Essential English Grammar: Vocabulary, Tenses, and More
- Avoid: Evitar
- A lie: Una mentira
- A game: Un juego
- Approached: Se acercó
- Beyond: Más allá de
- Being ill: Estar enferma
- Being tired: Estar cansada
- Badly: Gravemente
- Bluff: Fanfarronear
- Careful: Cuidadosa
- Cautious: Precavida
- Challenge: Desafío, reto
- Dangerous: Peligroso
- Daredevil: Temeraria
- Deal with: Encargarme de esto
- Deceive: Engañar
- Disguised: Disfrazada
- Deceptive: Engañoso
- Disturb: Molestar
- Distress: Angustia
- Doubt: Duda
- Excited: Emocionado
- Enthusiastic: Entusiasta
- End up: Terminar
- Embarrassed: Avergonzada
- Exploits: Hazañas
- Feeling lazy: Sentirse perezosa
- Fall or: Caer o
- Fascinate: Fascinar
- Frustrate: Frustrar
- Fear: Miedo
- Fairly: Equitativamente
- Glamorous: Atractiva
- Hazardous: Peligroso
- Hesitate: Dudar
- Haunted: Obsesionada
- Help: Ayuda
- Live on the edge: Vivir al límite
- Imitate: Imitar
- Liar: Mentiroso
- Move less fast: Moverse menos rápido
- Misled: Engañado
- Mirrors: Espejo
- Misleads: Engaña
- Motivate: Motivar
- Outcome: Resultado
- Play it safe: Juega con suavidad
- Play with fire: Jugar con fuego
- Power: Fuerza
- Pain: Dolor
- Pleased: Complacida
- Petrified: Petrificado
- Pointed at: Pintado en
- Pops up: Aparecer
- Risk taker: Tomar riesgos
- Risky venture: Empresa arriesgada
- Rewards: Recompensas
- Right: Derecha
- Slow down: Desacelerar
- Speed up: Acelerar
- Struggle: Lucha
- Shake with fear: Temblar de miedo
- Skilled: Experto
- Shiver: Temblar
- Spotted: Manchado
- Showed: Apareció
- Spot: Lugar
- Scam: Estafa
- Sooner or later: Tarde o temprano
- Shock: Choque
- Threatening: Amenazante
- Tempted: Tentado
- Targeted: Dirigido
- Truth: Verdad
- Thought: Pensamiento
- Trust: Confianza
- Use: Usar
- Well: Buena
- Wonder: Preguntarse
English Tenses
Present Simple
I work. You work. He works. She works. We work. They work.
Present Continuous
I am working. You are working. He is working. She is working. We are working. They are working.
Present Perfect
I have worked. You have worked. He has worked. She has worked. We have worked. They have worked.
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been working. You have been working. He has been working. She has been working. We have been working. They have been working.
Past Simple
I worked. You worked. He worked. She worked. We worked. They worked.
Past Continuous
I was working. You were working. He was working. She was working. We were working. They were working.
Past Perfect
I had worked. You had worked. He had worked. She had worked. We had worked. They had worked.
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been working. You had been working. He had been working. She had been working. We had been working. They had been working.
Future Simple
I will work. You will work. He will work. She will work. We will work. They will work.
Future Continuous
I will be working. You will be working. He will be working. She will be working. We will be working. They will be working.
Future Perfect
I will have worked. You will have worked. He will have worked. She will have worked. We will have worked. They will have worked.
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been working. You will have been working. He will have been working. She will have been working. We will have been working. They will have been working.
Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerund: -ing
Infinitive: to + verb
Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses
- Whose: (cuya, suya) possessive
- Who: (quien, el/la cual) people
- Which: (que, el/la cual) animals or things
- Where: (donde)
- When: (cuando)
- That, What: (cuando no hay antecedente)
Non-defining: Does not specify, adds non-relevant information, uses commas.
Defining: Specifies, does not use commas.
Relative Clauses
Whose, who, which, where, when, why
Modal Verbs and Modal Perfects
- Must (have): Debe haber (pasado)
- Might (have): Podría haber (pasado)
- Can’t have: (No puede ser) pasado
- Couldn’t have: (No debe ser) pasado
- Could have: (Podría haber) pasado
- Should have: (Debería ser) pasado
- Shouldn’t have: (No debería haber) pasado
- Would have: (Habría) pasado
Too: Demasiado, Too much: Incontable, Too many: Contable, Enough: Suficiente
Reported Speech
- Ask: Preguntar
- Asked to: Pedir que haga algo
She told me…
You should make the beds, she said. She advised us to make the beds.
- May: Pedir permiso
- Warn: Advertir
- Be able to: Ser capaz de
- Can: Yo sé, yo puedo
- Remember: Me acuerdo de
- Reminded: Me recordó que