programming techniques to the project: steps and results.
150. What is control in the project?
151. Explain the different techniques of project scheduling with and without time scale.
152. Restrictions on the Gantt chart.
153. Typical applications of the Gantt chart.
154. Objective, idea, and results of PERT.
155. What is the Critical Path?
ITEM 11:
156. Why do so many accidents happen?
157. When should safety measures be adopted for a safe installation?
158. What is meant by safety in the workplace? What are the ways of ensuring safety performance?
159. Explain the four conditions to be met by a project to proceed to make a Basic Study of Safety and Health.
160. The basic study of safety and health: What is it? Who prepares it? Who approves it? What is its content? Where is it located?
161. Explain the content that legally should be included in a Basic Study of Safety and Health.
162. Definition of workplace.
163. Minimum dimensions of the workplace.
164. Fundamental characteristics of the soils.
165. Conditions to meet the rails.
166. Ladders: Main features.
167. Ladders: Use.
168. Distribution of the machines.
169. Fundamental housekeeping procedures.
170. Key features of the lighting.
171. Explain: The triple aspect of color.
172. Toilets.
173. Rest rooms and provisional facilities.
174. Local first aid.
175. First aid materials.
ITEM 13:
176. What is it and what does the Patent and Trademark Office of Spain (SPTO) deal with?
177. Explain: The dual mission of the SPTO.
178. What is industrial property?
179. What is protected by the legal concept of industrial property?
180. List the titles of industrial protection and what they protect.
181. What is intellectual property?
182. What is copyright?
183. Explain: What is a patent? What are its features?
184. Explain the spirit of the patent system.
185. Explain: What is a profit model? What are its features?
186. Explain the tools of industrial design protection.
187. What is a brand? What can be protected by the mark? What are the features of a brand? What types of brands are there?
188. What is a business sign?
189. What must an invention meet to be patentable?
190. What cannot be patented?
191. Information that supports the patent system.
192. What information technology services does the SPTO provide?
193. What is meant by technology transfer?
194. What should be avoided in the case of technology transfer?
195. Major items in technology transfer contracts.