Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Tenses
Essential English Vocabulary
Fain: Débil / Rough: Aspre
Blinding: Encegador / Silent: Callat
Bright: Brillant / Slimy: Viscós
Crunchy: Cruixent / Smooth: Suavitzar
Dark: Fosc / Spicy: Picant
Deafening: Sorollós / Stinky: Pudent
Fragrant: Perfumat / Sweet: Dolç
Hard: Dur / Soft: Suau
Rich: Ric (menjar)
Proud: Orgullós / Confident: Segur
Friendly: Amigable / Shy: Insegur
Lazy: Mandrós / Cowardly: Covard
Patient: Pacient / Dim: Contrari a intel·ligent
Cheerful: Alegre / Light-hearted: De bon cor
Jealous: Gelós / Timid: Tímid
Well-behaved: Educat / Bossy: Atrevit
Clever: Intel·ligent / Courageous: Coratjós
Serious: Seriós / Rude: Mal educat
Phrasal Verbs
- Feel like: (Sentir-se com) (I feel like giving up)
- Hear of: (Sentir parlar de) (Have you heard of the 21 senses?)
- Listen out for: (Estar a l’escolta de) (Please listen out for the next announcement)
- Look into: (Investigar) (Can you look into the truth of this for me?)
- See through: (Veure a través de) (Let’s see this project through to the end)
- Sniff around: (Tafanejar) (I will sniff around and see what I can find)
- Swallow up: (Esgotant) (This is difficult, and it’s swallowing up all my time)
- Touch on: (Tocar) (I think he briefly touched on it in her lecture)
Present Simple
I: (‘m like) (don’t like) (do I like?)
You, we, you, they: (are like) (don’t like) (do you like?)
He, she, it: (is likes) (doesn’t like) (does he like?)
Usos: (hàbits, situacions permanents, stative verbs (believe, know, remember, forget…))
Present Continuous
I: (‘m swimming) (am not swimming) (Am I swimming?)
You, we, you, they: (are swimming) (aren’t swimming) (Are you swimming?)
He, she, it: (is swimming) (isn’t swimming) (is he swimming?)
Usos: (coses que passen en el moment, coses temporals, situacions canviants)
Past Simple
I: (wanted) (didn’t want) (did I want?)
You, we, you, they: (wanted) (didn’t want) (did you want?)
He, she, it: (wanted) (didn’t want) (did he want?)
Usos: (coses que ja han passat)
Past Continuous
I: (was talking) (wasn’t talking) (was I talking?)
You, we, you, they: (were talking) (weren’t talking) (were you talking?)
He, she, it: (was talking) (wasn’t talking) (was he talking?)
Usos: (acció que passa en el passat i té un progrés, acció en el passat interrompuda per una altra)
Present Perfect Simple
I: (have gone) (haven’t gone) (have I gone?)
You, we, you, they: (have gone) (haven’t gone) (have you gone?)
He, she, it: (has gone) (hasn’t gone) (has he gone?)
Usos: (experiències de la vida, “since o for” en passat, “just, yet o already” en passat)
Present Perfect Continuous
I: (have been talking) (haven’t been talking) (have I been talking?)
You, we, you, they: (have been talking) (haven’t been talking) (have you been talking?)
He, she, it: (has been talking) (hasn’t been talking) (has he been talking?)
Past Perfect Simple
I: (had finished) (hadn’t finished) (had I finished?)
You, we, you, they: (had finished) (hadn’t finished) (had you finished?)
He, she, it: (had finished) (hadn’t finished) (had he finished?)
Usos: (accions que passen abans que una altra acció en el passat)
Past Perfect Continuous
I: (had been talking) (hadn’t been talking) (had I been talking?)
You, we, you, they: (had been talking) (hadn’t been talking) (had you been talking?)
He, she, it: (had been talking) (hadn’t been talking) (had he been talking?)
Yes/no: (will) (won’t) (will “I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they” buy?)
Usos: (prediccions generals, accions que s’occurreixin en el moment)
Going to
I: (am going to work) (am not going to work) (am I going to work?)
You, we, you, they: (are going to work) (aren’t going to work) (are going to work?)
He, she, it: (is going to work) (isn’t going to work) (is going to work?)
Usos: (prediccions amb evidències, intencions o plans)
Future Perfect Simple
I: (will have gone) (won’t have gone) (will I have gone?)
You, we, you, they: (will have gone) (won’t have gone) (will you have gone?)
He, she, it: (will have gone) (won’t have gone) (will he have gone?)
Usos: (coses que acaben en un temps específic en el futur)
Future Continuous
I: (will be waiting) (won’t be waiting) (will I be waiting?)
You, we, you, they: (will be waiting) (won’t be waiting) (will you be waiting?)
He, she, it: (will be waiting) (won’t be waiting) (will he be waiting?)
Usos: (coses que tenen un progrés en un temps específic del futur)