Essential Elements of Tournament and Event Management

Tournaments: General

  • 1. Aspects: Regulatory: This refers to the rules and conditions that govern the tournament, including database development, objectives of the tournament, registration, type of competition, date, place, time, and overall control of the tournament.
  • 2. Materials: Campus competition, competition implements, attachments control, and arbitration in the tournament.
  • 3. Human: Working committees, arbitration, competitors.

Phases of a Tournament or Event: In any event, whether sporting or recreational, we can define five phases to be executed for successful development:

  • Organization: Planning and forms of execution, preparation of general competition basis.
  • Programming: Programming schedules, identification of places or courts.
  • Distribution: Advertising the event, publication of results during and after the tournament.
  • Realization Event: Competency development, opening, competition, awards, and closing ceremonies.
  • Assessment: Analysis of activities conducted, conclusions on the positive and negative.

League System:

  • 1. Championship Points: Systems in which each participant faces all other competitors, and the participant or team with the most points at the end of all participation dates wins the tournament.
  • 2. Championship Elimination: Systems that eliminate participants in each round, reducing the number of participants by half after each entry.
  • 3. Combined Tournament: This type of tournament system connects one or more systems of competition, commonly combining the points system and the single-elimination format.

Events: A major event that is scheduled, social, academic, artistic, or athletic, motivated by the celebration of some event or the disclosure of any significant fact.

  • Event Types:
  • Social: Baptisms, weddings, anniversaries.
  • Business: Product launches.
  • Cultural: Exhibitions, concerts, presentations.
  • Academic: Delivery of diplomas, beginning of the school year.
  • Scientific: Conferences, conventions, forums.
  • Sports: Championships, races.
  • Recreation: Popular games, children’s parties.
  • Macro Events Commercial: Fairs and exhibitions.
  • Macro Events Cultural: Festivals, film weeks.

A Leader Needs: Plan, organize, execute, control.

Leave No Trace:

  • 1. Plan and Prepare: Your trip in advance. Include information on routes, select appropriate luggage, and supplies to minimize impact on the environment.
  • 2. Travel and Camp: On resistant surfaces. For safety and to minimize impacts, respect existing paths and, where there are no paths, move as a group in a fan (not all in one line) to avoid creating new paths.
  • 3. Properly Dispose of Waste: When there are no trash cans, take your trash back and avoid contaminating water sources.
  • 4. Respect Wildlife: Observe from a distance, do not destroy habitats, move quietly, and respect natural corridors.
  • 5. Minimize Fire Impact: Follow area rules for making fires, use firewood no thicker than wrist size, make small fires, completely burn wood until white, and scatter ashes once cool.
  • 6. Consider Other Visitors: Respect other visitors and locals, and their right to rest and solitude.
  • 7. Leave What You Find: Do not take exotic flowers or other elements from the area, allowing others to enjoy them as well.