Essential English Vocabulary and Phrases for Crime and Daily Use
Essential English Vocabulary
Crime Vocabulary
Verbs, Nouns, and People:
- Rob (a bank) (robar) → robbery → robber
- Steal (robar) → theft → thief/thieves
- Mug (atracar) → mugging → mugger
- Slay/Kill (matar) → slaying/killing → slayer/killer
- Murder (matar) → murder → murderer
- Burgle (entrar a robar a casa) → burglary → burglar
- Set fire to (incendiar) → arson → arsonist
- Shoplift (robar a botigues) → shoplifting → shoplifter
- Bully (fer bulling) → bullying → bully
- Cheat (copiar en un examen) → cheating → cheater
- Embezzle (malversar) → embezzlement
- Bribe (sobornar) → bribery
- Blackmail (xantatge emocional) → blackmail → blackmailer
- Deceive (enganyar) → deceit → deceiver
- Suffocate (asfixiar) → suffocation
- Poison (enverinar) → poisoning
- Harass (acusar sexualment) → harassment
- Rape (violar) → rape → rapist
- Kidnap (ransom) (segrestar (rescat)) → kidnap → kidnapper
- Hijack (segrestar un avió) → hijack → hijacker
- Joyride (conduir begut) → joyriding
- Hit and drive (donar-se a la fuga) → hitting and driving
- Batter (dona maltractada) → battering → battered
- Brutalize (home maltractat) → brutalizing → brutalized
- Vandalize (vandalisme) → vandalizing → vandals
- Libel (dir mentides) → libel
- Hack (hacker) → hacking → hacker
- Smuggle (fer contraband) → smuggling → smuggler
- Drugdeal (camell) → drug dealing → drug dealer
- Malinger (fingir ser malalt) → malingering → malingerer
- Forge (falsificar) → forgery → forger
Useful Dialogue Expressions
Take into account → tenir en compte
Weigh the pros and cons → sospesar els pros i els contres
Bear in mind → aprofitar-se d’alguna cosa
It is my belief → El meu pensament
I am of the opinion that → expressar opinió
A great number of/a huge amount of/plenty of → qualsevol
Upset → malestar
Delighted → encantat
Hilarious → lleig
Moody → bipolar
Grumpy → rondinaire
Big-headed → cregut
Strong-willed → força de voluntat
Make a proposal → fer propostes
Put an end to something → posar fi a alguna cosa
Get across the message that → transmetre un missatge
Have a positive/negative effect on → tenir un efecte positiu o negatiu
Face up to a fact/reality/a problem → enfrontar-se
Carry out a project/research → portar a terme
Point out that → assenyalar
Do harm to/damage → fer malbé
Take measures to + verb → prendre mesures
It seems as if + sentence → sembla que
Insist on → insistir en
Consist of/in → consistir en
Depend on → dependre de
Take care of → tenir cura de
Worry about → preocupar-se
Look forward to + -ing → esperem
It is worth + -ing → val la pena
Be/get used to + -ing → acostumar-se
Instead of → en lloc de
With regard to → en relació amb
However → no obstant això
Nevertheless → però
In addition → a més
Moreover → d’altra banda
Furthermore → a més
On the other hand → per contra
Compound Nouns
: police car->cotxe policia; detective series->detectiu de la sèrie; exam results->resultats dels exàmens; football team->equip de futbol; traffic lights->semàfor; buses stop->els autobusos paren; summer holidays->vacances d’estiu; community service->servei a la comunitat; crime scene->l’escena del crim; defence lawyer->l’advocat defensor; keyboard->teclat; notebook->portàtil; policeman->policia. PREPOSITIONS+NOUN PHRASES:at all times->en tot moment; at risk->en situació de risc; by accident->per accident; by yourself->per si mateix; in front->al davant; in debt->en el deute; without doubt->sense cap dubte; without exception->sense cap excepció; against the law->contra la llei; against the odds->contra vent i marea;on purpose-> a propòsit, on your own->pell seu compte; under arrest->sota arrest; under the circumstances->donades les circumstàncies; for a living->per guanyar-se la vida; for certain->per a determinats. 6)a)”If I were you, Mrs Huggins, I would take traveller’s cheques”, said the bank manager.-> The bank manager advised MrsH. to take traveller’s cheques. b)”Don’t forget(oblidar) to fasten you seat belts”, said the flight attendant->The flight attendant reminded them to fasten their seat belts. c)”I can’t fill out this form”,”Don’t worry, I’ll show you”, said the secretary-> The secretary offered to show me to fill out that form. d)”Would you like to see my paintings, Judy?”, he said.->He invited Judy to see his paintings. E)”I will go to the party even if my parent don’t allow me”, she said.->She insist on going to the party. f)”You stole my money from my purse last week!”Tony said-> Toni accused him of having stolen his money from his the week before. g) “I never took your money from your wallet!” said Mildred->Mildred denien having taken his money from his wallet. h)”You must play well today”, the manager said, “it’s the most important match of the season”.-> The manager encouraged them to play well that day. i)Business should improve soon”, said the Minister-> The Minister expected Business to improve soon. J)”Well done! You played incredibly well!”, said the couch.-> The couch congratullated them on playing incredibly well. k)”Go away, all of you”, she said, “Leave me alone”.-> She told them to go away and leave her alone. l)”You can’t come into this night club wearing jeans Miss” the doorman said.->The doorman forebade(forbit) her to come into that night club wearing jeans. m)”I’m awfully sorry, I didn’t notice the place was already taken”, said she.-> She apologied for not noticing the place was already taken. n)”I wouldn’t go near(a prop) her if I were you”, he said.->He warned him not to go near her.